
Aug 07, 2008 23:48

First, All the Constellations:
Chapter 20: Women
Chapter 21: Suggestions
Chapter 22: A Beautiful Friendship
Chapter 23: Deception

And then....stress.
In my 14 years of schooling, I have NEVER been this stressed about going back to school. I mean, I love school. Yes, I'm a weirdo, but I LOVE to learn. I love to read, I love to discuss, and yes, I'm the girl who loves to write essays. In a strange way, I look forward to going back to school every year.

But I have absolutely NO desire to go back. It's only confirming my belief that Westminster maybe isn't the place for me. I shouldn't DREAD the idea of going to school, especially since I CHOSE to go there. But I have to go. I mean, I can't just take a semester off (I would go CRAZY).

My dad is against the idea of me transferring--he even has suggested bribing me with a (used) car so I'd stay at Westminster. While I love the idea of a free car...if I'm not happy, a vehicle isn't going to make me happy.

And I'm down to my last $100, which sucks. I need a job, but I had the best job in the world at the library. I think about it, and my heart still hurts because I had to leave--and I quit a full year ago. My heart is at the library. I guess the only positive of that situation is that if I had any doubts about becoming a librarian, this has dissolved them.

The stress is coming from other stuff, too. Like, packing for school. I hate packing. So much. And the more important issues of:
As of 5 o'clock today, my father will be unemployed.
I might have to move away from the house I grew up in (and the house that my parents loved so much they paid off a 30-year mortgage in 18 years).
As of August 30, I will have no insurance (well, I'll have catastrophic, but I won't be able to visit the doctor unless I'm dying).
I had to end a 13-year friendship and I STILL miss her.
I have to go back to a place where I have very few friends because I don't want to be friends with people whose idea of a good time involves getting falling-down drunk.
My brother is one breakdown away from giving up his lifelong dream.
I have to continued to use the crappiest cell phone known to man because we can't get a new contract until we know where my dad will be working (this seems superficial, I know, but when it rains, it pours).

Sorry for the angst. It's nighttime, and I'm afraid of the dark.


Okay. On to happy things!

My lettle bebe!

I made that whole outfit. It's really ghetto, as it was handsewn, and I fail at handsewing.

His aunt Delaney gave him this car (read: I found it in a cereal box). Vroom, vroom!

More on my flickr.

And finally, my favorite of all things: Dolly Diversity.

This was my entry for the Strike a Pose Challenge on House of Pullip. I'm so pleased with it! On a side note, almost all of these dollies will be coming to school with me to reside on my desk--which will be made of awesome toy-goodness!!

Ah. I think that's it for now. Thanks for listening!
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