"All The Constellations" - Chapter 9: Perception

Jun 12, 2008 13:16

No new characters, but this is my favorite chapter to date.

Location: The Philadelphia Public Library

Jana: Il est allé au supermarché. Pourquoi?
Ruthie: *distracted*
Jana: Pourquoi, Ruth?

Jana: Ruth? Are you even listening?
Ruth: Yeah, whatever.

Jana: Ruth, you need to focus.
Ruth: Don’t call me Ruth. I hate that.
Jana: Then what would you like to be called? Your middle name’s Ann, right? How about Annie?
Ruth: I don’t like that either.

Jana: *exasperated* Then how about Ruthie?
Ruth: Ruthie…I suppose that’s acceptable.

Jana: Shall we continue, then?
Ruthie: No. I don’t like this place.
Jana: Why?

Ruthie: It’s too quiet here.
Jana: *amused* Really?

Jana: I want you to listen.
Ruthie: To what?
Jana: Just listen.

*They listen*

Jana: What did you hear?
Ruthie: ….sounds. Like, iPods being too loud and people laughing. So…not morgue-like.
Jana: Exactly.

Jana: Things aren’t always what they seem, Ruthie. Sometimes you have to really stop and focus to find out the true nature of things. So! Time for some more French.
Ruthie: If you say so…

Location: Josie and Gideon’s Apartment

Delaney: Josie? Are you home? I’m here to pick up that dress-Whoa. You’re not Josie.

Mia: Very good.

Mia: I’m Mia, Josie’s younger sister.
Delaney: Oh right, the stripper.
Mia: I’m glad she speaks so highly of me.
Delaney: Sorry. I’m Delaney. Nice to meet you.

Josie: Midona Sevastra Hawkes, be nice. God, you’re still here? You’re almost as bad as Jana.
Mia: I resent that!
Delaney: *embarassed* Oh Josie….I can come back.

Josie: Ah, no big deal. I have no shame. Mia, out.
Mia: Why?
Josie: How many times have I told you? Pregnant lady always wins.
Delaney: Thanks for getting me the dress, Josie.

Josie: No problem. See you later, Mia.
Mia: See you. Nice to meet you, Delaney.
Delaney: Nice to meet you too.
Josie: Have a seat, Delaney.

Josie: And for the love of God, don’t ask me how I’m doing. I’m pregnant, not terminally ill.
Delaney: *laughs* Okay, I won’t.
Josie: So tell me about this Benjamin guy.

Delaney: Well, I’ve only been on one date with him…
Josie: But it was good enough to merit a nice dress for the second one!

Delaney: Oh, hush, you!
Josie: Do you like him?
Delaney: *smiles* Yeah, I really do.
Josie: Then that’s all that matters.

Delaney: Is that the time? I’ve got to go get ready.
Josie: Well, have a good time, Delaney. Just trust yourself, ‘kay?

Location: The Boardwalk, in historic Philadelphia

Benjamin: Did you have a good time?
Delaney: Yeah, I did.

*They smile as they hold hands*

Benjamin: Can I ask you a question, Delaney?
Delaney: Sure.
Benjamin: What’s the story with the necklace you always wear?

Delaney: My necklace? Well…it’s kind of dumb.
Benjamin: I don’t mind.
Delaney: Here, let’s sit down.

Delaney: This necklace was given to me by my little sister, Bailey. It actually has two pieces, this lock and then a key. She told me that I should give the key to the man I’m going to be with for the rest of my life, because he’ll have the key to my heart.

Delaney: *embarassed* It’s dumb, I know, but it means a lot to me.
Benjamin: I don’t think it’s dumb at all. It’s nice.

Benjamin: So…have you ever thought of giving the necklace to anyone yet?
Delaney: No…not really. I need to be absolutely sure before I even consider giving it away.
Benjamin: And what makes you “absolutely sure?”
Delaney: I don’t know. I’ve never been “absolutely sure” before.

Benjamin: *lowering his voice* I want you to be absolutely sure, Delaney.
Delaney: So do I.

To Be Continued...

Best. Chapter. Ever. So far, anyways.

If you look closely in the library pictures, you can see that my copy of Girl With a Pearl Earring is in the background. Jana is named after Jan Vermeer, the painter of Girl With a Pearl Earring. Just a nice little Easter Egg there :D And that conversation Jana has with Ruthie about noise in the library? I've had that conversation many a time when people tell me "It's too quiet in the library!!" If only they knew :D

And the scene between Benjamin and Delaney was my favorite scene to shoot ever. I love the way it turned out, even if the pictures are a touch blurry X/ I have some pictures that I'll post later of how that scene was set up (Polish engineering to the max, I'm telling you).

Other than that, happy Thursday, everyone!!
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