So, for about the past three weeks I've been down and out with a Strep Throat like virus. You know you've been sick for too long when the thought of doing things like the dishes and laundry sound like a fun time.
I'm finally starting to feel better even if I'm not entirely out of the woods yet. So, to amuse myself while I'm recovering, I found
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Comments 3
It's good to know you're still alive and kicking. Has it been only three weeks? It certainly feels longer. I was getting kinda worried there, and if I hadn't seen this I would have been posting an inquiry to be seeing if you were still among the land of the living.
And that is some serious crack ficcage going on there, I think that is the most use of 'like a rainbow' I have ever seen in one place. My mind is trapped between deciding to laugh at the absurdity or break down and cry. *must explore this interesting generator further*
We've also been having some beautiful weather here and basically it feels good to finally fragging feel good. *does a stupid little dance, too* Though I'm still not entirely out of the woods yet, still not quite over everything at the moment.
My brain is insisting, for some odd reason, that the Bird Prince one can be made into a Cybertronian fairytale and I keep telling it no, I don't need anything else on my plate at the moment, thank you very much.
And it gets even crackier if you randomly choose characters from different fandoms; I had Darth Revan pinning for Thundercracker for a while there.
It's good that the weather is letting up for you. *is jealous* We still have iced over lakes and ponds up here, and it's really getting old.
Brains insist on the oddest things sometimes. Even if logically they know their load is overflowing already.
*snerk* Even I only know him from your wanting to make his costume that's still a funny image. Went and tried this with a couple of magi nation characters and had fun breaking my brain.
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