Transcription and translation by me. Please credit if using!
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53: Sleepless Nights
"Sleepless nights...... I don't have any. And it's not even like it's decided that nighttime is when you sleep to begin with."
Whether he's having fun or feeling lonely, however he spends his time, night passes in a flash.
"I don't really like nighttime spent with a lot of people, so for the past two years or so, when I don't have work, I've done a lot of coming straight home and spending time alone. As always, I play online games. Though I talk to people online, so technically speaking, I'm not really alone (laugh)."
That way of passing the night is very like Nino, who gets lonely but also likes being alone.
"For online relationships, I like that 'just about right level'. We don't need any small talk like 'How've you been lately?' Talking freely about the things we want to talk about, we don't step into each other's business too much. What's also interesting is that there are all kinds of people will all kinds of occupations, from middle schoolers to adults. I can cheer on a student taking exams, listen to the worries of a company worker...... In that way, time really does fly by."
Daily, even if he's busy with work, the way he spends his alone time is extravagant.
"The fact that I don't have sleepless nights is also due to the fact that I don't sleep until I'm seriously ready to pass out (laugh). So even when it's a short amount of time, it's a deep sleep, and I don't dream. And I've never thought that there wasn't enough time. I don't force myself to make time, and I don't have a set time for things in my life like what time I sleep and what time I eat, so I'm not really bothered by time."
It's true. If he isn't tied down by set rules, he can always exist freely.
"If I weren't mentally free, I wouldn't be able to do this job. I have to move to suit the needs of all kinds of people and things. It's not a job where I can prioritize my own pace and circumstances, so I've become able to respond to any situation, and I've come to stop having unnecessary tastes."
Flexible and light. That isn't just the way he uses his time, but his important stance on everything.
For this MORE serial, he's mostly "his usual self".
"Work is a place where people in all kinds of positions have all kinds of opinions that they have and butt heads on, right? When I appear in films and dramas, I'm allowed to give my opinion as a creator, like, 'Should we try it this way?' But I don't necessarily want to have it my way. I'm only saying anything because I think if I state my own opinion, it'll stimulate the set and make an even more profound production. Magazines are a different story. For publishing, the will and passion of the people making it is overwhelmingly strong, so as someone who appears, like us, I think it's better to keep our mouths shut. The setup and the expressions and everything else are what the magazine readers and staff are hoping to be captured, so I try to speak frankly. It's not cold. I think that's what our job is when it comes to magazines. But it's only for this MORE serial that I'm mostly 'my usual self'. In particular, I don't put any energy into the interviews...... and saying that might create some misunderstandings (laugh). It's just that there's no set way that I have to talk, so I can just be myself."
He says it jokingly, but we're also asking for "his usual self". Even without our requesting it, he considers it and expresses himself. His face and his tone, and even the length of time, he says of this ability to shape-shift, "It's because I'm 'someone who appears [in media]', right?"
"'People who appear' play the role that's asked of them, of course in films and dramas, but also in CMs and magazines. We can't always just be our plain selves, since we won't be able to get fully fired up on set that way. Even if you're sleepy, or even if it's hot, this is a job where it's not done right if that shows up on your face. And since that's true of any job, I don't know what my 'true personal best' is. It's something that keeps changing. And for example, if I know what my best time and place and timing is, I can't set new records every time (laugh). And there are many times to begin with when even if you think you've done your best, other people and society won't see it as your best. So even if I have my own will, I don't insist on them. I don't control the time in my life trying to achieve my best, and I don't think it's good to prepare too much in advance. Of course, there are people who feel less nervous when they carefully prepare anything and everything in advance, and actors who increase their concentration by themselves before filming. I understand those, too, so if there are people like that on set, I don't get in the way. Conversely, I take care of them...... But I'm different from others, because I actually get more nervous if I prepare too much, so I don't."
After he says that, he laughs, "I'm not just being lazy."
"I think about as far as having to wake up in time for work, but I think in general, doing as I please fits me better."
Kazunari Ninomiya
Born on June 17, 1983 in Tokyo. Arashi's double A-side single, "Calling/Breathless", is now on sale with rave reviews. His first solo MC, Nino-san (NTV), starts in April! Nino, who's known as someone who's liked games since his teens. "It's amazing that I don't get sick of them, even though I say so myself. Even just the other day, for a record length of one week, I talked to strangers I didn't know every day, without battling. When I'm talking to a middle schooler, I feel like I can preserve my youth (laugh)."