"All The Constellations" - Chapter 6: Interaction

Jun 02, 2008 19:18

Read about Sawyer and Mia here: HRD's Constellations.

Location: The Yegaread Living History Museum

Kaya: I hate this job, I hate this job, I hate this job.

Sawyer: Nice of you to show up.
Kaya: *snort* Like I care about impressing you with punctuality.

Sawyer: Here, you left this here last time.
Kaya: Gimme.
Sawyer: *taunting* Now, now, that’s not polite.
Kaya: Beings such as yourself don’t deserve courtesy.
Sawyer: I could put it on for you…
Kaya: *aghast* I would rather boil the flesh off my own hand.

Sawyer: Touchy.
Kaya: Whatever. So, we’re doing weapons demonstrations today?
Sawyer: Yes. You’re on bow and arrow today.
Kaya: Why am I always stuck with the girl weapons?
Sawyer: Um, because if you haven’t noticed, you’re the girl?

Sawyer: Let me help you.
Kaya: You know I don’t like you, so why do you continue to bother?

Sawyer: Kaya…
Kaya: Give it up, you cretin. I don’t care if you were the last man on earth. I’d go lesbian.
Sawyer: Kaya, wait-

*Kaya looks as if she’s remembering something*

Kaya: What the HELL is your problem?!?! Don’t EVER touch me again!!
Sawyer: I’m not sorry.

Kaya: *exasperated* It’s shit like that, Sawyer James, that makes you so reprehensible.
*Kaya walks away*
Sawyer: *To himself* And it’s shit like that, Kaya Tripp, that makes you so irresistible.

Location: Josie and Gideon’s Apartment

Josie: Go away. I’m tired and pregnant and I don’t want to deal with you right now. And Gideon, if you forgot your key again, you’ll just have to scale the fire escape.

Mia: Fine, I’ll leave.

Josie: MIA!!! Come help your pregnant sister get up so she can give you a hug!!
Mia: Always the clever one, Josephine.

Mia: And how is my niece doing?
Josie: Fine. I’m good too, by the way.
Mia: Well, I figured as much.

Josie: So why are you back from Paris?
Mia: I would never miss the birth of my big sister’s first child!...Plus, it’s almost August, so all that’s left at the club is...tourists *shudders*

Mia: C’est la vie d’une amuseuse!
Josie: Or stripper, whatever.

Josie: Whatever you need to tell yourself, little sister.
Mia: Jerk.
Josie: Ah, but you love me anyways.

Location: Najae

Eva: Can I get a listing for Natalie Roma, please? It’d be a few years old; she hasn’t lived in New York for a while.

Eva: Nothing? Well, thanks anyways.

Eva: Well, Bear, that was a dead end. But we’ve only just begun.

Eva: Who are you, Natalie Roma?

To Be Continued....

Ah, thus begins the saga of Kaya and Sawyer. I love them. They were my first (and favorite) dolly couple. And there's costumes involved this time!!!

And lovely miss Mia makes her first appearance. About Mia's line about August and tourists: in France, almost the entire country shuts down for a month-long vacation in August. So Paris is pretty vacated, and all that's left is tourists. That's why Mia is escaping :P And yes, I'm not going to explain the whole face paint thing. Just accept it :D

Josie's baby is a girl, I decided, ever since I bought that ddung doll I was lusting after :P

If you noticed, Sawyer and Kaya work at the Yegaread Living History Museum. "Yegaread" is the name of the museum we made up for our sixth grade project for my gifted class. We were doing a morning show called "Tomorrow" about photography during which I had to report "live" from the museum. My two group members went by the names "Barbara Sawyer" and "Diane Walters." The girl playing Barbara (her name was Kay) wore this hideous blonde wig. It was awesome. Even six years later, all I can remember about that project was the Yegaread museum and Kay's sign off, during which she said: "Tomorrow on Tomorrow, we will have a special report on egg shaped noodles." We were 12. We were lame. We know.
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