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“As public debates continue in Italy and Scandinavians discuss their Nations, citizens from countries around the world ask themselves-“Is my Nation next?” While some remain indifferent to the accidental outing, others are reacting with blatant concern. Many parents we have spoken to question if this is promoting homosexuality to their children, which many religious families strongly believe will leave an impression on their young generation ( ... )
“-unconfirmed reports of some kind of blast in the London underground. Hundreds of commuters are now pouring out of King’s Cross, Liverpool, and Edgware tube stations. None of these citizens seem to be injured …let me see if I can talk to some of them…Sir! Sir, can you tell us what you saw ( ... )
can't wait for more.
~*~The rest of the day, Alfred decided, went by in an incomprehensible blur of colors, sounds, and cameras as he followed Arthur along to where ever the injured Nation needed to go. When the two arrived at the allotted hotel, the first thing they encountered in the lobby was their fellow Nations firing questions at them, mainly in regards to Arthur ( ... )
Following the short press conference, in which Arthur and Alfred stood behind the English leader, the men were led out to a black limo, no doubt one of their most secure vehicles for this time of disaster. Arthur questioned his boss on their destination.
“We’re going to Tavistock Square; a packed double decker bus was blown up there. It’s not confirmed, but some believe the culprit to be a suicide bomber.”
Time stopped for England when he heard those words. An icy feeling wormed it’s way throughout his whole body and he couldn’t even bring himself to blink. Suicide bombers… that meant…he had been right. This had not been a mistake- it had been a deliberate attack on Britain. His stomach started doing flips at the shock so he gripped his middle and leant over his knees. It was almost too horrible of a thought to bear. ‘Who would do this? Who would-’ But England was cut ( ... )
The beginning of this was really difficult to write for some reason. But then when I got to the limo scene, it got ten time easier to write.why am I so comfortable writing sad scenes? ;_; I used a reference pic for the blown up bus, found here-
Anyway, the updates are going to start coming a lot more infrequently now. I have band things for the next three days, a few days off, and then 2 weeks of band camp. But none of the events are all day, so I’ll have time to write, just a little less than I normally do. :)
So…What do you guys think of France proposing to Canada? Hopefully I have more than three readers, so please take your time to just write a little message because I really want to know everyone’s opinion on this. I’m not sure if I want to include it in the plot…
I'm not exactly fond of US/UK, but gahhh! T__T
As for France proposing to Canada...that would be interesting, given their history in the last few decades and the fact that in France, same-sex marriage is still illegal. If you go with France proposing, you might want to address this. ^^;
ohh, france and canada next! I hope its just as delicious! have fun at camp ad band!^^
(and fyi, I'm also a reader of this, and I'll be commenting alot from now on jsut to get more story.^^)
Once again, I love that you work in relatively current events into your fill and seamlessly fit the Nations in. This part was just so sad, but I did have to roll my wrote the media well. In the midst of disaster, they still look for "scandals." The insensitive *sigh*
I would love to see France proposing to Canada, but if you don't think it'll fit in with the plot, don't include it :)
To all me readers-
Thank you for all the quick reviews! I didn't expect that many so fast ._.;; Also I hope I didn't sound needy, I almost didn't want to ask for reviews but I needed the opinions. Thank you everyone again! i'll take your opinions into consideration.
And don't feel bad about lurking...I do it all the time to, haha.*needs to delurk more often*
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