Hello all,
This is my Golden Treasure, Novel length version, kept here at my LJ account as a safety copy.
Rescue Mission Into The Woods
It was a fine, bright and sunny day and the path down the second hill was smooth and clearly visible. Hephaestion went right into the forest, little Achilles pawing before him, almost as if the golden furred kitten had a goal all of his own. The sunlight sifted through the foliage, kindly enlightening their path, as if it wanted to show them the way to something important.
They walked for a long time, until they came upon the strangest of sights. There was a big plant of lady’s mantle, with several of its lobate leaves being flooded with crystal clear water. Sounds of sobbing and crying were clearly emanating from the very plant, amazingly loud to come from something so very small. He leaped forward, wanting to explore this strange phenomenon. When he saw the source of all this sadness his eyes grew round and a great sigh of astonishment escaped him.
A golden Bumblebee and a ruby red Ladybug were sitting on the rim of one lobate leaf, almost drowning in a pool of crystal clear tears. They were unusually big and round for animals of their kind. It looked as if someone had been far too kind to them, giving them too much to eat! He curiously asked them:
”My Little Ones, why are you crying so much? You seem to have been very well fed and taken good care of!”
They answered him with voices tinkling like little silver bells:
”Yes. Our Master takes good care of us - but now he needs HELP! He has fallen down that slope over there, and his leg has surely been BROKEN!!!”
Hephaestion took them into his right palm, gently patting them on their tiny heads.
”Calm yourselves down! I’ll go to see to him immediately. You just show me the way!”
They buzzed merrily and flew before him towards the slope. He followed, with the kittens jumping and trying to catch the Little Ones, until he teasingly smacked their noses and paws.
”No, Achilles and Antigona! You must not catch those Little Ones! Don’t you see that they are Talking Animals just like you?”
He came to the steep slope and looked down it. There were bushes, sprigs and branches, slippery stones and muddy patches, moss and grass in abundance. Deep down that slippery slope was a forest with thick, dark green foliage. A large tree trunk, overgrown with thick layers of soft, light green moss lay before the oaks, maples and junipers. He didn’t look much on the scenarios of Nature, though.
A small golden haired boy was propped up towards the tree trunk, wrapped into a threadbare woolen cloak, shivering in a troubled sleep. He had been badly injured. There was clearly something very wrong with his right ankle since it was both blue and black and twice the size of his other one. Something small and furry was softly snoring under the cloak - and something even smaller was coiling around his right arm, hissing with a tiny cloven tongue. Hephaestion gave another sigh of even greater amazement.
It was the Beautiful Golden One from his dreams!
He stood breathless for a long time, not believing the wonder being revealed before his very eyes. Then the spell was lifted and he proceeded to rush down the slope. Seeing it was slippery and dangerous he climbed down with great care. His kittens and squirrels had no difficulties to follow and soon they were all down there, standing around watching the golden haired boy. Hephaestion knelt at his side, asking with kind concern:
”How are you? And - what are your doing out here in the forest all by yourself?”
The golden haired boy woke up with a startled scream. He grasped at a dagger with a jeweled hilt, looking up with frightened watchfulness in his beautiful gray eyes. Hephaestion drew back, holding his hands with the palms up in a gesture of peace and calm. Something told him it wasn’t the first time this golden boy had been startled by real or imagined nightmares.
”No need for using that one on me! I’m your friend!”
Meeting The True Steadfast Friend
Alexander was resting in his threadbare woolen cloak. It was not enough to warm him, but Hypnos and the puppies helped to add some extra, well needed comfort. He knew it was unwise to drift off into sleep - but he was so very tired and the pain in his sprained ankle so bad he had to find some escape. The golden rays of the sun was giving him warmth and protection, as if they tried to shield him from the dangers of his present situation.
Suddenly there was a shadow disrupting the sun rays’ access to his body. Someone was kneeling by his side. He couldn’t refrain from crying out loud and grasped for his dagger. When the mists of sleep and fright cleared from his eyes he could hardly believe his luck. The auburn haired boy from his dream was kneeling at his side, watching over him with kind concern, his wonderful blue eyes filled with affection. The dagger frightened him and he drew back, quickly stating:
”No need for using that one on me! I’m your friend!”
Alexander answered him with joyful surprise:
”It’s you! It really is! You actually came for me! Do you really live in the Keep at the second hill from Pella?”
”Yes, of course I do! I’ve lived there all of my life!”
Alexander tucked the dagger safely away and embraced the auburn haired boy from his dream. Hephaestion immediately put his arms around him in a kind and eager reply. A wonderful warmth and strength was emanating from his small body. Alexander had never felt so protected and secure in all of his life. He forgot all pains and aches and whispered to himself, but also right into the ear of the auburn haired boy :
”My Friend! My True Steadfast Friend! ”
They stayed like this for a very long time, wanting to share this moment of new found friendship forever. At long last Alexander asked:
”It feels as if I’ve known you all of my life, but I don’t even know your name!”
”Hephaestion, my friend - and - you have been in my dreams forever. I didn’t think you really existed!”
”I’m Alexander - and I’ve seen your night lamp at the Keep on the second hill forever, wondering who was living in that Keep, wishing for him to be my friend.....”
He tried to rise from the mossy ground, making the puppies tumble out from his cloak, their warm and secure napping place seriously disturbed by this joyful meeting. Sirius and Procyon were greeted by two angry spitting kittens and soon all the small animals were engaged in a furry spitting, biting and scratching ball, rolling around the new found friends. Ladybird and Bumblebee sat on one tree branch and the squirrels on another, sucking their tiny paws in fright. Hephaestion was the first one to notice:
”Oh, dear me! Achilles and Antigona! You must behave yourselves! We have just met some new, very good friends!”
”But they are DOGS! We don’t like dogs!”
Sirius and Procyon growled in disgusted unison:
”Yes, they are CATS! We don’t like cats!”
He grasped them at the nape of their necks and dragged them from the puppies. Alexander took Sirius and Procyon, gently patting them:
”Stop yelping. my little ones. You must not bite those kittens. We must give thanks to them for our rescue. They were the only ones awake in that schoolroom, the only ones able to see and hear me!”
The puppies and kittens went as far away as possible from each other, and sat there giving sullen glares at their adversaries. At the same time they looked with kind concern at their Dear Little Masters.
Alexander fell back towards the tree trunk, gasping out from pain and clutching at his injured foot. Hephaestion once more knelt with worry at his side.
”Oh. Let me see to that! It must hurt a lot !”
Alexander nodded and closed his eyes. His new found friend swiftly unpacked his basket and brought a small jar with a sharp smelling ointment. He gently stroke all over the injured foot, feeling it for possible injuries.
”I don’t think it is broken - but it seems to be badly sprained. I’ll see what I can do. ”
He anointed it with the ointment and aptly put on some splinters. Then he wrapped it all up steadily with the white linen cloth that had been over the food in his basket. Alexander sat up and looked at his foot with surprise and admiration.
”However did you learn to do that? I’m feeling much better already!”
”It’s nothing, my friend. Some comfrey and yarrow paste, good for the healing. We always use it at home. I have got much exercise on my little Achilles, here. He is most accident prone, always doing things he isn’t supposed to!”
He gently patted the golden furred kitten on his head and scratched him behind his ears. Achilles begun purring and stroke himself against his Master, blushing under his golden fur.
”Then he is a lot like my little Sirius. His brother Procyon always has to drag him out of harm’s way!”
He took the puppies into his lap and they yelped merrily now when they saw that he was feeling better. Alexander’s stomach growled miserably.
”Oh, how hungry I am! We lost my knapsack with all of our food when we fell down the slope. ”
”I have plenty here in my basket. Let’s have some of it. ”
The new found friends enjoyed a fine meal of bread, ham and cheese, gulped down with raspberry juice. All animals shared it and got on well together. Afterwards Alexander and Hephaestion sat closely huddled together, leaning back towards the tree trunk. It was now late in the afternoon and the shadows were lengthening from the trees and bushes. It was a warm summer’s day but now some chilly winds started to blow down from the mountains. Hephaestion prudently said:
”It has been a great day out in the woods - but now I think it is time to go home!”
A Walk In Wolf Wood
Alexander awkwardly rose from the tree trunk. He still couldn’t put any weight on his injured foot but it was feeling much better now. With the help of his new found friend he managed to crawl up the slope back to the woodland path. There they found his knapsack and picked it up. Hephaestion prudently asked:
”Wherever do you live? ”
”Back there in Pella, in a very large house. I walked forever and ever to come here!”
”Oh, I see. Then it’ll have to be my place. The Keep isn’t so very far from here. ”
They started to walk, Alexander with a painful limp. Hephaestion kindly supported him. He had always been strong for his age and size and now it was well needed. All animals followed, the puppies and kittens tottering together, bravely bragging about all their adventures. The squirrels jumped and flew from tree to tree at their side. Hypnos coiled merrily around his Dear Master’s arm. The little house snake had never seen Alexander in such a good and secure mood and he was hissing merrily with his tiny cloven tongue. Ladybird and Bumblebee sat on his left shoulder, buzzing and droning, soon falling asleep since it had been a long day filled with unfamiliar exertions.
Nightfall approached, all too soon. The sky was azure blue at first, and then turned into a deep blue, only to all too fast becoming a velvet curtain of darkness. The crescent moon was silvery white at first, then turned into a golden scimitar, getting company of more and more stars, turning the sky into a treasure trove filled with golden coins and precious gems. It was getting chilly and Alexander trembled, pulling his threadbare cloak closer around himself. Hephaestion saw his distress and put his own sturdy woolen mantle around them both.
”Don’t you have any decent clothes? What do your parents do for a living?”
”My Father is always out, fighting in some endless war. Mother is kind - but what can she do? There is always Leonidas, my uncle and tutor. He is supposed to give me this Spartan upbringing.......”
Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by some distant howling, coming closer all the time. They looked at each other in sudden fright.
”Oh, no. A pack of hungry wolves! We will never reach the Keep in time! Whatever shall we do? We must find some shelter before they eat us up!”
Rascal and Rosie tittered from the tree top:
”No trouble! No trouble! Just come up here to us! Wolves cannot climb up trees!”
Hephaestion looked up.
”My clever little rascals! Yes, just wait up there. We are coming to you!”
He helped push Alexander up the tree trunk, swiftly following after himself, putting the puppies and kittens into his mantle and lifting them up. Soon they all sat at a thick oak branch, hearing the wolf pack come closer and closer. The night around them was suddenly getting very dark and chilly. They shivered and huddled together in Hephaestion’s woolen mantle. Little Sirius grasped at Alexander’s threadbare chiton with his tiny claws. The worn fabric gave way and the poor puppy started to fall. Alexander reached for him and caught him in his hand, but almost fell from the tree branch himself. Hephaestion held on to him and got him steadily put up once more. He put his right arm around his new found friend, giving courage and reassuring warmth.
”Wow! That was a close call! You really must ask your parents to give you some better clothing! I’ll give you one of my own spare chitons when we come to the Keep! ”
They sat there panting and shivering. Soon the situation worsened. The wolf pack came closer and gathered under the tree, howling, jumping and drooling, looking at the little company with feral yellow eyes shining with ravenous hunger. Little Hephaestion gave a reassuring hug to his Beautiful Golden One.
”Oh, no. Don’t you be afraid. My Father will come for us. He has many hunters who can help him take on a whole pack of wolves!”
Alexander answered:
”I’m not afraid. My Mother will come for us, too. She can scare off a whole pack of wolves all by herself!”
Hephaestion turned his head and gave his new found friend a questioning glance. This beautiful golden haired one sure was no ordinary boy.
Reluctant Prey
The wolves in the pack were all very hungry. Pickings and prey had been scarce of late. The flock of deer had an old and wise hind who cleverly kept them out of harm’s way, and the wild boar, always tricky to catch, had been even trickier of late. They had chosen an ill mannered she hog, who always found secret hiding places - and when confronted, was so fierce and dangerous not even the strongest and bravest wolf could prevail against her.
Now they had found a far easier prey. Two small, innocent boys, the little golden haired one was a bit skinny but the other one with the glorious auburn mane seemed to be the most appetizing morsel they ever saw! The boys brought several small and plump puppies and kittens that would do nicely as desserts. The wolf pack could smell and see them from afar and they ran up closer and closer. The little party would never escape them!
Imagine their surprise when they came close to their prey. The two boys and their small pets had disappeared into thin air! The wolf pack were running around, sniffing and searching in vain. Then, one old she wolf raised her head up high and begun to howl in disappointment. She was abruptly silenced by the scent of their prey. They had made a most untimely but clever escape high up into an old oak tree. She alerted the pack and they all gathered under the tree, angrily howling in deep disappointment. During other circumstances they would have ran away to find an easier prey - but they were starving and wanted to try every possibility. The Leader of the pack told the rest of them:
”We’ll wait under the tree. They are small and weak. Soon they will fall asleep and fall down right into our maws. ”
They waited for well over an hour - but their prey was tougher than they expected. They sat huddling together, clinging on to each other and the old oak branch for dear life. The Leader told his pack:
”We cannot wait any longer. Let’s try to climb up to get at them!”
Night Of Anguish
Alexander didn’t admit it, not even to himself - but he had several secret fears. Losing his Dear Ones was the very worst of them, being eaten alive was one other. Now both of those terrors had become a threatening reality. He held on to Hephaestion for dear life, not wanting to lose him for any reason. He had taken this strong and beautiful auburn haired boy instantly to his heart, knowing that they were meant for each other. The night was cold, dark and menacing, beginning to freeze the very marrow of their bones. The howling wolves gathering under the old oak were even worse. Alexander shivered and held on to Hephaestion, dragging him even closer to his side. The radiant stars that looked so warm and friendly from his room at the Palace now seemed cold and distant, offering no help at all.
Hephaestion had never before been out in the dead of night. He was not afraid of the darkness, but the numbing cold and the ravenous wolf pack howling, jumping and drooling all around the tree frightened him. He was freezing despite the thick woolen cloak he had wrapped around himself and his new found friend. Temperatures were creeping close to zero and he could see the moisture on the oak leaves and branches forming into uncanny glistening frost crystals. Hephaestion started to shiver, but soon found a strong and determined arm resting close around him. A wonderful warmth seemed to emanate from his new friend, almost like a golden glow in the bitter cold of the night.
The small kittens and puppies were brave enough at their dear Masters’ sides in broad daylight and behind secure stone walls of the Palace and Keep. Out in the forest, in the darkest of night and with a pack of ravenous wolves howling around, their bravery rapidly melted away. They were freezing and shivering and clung with tiny claws to their dear Masters. Ladybug and Bumblebee said what they all felt, their voices tinkling like little shivering silver bells:
”Alexander! We are afraid! What if the big bad wolfies will eat us up?”
Little Bumblebee bravely brandished his tiny sting.
”I don’t think even THIS will suffice against those horrors!”
Hephaestion gently patted his tiny silken black head.
”My Little One, you are very brave, indeed. ”
”Yes, he is! Yesterday he saved me from getting another beating from my tutor!”
”Beating from your tutor? What do you mean by that? Tutors are not supposed to beat you, they are hired to teach you useful things!”
Alexander told his new friend all about his Spartan upbringing. Hephaestion soon realized there were worse things than falling asleep during tedious tutoring. He put his arm closer around his new found friend, wanting to protect him from all evil. Alexander’s teeth were chattering from the cold, but still he was able to give away that wonderful warmth of his. He snuggled closer into the kind and strong hug, feeling protected and secure despite the horror of their situation.
Now the wolves changed their behaviour for the worse. They started to jump and climb up the oak stem, coming closer and closer. Soon a maw filled with razor sharp fangs nibbled at Alexander’s foot, tearing at his sandal. Another one took a great bite into his threadbare woolen mantel, tearing it in half. Alexander kicked out with a scream of terror, almost falling down. Hephaestion grasped at him, dragging him up back to the oak branch. At the same time the wolves fell down in a heap of howling disappointment. Alexander lost his grip on his knapsack and it, too, tumbled down amongst the wolves. It was quickly devoured and ripped into bloody shreds, together with the Prince’s woolen mantel.
The boys sat huddled together in sheer fright. Hephaestion told Alexander, teeth chattering despite the warmth emanating from their new found friendship:
”Alexander, now I’m really afraid. ”
”Yes. We won’t be able to hold on to this branch for much longer. ”
They hugged each other for warmth and comfort, boys and animals alike shivering from fear and cold. The small kittens were meowing miserably, the puppies were yelping in desperation and Rascal and Rosie were chattering in fright. Ladybird and Bumblebee , were clinging on to Alexander’s shoulder with their tiny feet, even as they passed out into a merciful unconsciousness.
The ravenous wolf pack gathered themselves for another climb up the old oak tree.
Someone Missing At The Keep!
The Lord Amyntor was having some spare time in the afternoon. He went to see how his young son was doing at his lessons. He was so very proud over his Hephaestion. The small boy was kind and prudent, with intelligence well beyond his seven years of age, and he was taking so very good care of his little baby sister and all his animals.
He considerately knocked at the school room door. No one answered - but he thought he heard a loud snoring from inside. He opened the door, coming upon an outrageous sight.
Master Lernias was sound asleep, his head gently propped up on his Odyssey scrolls, as if those precious works of literature were some comfortable cushions. He had wrapped himself into his woolen cloak and it seemed he had been sleeping like that for a very long time. Little Hephaestion was gone from his place at the desk. The basket where his kittens and squirrels used to reside was also empty.
The Lord Amyntor leaped right at the dormant tutor. He grasped him forcibly by his shoulders, lifting him from the desk and then he shook him awake in a violent rage.
”Where is my son? What have happened to him while you have been so shamelessly asleep?”
Master Lernias woke up all in a fright. He looked at the angered Lord, his kind blue eyes filled with terror, and then he answered in a trembling and stuttering voice:
”I’m not asleep, my Lord. I’m busy reading the Odyssey to your son!”
”Well, he is not here listening! Where is my Hephaestion?”
Now Master Lernias became fully aware of the state of things. He looked perturbed around him.
”Hephaestion? Where are you? Oh, my Lord Amyntor, he was sitting there just a moment ago. He cannot be far away. ”
”Let’s go looking for him - and for your sake, I hope we find him soon!”
They went looking all over the Keep, at first in the nursery, and then in the kitchens and the gardens. The little boy was nowhere to be found. Soon all family and servants were helping out, running all over the place, screaming and yelling:
”Hephaestion! HEPHAESTION! Where are you? ”
The Lady Theano was running around with little Helen in her arms. The baby girl seemed quite aware of the emergency situation and she was crying and screaming inconsolably. Her mother tried to lull her into calm, but it was quite impossible. At long last she sat herself down in a comfortable chair filled with soft rose colored cushions in the nursery and tried to nurse the baby . Not even that was of much help - and her milk seemed to have strangely and suddenly dried up because of all her present worries. She tried to compose herself and took the baby in her arms, once more going out to help with the futile search for her dear little son.
The Lord Amyntor settled down and tried to reason calmly and orderly. Soon he asked for his pack of fierce bloodhounds. They were trained for all kinds of hunting and their sense of smelling was infallible. He gave them one of Hephaestion’s chitons to smell and then told them:
”Go for it, my precious ones! Go find your little Master!
They obediently went running all over the Keep. Soon they were out in the garden and stood barking at an overgrown part of the garden walls. The Lord Amyntor looked closely into the rose bushes with a smile on his lips, despite the dire need they were in. Then he dragged the thorny branches away and opened the small wooden door that came in the clear.
”My dear little Hephaestion. I didn’t know you had found out about this secret!”
He looked down the slope. There were traces of small sandal shod feet in the soft mud and also some clearly visible prints of tiny kitten’s paws. Now dusk was rapidly approaching and he heard a pack of ravenous wolves howling out there in the forest. The Lord Amyntor roared at his servants:
”Go saddle my fierce war stallion and all our fast running horses! Bring our wolf spears and hunting bows and also some sconces. We ride out immediately! I fear my son is in grave danger!”
Someone Missing At The Castle!
Master Leonidas sat waiting at his desk. He had prepared another day of hard work and stern lessons for his young pupil. The ice cold bath and swimming in the Palace moat was the day’s first issue. Then there were the seven rounds running and marching around all the Palace’s walls - and then would follow a very long day of reading scrolls on important issues, copying endless letters and sentences and calculating very difficult numbers and equations. The Spartan upbringing was doing wonders with the young Prince. He had made great progress and of late he had truly started to learn to withstand hardships and deprivation. Master Leonidas was sure he would grow up to become an invincible warrior!
A trap of irresistible honey cake crumbs awaited that annoying little bumblebee of Alexander’s. Master Leonidas had a stout fly swatter hidden inside a fold of his woolen cloak. Soon he would be rid of little Bumblebee! He rubbed his palms in gleeful anticipation. In a short while young Alexander would come to him.
The sand in the hourglass was running, and running.........and running. Alexander had never been this late before! Now one hour had passed in futile waiting.
Master Leonidas realized his pupil had gone missing. In a rush of rage he rose from his desk and went with determined steps to the Prince’s room. He forcibly opened the door - finding the bed empty! The basket where his ineducable puppies used to sleep was empty, too - and the little wicker basket for his horrid little house snake was unoccupied. His pupil was missing! Master Leonidas stamped the floor and prepared to let out a roar of anger. Then he prudently silenced himself and begun reasoning.
Where was Prince Alexander? There might be some explanation for his absence. But - why hadn’t his tutor been told? Master Leonidas went all over the Royal Palace, kitchens, stables and gardens. He visited all the places his young ward usually ran off to. Alexander was nowhere to be found and no one had seen him!
Now Master Leonidas was truly worried. The Royal Palace at Pella and its surroundings were large and now it was late in the afternoon. He trembled when he realized the consequences of his pupil gone missing. With heavy steps he went to the Queen’s rooms - but half way there he was met by an angry Olympias. She was dressed all in crimson and her cloak swirled around her like the wings of some ravenous bird of prey. Her glorious mane of red hair had escaped her veil and flowed behind her like a crimson tide. Worst of all, her house snake, Glaucos, was wide awake and coiling around her right arm, his cloven tongue hissing with anticipating anger. The reptilian horror seemed eager to embrace and strangle any prey in his way.
”Where is my son? What have you done to him? You’ll have to answer for this!”
Master Leonidas shrunk into a trembling heap before this horrible harpy. He managed to voice a stuttering parcel of lies:
”My Queen, my dear sister, I sent young Alexander out into the garden to study the flowers and insects outdoors. He didn’t return in due time. Perhaps that ill-bred little bumblebee of his has led him astray. ”
Olympias slapped him violently on his cheek, leaving it worse off than after being stung by little Bumblebee.
”Don’t you lie to me! My son never misses his afternoon meal in my rooms. It’s the only decent food he ever gets! Whatever did you do to him today? He never complains - but others tell me how you keep him constantly underfed and overworked - and have him start every day bathing in the cold waters of the moat! This will have to end! It is no proper treatment of a young Prince!”
”Calm yourself, my dear sister. We must go looking for him. He surely must be someplace in the Palace!”
The Queen summoned all of her guards. They thoroughly searched the premises all over. Prince Alexander was nowhere to be found. It was now very late in the afternoon and the sun was drifting low towards the skyline. Clouds glowing in scarlet, rosy crimson and golden orange were already forming, preparing for dusk. They could hear a pack of wolves howling from hunger out in the forest.
They were now back in the Royal Garden. Sirius and Procyon’s mother, Pandora, had now joined them and she had gotten a trace on her puppies and the young prince. She stood barking at a rose bush filled with prickly thorns, soon howling in dismay. Only the Queen was able to hear her worried tellings:
// ”The Bad Man has scared your lil’ boy away - and he brought MY dear puppies with him! They have gone through the walls and they are outside - in the dangerous forest! You who are such a brave bitch! Why did you let him rear our dear children? He is not even fit to take care of a pack of mongrels!” //
Olympias shuddered. There was only one place they haven’t been searching. The big rugged forest outside the high Palace walls! Pandora was right. The Queen patted her furry head and thanked her, whispering into her ear:
// ” Don’t you worry, Pandora. I’ll take proper care of him when we have found our dear children!” //
Olympias knew all the secrets of the Pella Palace. There was a secret door behind the thorny rose bushes, leading straight out into the wild forest. Alexander was curious and clever. He surely must have detected this means of escape a long time ago!
The Queen immediately told her guards and Master Leonidas:
”Alexander must have taken his puppies and gone into the forest. It’s the only place we haven’t searched. Let’s take some horses and ride out. This clever dog can help us find them!”
The guards didn’t say a thing - but they armed themselves with spears and bows and all kinds of weapons for a wolf hunt. They brought Pandora and a whole pack of fierce hunting dogs before they took their horses from the stable and rode out from the Palace.
The Lord Amyntor’s Search Party
Lady Theano stood at the courtyard with little Helen in her arms, seeing her husband on his fierce auburn war stallion in front of the search party. He brought twelve seasoned fighters and hunters, armed to the teeth and riding the Keep’s fastest horses. The pack of bloodhounds were running along, eagerly looking for any tracks and traces of their young Master and his small kittens. The bloodhounds didn’t like little Achilles and his sister Antigona - but no one deserved to be eaten alive by a pack of ravenous wolves - not even two very spoilt kittens!
The Lord Amyntor gave her a reassuring hug, leaning down from his stallion.
”I’ll find him, my Dear Ones. Don’t you worry. We’ll be home in no time!”
He gently waved farewell and rode away, not seeing the tears of anguish and sorrow streaming down her pale cheeks. Little baby Helen’s inconsolable crying was heard all around the Keep and followed them all along their path into the forest. The baby’s desperate screams were mingling with the wolves howling, like some macabre serenade assaulting all their ears.
The bloodhounds soon found a clear track and eagerly ran along. Men and horses followed deep into the forest. They had to run carefully since the path was steep and narrow. Soon dusk was well over and night fell upon them as a dark, star filled pall of ominous shadows. They lit their sconces and proceeded into the forest. The howling came closer and closer until they found the pack, gathered in a grim circle under an old oak. Two boyish voices were screaming out loud in sheer fright, mingling with a chorus of pitiful barking and meowing. The Lord Amyntor heard a voice he could have recognized anywhere:
”Father! Please, dont’t let the wolves eat us! We were having such a good time until they came after us!”
The Lord Amyntor usually was a calm and reasonable man. Not even during the hardest fighting did he ever lose his temper and clear reasoning. His beloved son screaming for help made him forget all of this. He suddenly turned into a mad, fighting berserk before the astonished eyes of his own men, urging his war stallion to charge the wolf pack all on his own. He bravely brandished his wolf spear and killed the leader of the pack instantaneously. His men followed, together with the fierce bloodhounds. Soon there were only two left of the wolf pack - and the frightened survivors ran away deep into the forest, miserably howling with their tails between their legs.
The search party curiously looked up into the old oak tree, lighting it up with the sconces. Their gazes fell upon two small boys, freezing and trembling and badly frightened by their ordeal. One was their little Master, his auburn hair bristling and his blue eyes filled with an expression of utter horror. He was holding onto a smaller boy with hair gleaming like spun gold and two small and very frightened puppies. The kittens and squirrels were holding on to Hephaestion for dear life, equally frightened.
The Lord Amyntor asked with great astonishment:
”Hephaestion! What are you doing out in the forest in the middle of the night? And, Alexander, however did you manage to drag MY son out from the security of our Keep into this horror? You don’t even know each other!”
He then ordered his men:
”Get them down from there immediately! And - Hecaetus, you must take some men and ride to Pella immediately. Alexander’s mother must be out of her wits with worries over her precious son! Tell her he is alive and well at the Keep of Amyntor.”
The brave hunter lifted a sconce and rode off immediately with two of his companions. All others helped to get the boys and animals down from the tree. The Lord Amyntor received them all and gave them some warming and reassuring hugs. He wrapped them into his warm, woolen cloak and sat them safely before himself on his war stallion. It was impossible to part the small animals from their Dear Masters, so they came with him on horseback, too, desperately clinging to the boys.
”Firebrand! Now you must take us safely home. Step carefully. We must not upset our dear boys any more on this night of terror!”
He looked down on them in love and admiration. They had of course been badly misbehaving - but not many could have shown such cunning in saving themselves and their dear animals from the ravenous wolf pack. The boys looked so beautiful together, the auburn and golden hair mingling as they still clung for dear life to each other. He had always hoped his Hephaestion would be a dear friend to young Alexander, but he could never have imagined such a strange and fearsome first meeting. Now he gave them both a fond and warming hug. At the same time he sternly told them:
”Well, my dear little ones, now we’re off to the Keep for a warm supper and a good nights’s sleep in soft beds - but in the morning you’ll have some serious explaining to do”!
The Lord Amyntor looked down on his precious charges once more. He saw two strange, golden striped and ruby red round shapes on young Alexander’s left shoulder.
”Alexander. What are those things on your shoulder?”
”Oh. It’s Ladybug and Bumblebee, my tame little gardening friends. Poor Little Ones. They must have passed out from all these horrors. ”
Little Bumblebee woke up, shaking his head, once more brandishing his tiny sting. He bravely buzzed:
”Not at all. I think THIS must have helped to scare the big bad wolfies away!”
Ladybug gave him a kind hug and told him:
”No, not this time, my brave one. I think this kind man here saved us all when we were out cold!”
Alexander patted their heads and talked reassuringly to them:
”You don’t need to be afraid anymore, my Little Ones. We’ll spend the night at the Keep on the second hill! ”
Ladybug and Bumblebee buzzed merrily as all the party rode up to the Keep of Amyntor, their path lightened up by brightly flaming torches.
The Queen’s Search Party
It took some time before Queen Olympias and her guards got their search party organized. When they were out in the forest the sun was down, sleeping calmly in a multitude of soft clouds glowing in ruby rose, golden yellow and orange and streaks of crimson. The Queen rode in front of them, carrying a light spear and armed with a lady’s bow. Glaucos was coiling around her arm. The big house snake was ready to strangle any enemy threatening his Dear Mistress.
The path Alexander and the puppies had taken was well behind the Palace and it took some valuable time for the dogs to find it. When they were set on the track darkness had fallen and the stars were appearing like gems and diamonds on the velvet blue skies. The search party had to lit sconces as they rode through the forest. The path was narrow and rough and the horses had to watch their step.
Wolves were hungrily howling all the time, until they were interrupted by angry voices and the clamor of hard fighting. Soon the howling was silenced and faded away deeper into the forest. The dogs ran bravely before the horses, clearly showing the path of the young Prince and his puppies. Queen Olympias rode in the front, surrounded by her guards. Last of them all rode Master Leonidas, mumbling ardent pleas to all the Olympic Gods, all for himself:
// ”Please, let us find young Alexander safe and sound - or else his Mother will devour me more ravenously than any wolf pack!”//
They followed the narrow path for a very long time, the sconces flickering, almost fading at some places, being blown at by the cold night winds. The dogs stayed for some time nearby a steep slope. Pandora jumped down there and stayed a while. Then she came up and found a new track at the side of the slope. She barked at Olympias:
// ” Strange. They were hiding for a long time deep down there. Then they climbed up again - and they seem to have got company with another young boy - and some CATS of all!” //
The Queen frowned at this puzzling information, and then ordered her party:
”Let’s follow this path. These good dogs will show us where to go. ”
They went deeper into the forest, for what seemed like an eternity of worried riding and running. An old oak loomed before them and the dogs stayed in a circle under it. Pandora started to howl miserably and all of the hunting dogs joined her. The Queen’s search party rode up close to them. Soon they saw the reason for the dogs’ lamentations. In a sorrowful heap on the ground lay young Prince Alexander’s knapsack and his threadbare woolen mantle, all torn to bloody shreds. There were no traces of the Prince at all.
Queen Olympias picked the sorrowful remains from the ground and pressed them to her heart, looking like some vengeful fury in the flickering light from the sconces. She stood like that for a long time, pondering in a silent, sinister grief totally devoid of any tears or crying. Then she turned her head towards Master Leonidas, her hair burning a brighter red than the fires from the sconces. The same fire seemed to emanate from her eyes as she hissed at him, more venomous than her most bad tempered snakes:
”You are no brother of mine anymore! Glaucos! Hold him until we return to the Palace! He is to be imprisoned in the deepest dungeon!”
Master Leonidas felt the snake’s thick, muscular body coiling coldly at its full length around his waist, chest and neck. A cloven tongue tickled his right ear and he imagined hearing a sibilant, malignant voice hissing into his right ear:
// ” I’ll eat you alive for your negligence and abuse of my Little Master. And - that’s merciful in comparison to what my Mistress will do to you. ” //
Now Master Leonidas started screaming in earnest.