What Will hes_with_me Get ?
Xmas pressie predictorBig wooly jumper knitted by badwickchadwickPair of Socks from sarahtheposeurBottle of Whiskey from lucky_boy_mikeCd from _plutonianshoreSomething Cuddly from doll_face_Something Intoxicating from ihavethecancerSomething Silly from ho11ywou1dSomething Funny from tizy2thebogileLump of coal from megslegsSomething Pretty from lustfortonalitySomething Shiny from iminvisiblemanSomething Naughty from errikaaSomething Smelly from if_i_die_firstSomething Breakable from blldoodSomething Useful from pinky_sneeterSomething not useful from darkenthralledThe Black and Decker Tool Kit from fortune_faded14Livejournal account from prettypear05The Make-up Bag from alwaysaclassicStack of DVDs from monizzleSomething Geeky from onekisswonder