we turn our music down and we whisper say what your thinking right now...

Mar 11, 2004 18:24

me and conor just hung out and walked around for a little..i miss him sooo much and i miss walking home everynite in the summer!!..haha your the besttt

went to the park cause joe n keith had a hockey game last nite..haha mucho fun..maybe oceanside again this weekend..shuld be fun..maybe my cousin wont run away this time and we can actually hang ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

happy_trees March 11 2004, 19:02:45 UTC
thanks betty
for not saying that sean or matt b had a game or that henry or ryan did either THANKS
i mean nothing


heruntoldstory March 11 2004, 19:05:03 UTC
seannnn im sorry haha sean had a game and so did matt b and ryan and henry..there u go lol


happy_trees March 11 2004, 19:08:18 UTC
haha i was just joking betty
and i didnt have great game really
but o well
mkay bye


heruntoldstory March 11 2004, 19:09:51 UTC
haha wow for the millionth time its caitlin..yeah and okay i wulndt kno cause i duno whos who when ur doing ur little hockey stuff u all look the same lol


heruntoldstory March 12 2004, 10:41:26 UTC
haha yeah i wulndt know cause i duno whos who when ur playing.. you all look the samee lol


desmond anonymous March 12 2004, 14:26:26 UTC
Thanks for mentioning that im the coolest person ever!


thankss! southrn_heart March 12 2004, 15:12:21 UTC
ahh thats soo much for all the help on my live journal
<3 francesca


southrn_heart March 12 2004, 15:13:10 UTC
thanks instead of thats ^ ^ **** lol


heruntoldstory March 12 2004, 15:16:44 UTC
haha no problem<3


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