Ganked from the Fuzzwad...

Aug 03, 2009 23:06

1. What did you have for dinner last night?
Wendy's 'picy chikin sammich!!!

2. Have you ever wished you had a different last name?
Yes actually. On both accounts. I've always wanted an interesting last name that told someone something about your family's back ground. I wound up with Jones and then traded up to Rogers. Baaaaah... I've actually thought about changing my name to my grandmother's maiden name of Dallrive. (pronounced Dall-reev-eh... it's Italian)

3. Would you ever consider piercing your lip?

4. Have you ever cheated on a test in school?
No. I've always been too afraid of getting caught

5. Something you used to love but have lost interest in?
Ballroom dance... though it's less losing interest in it and more losing time to be interested in it.

6. If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
Someone has sewn my lips shut. Just kidding. Usually it means that I'm thinking to myself... not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes if a group conversation has turned to something politically sensitive and I'm the only one with a dissenting opinion, I'll keep it to myself.

7. Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?
*snerk* I've done more than that and never seen them again.

8. Do you announce when you have to pee sometimes?

9. Kids then marriage or marriage then kids?
... you lost me at the kids part.

10. Do you hang up on telemarketers?

11. If someone offered you $80,000 to marry them for a year, would you do it?
I'm kinda already married... but he might loan me out for that kind of money. Depending on who it is of course.

12. Have you ever been rock climbing?

13. Do you get depressed about things easily?
Sometimes. But I try to shake it off just as easily.

14. Are you a celebrity news junkie?
God no.

15. Water - bottle or tap?

16. Do you use a landline or cell more often?
Cell. I don't even have a landline in the apartment.

17. Do you earn your living doing what you love, or do you earn your living in order to do what you love?
Well... I'm about to quit having a job so I can do what I love and I'm going to try something new and hope I love it.

18. Do you love where you live?
Huntsville? Yes. The apartment I live in is pretty nice as apartments for this price go, but I don't want to live here forever.

19. Do you consider yourself religious? Spiritual? Neither?
Um... neither. I'm an atheist really, though I have a big interest in spirituality, ritual magic as practiced by pagans, Karma, and so forth. It's sort of weird. I'd consent to a tarot card reading or blessing ritual from a druid before I'd consent to be prayed over by Christians.

20. Were you raised in a family that participated in a religious tradition?
Yes. I grew up in a very stringent, in-church-every-Sunday-unless-you-were-dying, household. I hated it.

21. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
Probably Italian-American since I have loads of recipes to draw on.

22. Do you clean when you're upset?
Depends on what I'm mad at.

23. A college calls you up and says that you have been selected to take any degree that you want on their dollar ... what do you choose?
I'm honestly not sure what school, though probably something on the west coast and I'd get a degree in English/literature with a history minor.

24. Which store, excluding a grocery store, do you shop at most often?
Limited NY or Kohl's.

25. If you were drafted into a war would you survive?
Depends on what they had me doing.

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