NAME: Kerry Cherry
BIRTHDATE: 12/29/87
BIRTHPLACE: Truro, England (if you don't know where, buy a map of England)
HAIR COLOR: reddish brownish
EYE COLOR: dark green but I'll leave everyone else to think about that because I don't really stare at myself and figure this stuff out
HEIGHT: 5'4" or 5'5"
YOUR PERFECT PIZZA: I would eat any kind of pizza.
YOUR BEDTIME: when my eyes close
YOUR FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP: why did I agree to meeting *insert name here*?/I'm going to kill *insert name here*/do I have to get up?/where am I?
YOUR BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE: Meghan says my eyes.
YOUR MOST MISSED MEMORY:If it's missing how would I know that I had it?
Pepsi or Coke: neither
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King because it has good memories
Adidas or Nike: I'm not really bothered
Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: REAL tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Coffee or Cappuccino: confusing...hard poor heart
Smoke: nope
Cuss: i try not to but...alas...I have extremely bad language. I honestly was raised in a field.
Sing: in the shower, in the car and when I'm being silly
Take a shower everyday: yes
Have a crush: Possibly
Ever been in love: I have loved very strongly but I don't think I've ever been entirely in love. I wouldn't let myself get that carried away.
Want to go to college: but of course
Like(d) High School: I don't know yet. Absolutely hated secondary school.
Want to get married: very much but only once
Believe in yourself: not often enough
Get motion sickness: yes
Think you're attractive: maybe twice a year
Think you're a health freak: no...well maybe...yes yes I confess, I do have a slight issue
Like thunderstorms: ...not really...if there's sosmeone to hug and/or cuddle then yeah it's ok. Loud noises kind of set me on edge though.
Play an instrument: yes
In the past few months...
Drank alcohol: not really...maybe
Smoked: no
Done a drug: no
Made out: unfortunately no
Gone on a date: nope, see above...
Eaten sushi: raw fish? no
Been on stage: yes. Numerous times.
Been dumped: yep, once. It didn't upset me. "FREEDOM!"
Gone skating: lol good memories
Made homemade cookies: yes...good breakfast
Gone skinny dipping: I like frolicking....nope.
Dyed your hair: no
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: but of course
Been caught "doing something": once, I feel embarrassed now
Been called a tease: yes
Got beaten up: kind of
Changed who you were to fit in: no
Age you want to be married: when I meet the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I could already know him even. It's always the thing you think won't happen that does. Any age.
Number and names of children: How should I know?? 2...3? thought the names I wanted to call my children were bad, haha. I don't know, my husband will help.
Describe your dream wedding: In England, in the summer (although it would probably rain just to spite me) in a garden or old church....*sigh* but now that I live here it's very unlikely. The person I marry will most certainly not be from Britain and therefore none of my relatives will be able to attend as I will be married here. That makes me very sad to think about...but if I married in England my brothers and sister might not come...and...grrr...these are the problems of moving continent.
How you want to die: asleep
In a guy/girl...
Best eye color: brown or green
Best hair color: dark.
Long or short hair: I have a thing about there has to be a certain amount of hair
Best articles of clothing: whatever he wants to wear, works for me.
Best first date location: somewhere where you can talk. Cinemas and double dates aren't so great for that.
Number of people you trust with your life: 7
Number of CDs you own: a lot
Number of piercing: 1 in each ear
Number of tattoos: none yet
Number of scars on your body: a lot
Number of things you regret: I wish I was perfect enough to say "I regret nothing" but I regret a great many things...I think it's called guilt...sadness...things like that