Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Blame it on that adorable FrancexRussia doujin... anonymous November 4 2009, 03:24:30 UTC
I have a thing for surprise virgins...
France discovers, to his great surprise, that Russia is a virgin. I don't know how he finds this out, maybe Russia accidentally lets it slip, maybe he has an internal virgin detector, I don't know. Naturally Russia doesn't really want this to get around (think what it would do to his reputation as a rape truck!) and France agrees to keep quiet as long as Russia allows to France to take his virginity, which Russia reluctantly agrees to.

Probably goes without saying, but France tops. And as Russia has no experience when it comes to sex, he's pretty awkward and ends up getting more and more submissive, which turns France on like woah.

Bonus: Russia comes too soon


Re: Blame it on that adorable FrancexRussia doujin... anonymous November 4 2009, 04:52:08 UTC
Seconded like burning.


Re: Blame it on that adorable FrancexRussia doujin... anonymous November 5 2009, 01:11:09 UTC
Oh, fuck it... I told myself that my next fill wouldn't be Russia-centric. Looks like that's not gonna happen.

Does OP prefer actual names or human names?


OP anonymous November 5 2009, 03:19:07 UTC
Either is fine! :D


Another French Invasion (Intro A) anonymous November 15 2009, 05:08:00 UTC
For the love of God, ignore the fail!title. Please ( ... )


Re: Another French Invasion (Intro B) anonymous November 15 2009, 05:20:54 UTC
Russia didn't like that sound of that, and he didn't appreciate being coaxed along to the point. It must have shown, because France's demeanor changed bit, but in the worst possible way; even more slowly, and more gentle than cautious, France continued.

“After, in a fit of chagrin, I approached you... intimately, shall we say?... I was quite sure that you told me -I am quite sure that you told me - that you... “never feel that way”.”

“Why is that so startling?”

“'Never' is a very strong word, mon ami.”

A beat passed, stretching into a pause as France studied the taller man's face. Despite any doubt he might have had, the pervert's smile only became more smug, and Russia had to stop himself from gaping when the man actually raised his hand, fingers spread, and rested it against his chest.

France was touching him.

France was touching him ( ... )


Re: Another French Invasion (Intro B) anonymous November 15 2009, 05:49:15 UTC
AHH! I can't wait for more authoranon!


Re: Another French Invasion (Intro B) anonymous November 15 2009, 08:42:50 UTC
Owah! France/Russia OTP~

I think I love you, for this is epically amazing.

More please?


Re: Another French Invasion (Intro B) anonymous November 15 2009, 13:59:02 UTC
Aww, virgin!Russia is so adorable~ ;u;


Another French Invasion (1a) anonymous November 18 2009, 04:23:29 UTC
That was how France managed to get an unarmed, somewhat de-clawed Russia waiting at his front door ( ... )


Re: Another French Invasion (1b) anonymous November 18 2009, 04:43:34 UTC
As he turned to face him more directly, Francis flattened his palm against the other man's knee. He went to slide it higher, the first caress of the evening, but Ivan stopped him, covering the hand with his own.

“I have no patience for the games you are wanting to play.” he said, and it was low, restrained. His 'warning voice'.

That was a little disappointing, but not surprising. Russia tended to only like games when he was winning.

“What are you suggesting?”

“We are going to end up in your bed, da?”

Francis didn't bother biting back a sigh.

“You're going to have to find a little patience for my games, mon chou~.” He drew out the endearment. “They're worth more than you realize ( ... )


Another French Invasion (2a) anonymous November 18 2009, 05:05:10 UTC
He slipped off of the other man's lap and, taking him by the hand, went to lead him out of the room. Ivan didn't tolerate the hand-holding for very long, but he did follow well enough.

The flat that Francis lived in at the moment wasn't as old as he'd have liked, and no bigger than he needed. It suited him well enough, though; he enjoyed living in his capital, surrounded by his children, and it had been a long time since he'd had enough people under his roof to justify a mansion. He'd nested there - while the front rooms were simplistic and modern, having changed to meet current fashion, his bedroom was a throwback to the past. A tasteful throwback. As much as he appreciated modern styles, he'd never warmed to well-disguised particle board as well as he had to brocade and carved, hand-stained wood ( ... )


Re: Another French Invasion (2b) anonymous November 18 2009, 05:10:34 UTC
Francis straightened up. Giving one of those obscenely soft, sweet pink nipples a rub, he shook his head and snorted. “I don't doubt that,” he explained, “but that isn't the point. It's about exploration.”. He started to push the open shirt off of wide shoulders, and was glad when Ivan let his arms be trapped long enough to let him wiggle the material down and away ( ... )


OP anonymous November 18 2009, 05:41:31 UTC
Can't stop grinning, anon. Oh Ivan, so awkward, so cute. :D


Re: Another French Invasion (2b) anonymous November 18 2009, 06:36:53 UTC
This is my favorite ongoing fill in the whole meme. You're doing such a wonderful job, anon, and I love you. <3

Also, Russia kicking off his boots is fucking adorable.


Re: Another French Invasion (2b) anonymous November 18 2009, 08:32:42 UTC
omg, this is awesome. Russia, so cute! France, so... France. and determined. Hee!


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