Feb 01, 2012 18:00
Before we get rolling with the surveys (with the exception of today's "sort of" test survey), here are some basic rules to keep in mind when you fill out your surveys:
1. Please answer with proper spelling and grammar. It's easier for me to see common answers when they're all spelled correctly.
1a. One word answers are preferred. If you need to use more than one, that's fine. I DO NOT want a paragraph of an answer.
2. Do not answer with anything wildly inappropriate. This is for a panel based off a show called Family Feud, and while there have been plenty of innuendos and references to sex on the show, they still keep it family friendly.
3. Answer the questions as you, yourself, would answer. I'm looking for Hetalia fans (although it's not required of you) to keep a commonality among the survey participants. Please don't respond how your favorite/RP character would respond.
3a. Unless the prompt specifically mentions it, DO NOT answer prompts with references to Hetalia. As an attempted to keep the surveys as authentic to what you would see in Family Feud, only respond with references when the prompt asks for it.
4. Please only respond the each survey ONCE. Don't go back to "change" your answer because it's not going to change it.
That's all I really have to say on the matter. With the exception of this week, surveys will be posted every Monday from now until the end of May (I'll let you know when the last survey is posted). There will be at least two questions to respond to every week (there may be a third or fourth, depending on my creativity that week).
So have fun!
Thank you so much for your help. ♥