Title: Goodwill to the Soldier, the Widow, the Child
Author: mithrigil
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Characters: Ashe and Vayne, with appearances from Raminas, Drace, and Gramis
Rating: NC-17 twice over.
Wordcount: 5700.
Prompt: Forced marriage.
Warnings: AU-The prologue happened but not the Prelude. Rasler is dead, and Nabudis is fallen-but the losses
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Comments 29
there... there just aren't words! Only high pitched squeaky noises.
And thank you.
I was a little afraid to read this, because the pairing makes me so nervous -- I get so protective on Ashe's behalf -- but the beginning hooked me and I couldn't stop and. oh. man.
you write an amazing Ashe here, and her ways to power take my breath away.
such love.
::blushes red::
I'm really glad the last section turned out the way it did, in that regard--either way, she wins. It's true.
Vanye is a bastard, but Ashe is smart enough to put him in his place, and that really is what distinguishes this piece for me. Not only that, but the way how both Ashe and Vayne think, even. It's both as cerebral as Vayne and as wild as Ashe.
And, in a way, there's also a sort of cannibalization going on here too, if that makes sense. Shiny and full of A+++. Would read again (probably will) and god, do I suddenly wish I had the capacity to play Vayne. (It'd be fun to drive Ashe up the wall like this.)
But seriously, yes. My feelings exactly. But man, it's good. (And I wouldn't even had read it had it not been you that wrote it. I would not trust it in the hands of another. The back button on my browser weeps for it's lack of usage tonight.)
Everything in this. The terms of the marriage. Drace and the bathhouse. Vayne's acceptance of the fact that Ashe is going to cheat on him. The heat that runs through the entire piece, through Ashe's anger to the baths to the desert to Vayne gripping the lamp, even, though that might be me reading too much into things.
I've already praised your Ashe to high heaven, so I'll now do the same with Vayne. He's calculating, smooth, and utterly, utterly engaging. And his relationship with Ashe really is turbulent in the best way, with both of them presenting a challenge to the other and -- I mean, I kink on that hard enough as it is, and you do it SO WELL.
Just. Much love for you. *blows kisses*
Thank you for enjoying it, and I really do have fun with Vayne. He's a pleasure to write at this point, and I should stop feeling guilty about that.
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