United Kingdom - the 51st state?
September 30 2009, 01:33:41 UTC
Anon recently saw an awesome fanart where the UK became the 51st state of the US. What are the factors behind it - economic collapse? Social unrest? What of the Royal Family? How would England react to losing his sovereignty and having to answer to an American president? Roll with it, anons! This one sounds nice and juicy angsty.
Re: Here comes the candle [11/11]
October 11 2009, 02:24:29 UTC
... Dear GOD. I felt that reading this was a serious strain on my sense of pride, and while I'm not all that patriotic I think I somehow subconsciously resisted taking any pleasure whatsoever in reading it (and that was difficult) so this actually means you did a really good job, considering the premise. Ahhhh!
Beautiful choice of song (and so appropriate!), amazing execution; your style is wonderful.
I truthfully think you've done an amazing job. It's just that, describing England's pain and humiliation like this IS SO VIVID. His memories, the things that make the UK home. It's like you've taken all the Englishness and slowly squeezed it out of him and documented what happens. It makes me feel so very very small and humbled that AHH I'M SO GLAD THIS WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN.
Re: Here comes the candle [11/11]
October 11 2009, 08:38:50 UTC
Americanon (and op) here to say that I'm glad that will never happen, either. Nothing against the UK/England, but I like you guys the way you are. It was hard for me to read this, too, because you could just feel how awful England felt, having to forfeit everything he was and everything that defined him. My heart, it is broken. ;_;
Re: Here comes the candle [3/?]
August 13 2010, 01:17:20 UTC
Punch to the gut is the exact phrase I thought of! I would be furious if America had done this and the fact that no one gets it (as in the higher ups)...that its not about money its about peoples identity...I feel so sorry for England! *Bad America bad!*
The sates are awesome and should remain as 50 unless we build a space station on the moon or something >
To light you to bed [1/?]
October 15 2009, 20:31:14 UTC
Partner-fic to 'Here comes the candle' I'm posting this now because this way I have to finish it.
To light you to bed“Hello and thank you for joining us. Today we are discussing the formation of the 51st state, formally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is an unprecedented event; for a country and not even one which is part of the Americas to become a state is truly
( ... )
Re: To light you to bed [2/?]
October 15 2009, 20:32:12 UTC
“I know you have your reservations and stuff but I’ve had the house extended and the stuff you sent ahead has already arrived. I decorated the new rooms to your taste. You’ll love it, trust me,” he said as they entered the taxi
( ... )
Re: To light you to bed [5/?]
October 15 2009, 22:20:09 UTC
o-oh god, thank you author!anon ;A;
if you could post this in the fill index you could get even more readers! 8D i actually only happened upon this because i'd bookmarked your other fic and felt like rereading it today. little did i know this gem was waiting <333321
Re: To light you to bed [10/12]
October 15 2009, 23:28:59 UTC
“What do you mean you’re going to take away their dual nationality?!” Alfred’s outraged cry brought all eyes at the meeting towards him.
The solemn and grim faces around the meeting room told him that the matter had already been decided. Alfred slammed his fists into the table, almost splitting the wood in half, but even the strength he had to do that wrenched his heart apart with guilt. He knew where that strength was coming from now.
“I won’t accept this!” he cried. “I order you to take back the issue to give members of the fifty-first state full American nationality!”
“It’s been decided. You can’t recall it. The plan is already in motion.”
“Without my permission!” he cried, ready to fling something hot and painful into the speaker’s face.
“It has been decided.”
Alfred gritted his teeth in an attempt to restrain himself. Damn these humans! Damn them for doing whatever the hell they liked, thinking of no one but themselves!
“Who do you think I am, old man?! I’m. the United states of America, what I say
( ... )
Beautiful choice of song (and so appropriate!), amazing execution; your style is wonderful.
I truthfully think you've done an amazing job. It's just that, describing England's pain and humiliation like this IS SO VIVID. His memories, the things that make the UK home. It's like you've taken all the Englishness and slowly squeezed it out of him and documented what happens. It makes me feel so very very small and humbled that AHH I'M SO GLAD THIS WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN.
The sates are awesome and should remain as 50 unless we build a space station on the moon or something >
To light you to bed“Hello and thank you for joining us. Today we are discussing the formation of the 51st state, formally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is an unprecedented event; for a country and not even one which is part of the Americas to become a state is truly ( ... )
if you could post this in the fill index you could get even more readers! 8D i actually only happened upon this because i'd bookmarked your other fic and felt like rereading it today. little did i know this gem was waiting <333321
“What do you mean you’re going to take away their dual nationality?!” Alfred’s outraged cry brought all eyes at the meeting towards him.
The solemn and grim faces around the meeting room told him that the matter had already been decided. Alfred slammed his fists into the table, almost splitting the wood in half, but even the strength he had to do that wrenched his heart apart with guilt. He knew where that strength was coming from now.
“I won’t accept this!” he cried. “I order you to take back the issue to give members of the fifty-first state full American nationality!”
“It’s been decided. You can’t recall it. The plan is already in motion.”
“Without my permission!” he cried, ready to fling something hot and painful into the speaker’s face.
“It has been decided.”
Alfred gritted his teeth in an attempt to restrain himself. Damn these humans! Damn them for doing whatever the hell they liked, thinking of no one but themselves!
“Who do you think I am, old man?! I’m. the United states of America, what I say ( ... )
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