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"Eeeh... hey, Romano -"
"Minimum three free meals and a nap with pasta."
Spain takes Romano up on his bargain. Wedding hijinks ensue!
It's taken me months to finish this and I wrote waaaay too much. Also, it has America/England and Greece/Japan at parts, so I hope anon does not mind.
20,300 words. 6,400 words of porn. Let's hope I don't fuck this posting up.
England winced, because he knew America thought what he was saying was true. When America got aggressive, there was nothing passive about it. And England knew it was his own fault that it had gotten to the point that America was his closest friend but was still under the impression that England didn’t take every instance of America’s expressed approval and store it away for safekeeping in a little mental lockbox that he’d never, ever admit that he kept. “Bollocks,” he said quietly. “If you admit I did something right, it’s a sign that I did something ( ... )
England’s jaw dropped, and for a moment he had to grope around for something to say. In the end, all he came up with was, “What?”
He’d been staring at his hands, but now America turned to look at him, and he said anxiously, “Maybe in the past I wouldn’t’ve asked, but that was before and this is now, and you’re my best friend, and I’d like to know if there’s… if there’s someone, you know? And I’m sorry if you’re gonna get mad at me for asking, but letting me know would be the nice thing to do ( ... )
First off, I love, love, love your brilliant characterization of everyone. You have done such an excellent job in bringing out every character's particular quirks - from Romano to Spain to France and England. What's more is that you bring something *new* to these characters. (A prime example would be England's pervertness showing blatantly while still keeping him so in character. Definitely unique to fanfics there!) And don't even get me started on character interaction because you've done such a fantastic job there as well. I thought you really managed to bring these characters to life and I reading this fic made me fall in love Spain/Romano all over again.
And to top it off, you ended the story with some US/UK (which is another one of my OTPs). Brilliant work. The humor in this fic and the sheer madness of this situation made me read everything non-stop in one sitting. Needless to say, if you ( ... )
Goes to show you that I ought to sleep. :D
Even when Spain and Lovino were supposed to be out of character, they were most certainly in character. Everything was amazing and cute and it had me smiling the whole way through.
Ending the story with USxUK was also a very fantastic move. Happy ending for all (who aren't France) and to all a good night.
I'd really love to see an Omake if author!anon can. If not, then wonderful story and I'm happy to have read it.
Good night.
“You’re not nearly as drunk as everyone thinks you are.”
Japan’s eyes widened as he looked up from his glass of water at Greece, who was sitting very close to him, practically shoulder to shoulder, and had been for most of the evening. Greece had spent the bulk of it quite shamelessly flirting with him, and he had accepted it happily. After the cake ran out and the candles started to burn down and people began to fall asleep or wander off to other parts of the sprawling rented house the reception had been held in, they stayed at the table with the cat that had followed Greece here curled up at their feet, enjoying the quiet punctuated by the sounds of laughter echoing through the cavernous rooms.
“And you never were,” Greece added. His head was propped up on his hand, and he was looking at Japan with a slight curve to his lips and sleepy eyes - though Greece’s eyes were always sleepy, and it didn’t actually indicate how awake or alert he was. Their ( ... )
Well, obviously, Japan thought. But he understood why Greece had said it anyway. It took him a moment, and he tried to get himself not to reply because he knew he’d sound disappointed if he did, but he asked anyway. “Why not?”
“Because I didn’t want you to wake up with me again and pretend that it was just a dream.”
That felt like a sucker punch to the gut. Word of what had happened between him and Greece when they first met had spread quickly, and he still got teased about it from time to time, and every time he’d unfailingly insisted that it wasn’t true. Greece didn’t bring it up, but Japan was quite sure that he’d heard from other nations that Japan was in denial - because the other nations did think he was in denial. At this point, Japan thought he was in denial too ( ... )
“And look how much trouble it’s gotten you in,” Greece said firmly. “Two world wars, Japan. If you’d stayed at home, you could’ve avoided them. No one was about to bring those wars to you.”
Japan stopped dead in his tracks, feeling like he’d just been dealt a slap in the face. The implication there was obvious; Japan had picked that path. Greece, on the other hand, had had those wars brought to him. When your neighborhood was on fire, you couldn’t expect your house to survive without getting singed. He took a deep breath and had trouble getting enough air in as he watched Greece simply keep walking ( ... )
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