spotlight on the ketchup bottle
jenn is the coolest!
Jenn's foot is def. the hottest
Me, Kat, Sofa
Sofa, Me, Jenn and 1/2 of kat
she has three pairs of eyes :/
Jenn in her buug
My attempt at taking a pic of kat's bellybutton
There we go!
kat still has the tags on her car
more kisses
haha not so much!.. thats a little scary sofa :) but i love ya
hope everyone enjoyed it!!.. esp. jenn ;)
<3 ME!
p.s. now that i learned how to post pics.. i will do it way more often.. probably on every post cause i got a new camera and i will be taking ALOT of pictures of my everyday excursions :)
<3 ME!.. again