Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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So, we've had Nation/Nation non-con... anonymous November 11 2009, 03:12:19 UTC
...but what about Nation A/ Nation B's citizen non-con?

So, dear anons, I request Nation A being taken advantage of by one of Nation B's people. How would Nation B feel when he find out? is he guilt-ridden? Ready to go kill his own citizen? Hit me with your best shot, Anon.

Pairing wise I don't give a flying fig, though this US!Anon admits to being partial to America as Nation A (This isn't required, by any means. I know how many America Prompts there are out there, so if you see another character fitting in this scenario, go right ahead!)

aaaannnnd, Go!


Tear You Apart [4/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 17:53:37 UTC
Alfred woke up screaming. He woke up fighting against hands that inexplicably had the strength to hold him, voices that were familiar and alien at the same time, just wanting desperately to get away, to crawl into a dark hole and hide from everyone.

He wasn't even aware he was awake for a long moment as he thrashed on the bed until a cool, long-fingered laid itself on his forehead, calling him back to reality.

Are you all right? Alfred wasn't sure how Tony was able to talk, since he had no mouth, but the words reached him, anyway. You were screaming.

“Yeah.” Alfred said, sighing. “Sorry about that.” He tried to smile, but his heart was pounding too hard and he was still too scared.

Stay in bed. Tony instructed. His face remained blank as always, but his 'voice' sounded concerned. I'll bring you some water.His alien housemate left the room, and Alfred sat up, sighing. He wished he could figure out what was wrong with him, where these nightmares kept coming from. It was like part of his brain was screaming at him, but ( ... )


Re: Tear You Apart [4/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 20:13:09 UTC
Nice chapter, but all was eclipsed by the tender!Tony. AWWWWWWW!!!! My squees are epic!!! I've never seen Tony being so cute!!! ♥ I'd love to see more of him, authoranon! please!


Re: Tear You Apart [4/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 23:31:51 UTC
I do intend to have Tony being a major player. His alien powers aren't explained in canon to my knowledge, which makes him a Very Useful Plot Device. ^^

Also, I have to make up for that drawing of fem!Tony I did last week, or he'll make my brain asplode. >.>


OP!Anon posts after not posting! anonymous February 9 2010, 20:49:41 UTC
Sorry~ I knew you were updating, I just never found the time to review until now.


I'm loving this update! ...and I also want to see the rapist(s) ass(es) Kicked. :D


Re: OP!Anon posts after not posting! anonymous February 10 2010, 00:29:24 UTC
Patience, OP. That part comes later. ^^


Re: Tear You Apart [4/?] anonymous February 11 2010, 15:25:10 UTC
This is fairly well written, but it makes me twitchy that no one even suggested he go to a hospital and get a rape kit, or a toxology scan for date-rape drugs, or anything similar.
i realize this is fiction, but that sort of thing...


Author!anon here anonymous February 11 2010, 20:29:55 UTC
You'll remember that when he woke up after being unconscious for almost a full day, Matt told him it would take a while for the drugs to flush from his system. Since Alfred was out of it for that time period, I didn't explicitly state it, but I was hoping that remark would imply they did seek medical attention for him (anon is silly sometimes- please forgive him ( ... )


Tear You Apart [5a/?] anonymous February 25 2010, 18:27:27 UTC
I'm sorry for th wait, guys- real life hated me! So here's a longer-than-usual update to make up for it. ^^

The first night Matt stayed over, Alfred had a nightmare. It woke Matt up from all the way across the house, and Tony showed up again to take care of him.

Every night after that, at Matt's suggestion, the three of them just all started the night in Alfred's bed, which seemed to help keep the nightmares away.

After a couple more days, Gilbert showed up on Alfred's doorstep with a six-pack of beer and a gift of wurst from Germany that made Al smile. They added the offerings to dinner and ate together- even Tony had a beer, though Al was still completely at a loss as to how he drank it without a mouth ( ... )


Tear You Apart [5b/?] anonymous February 25 2010, 18:29:36 UTC
“You sure he'll be okay with that little gray guy?” Gilbert asked once they were safely banished to the hall.

“I don't think Tony plans to hurt him.” Matt said with a sigh, leaning against the wall. “I think he's going to try and dig out who did this from Al's mind.”

“He can do that?”

“I'm guessing.” Matt pushed off the wall with a shrug. “In the meantime, I'm going to stay here and guard the door- can you go make some coffee?”

Gilbert nodded, hesitating a moment, then leaned over and kissing him lightly. “Inappropriate or not, you look like you need it.” He said before heading downstairs to get the coffee going.

Dawn was breaking by the time Matt heard Tony's voice, faint with exhaustion, tell him to come in.

Al was still asleep, expression peaceful, completely relaxed. Tony, on the other hand, had definitely seen better days- his skin bore a faint blue-ish undertone, and his thin hands were trembling slightly.

“Are you all right?” Matt asked, but Tony waved his concern aside.

I will recover. He said dismissively ( ... )


OP!Anon doesn't stalk this story, what are you talking about? anonymous February 26 2010, 00:57:25 UTC
Ahhh~ a new part! Thank you so much, Anon!

And More Tony! dshfokdfhaglkkdf <3

Protective Matt is amazing. Do I smell an asskicking in the future? plz? XD


Re: OP!Anon doesn't stalk this story, what are you talking about? anonymous February 26 2010, 01:32:13 UTC
Y-you don't stalk my fill? *feels unloved, bursts into tears* ;-;

I kid, I kid. XD

Yes, more Tony! As a character, he gets very little love. It's kind of like the fandom's roped off a little section of Hetalia and posted a big sign in front of it saying Blane, come play over here!

It's awesome. ^^


Re: Tear You Apart [5b/?] anonymous February 26 2010, 01:18:29 UTC
Oh, God. Poor Al. Those guys were really creepy, god. I've usually thought the nations are very pretty guys, very eyecatching, and this makes me feel bad for ever having thought it ^^U

Poor Matt! At least he's got Gil, who for once is less about telling everyone how awesome he is and more about being fucking awesome. What an excellent boyfriend, the sweetheart ^^

And Tony! ♥ God, I always thought he was just crack till you showed me The Power Of Friendship here. He really likes Al, and that's too cute ^^

Oh, god. British. They were British, those guys. Uh-oh. As if Tony didn't hate Arthur already. Wait, this is going to be worthy if only for the terrible revenge the crazy brutish Brit will effect; after all, Himaruya tells us he tries to be a gentleman, but he's really a thugXD. He probably has a great hook; and magic *evil grin*
(and yeah, let Hell break loose on those fucking bastards >.<)
At least they weren't Russian; that would have meant World War III, or somethingXD


Re: Tear You Apart [5b/?] anonymous February 26 2010, 01:37:10 UTC
As long as you make no plans to spike his drink and drag him into a back alley to share with your friends, you have no reason to feel bad, anon. ^^

As far as I can see, Gilbert will spend all his time telling people how awesome he is until action is required, then he'll shut up, buckle down, and show it. He's Prussia, he was formed by freaking church knights- I seriously doubt he'd be the type to be useless when the brown stuff starts flying.

Also, regarding the attacks, I'll say this much- only one of them's British. Where's the other one from? You'll just have to wait and see! ^^ *evil*


Tear You Apart [6a/?] anonymous March 17 2010, 16:31:19 UTC
Meetings were just about the single most boring thing anyone had ever invented at any point in the history of civilization. Alfred detested them, especially since this one had started with him already on edge- it was the yearly meeting of all the nations, and he'd tensed up and gotten a headache as soon as he walked in the door ( ... )


Tear You Apart [6b/?] anonymous March 17 2010, 16:33:43 UTC
Tony was waiting at the hotel. Al had no idea how he'd gotten there, or how he'd even known to come, but the little gray alien met them at the door, immediately wrapping his fingers around Al's, calming him considerably.

You need rest. Tony said, leading him to the large hotel bed and pushing him down. Sleep- I will guard you.

Al nodded, suddenly more tired than shaken. He kicked off his shoes and lied down, curling up under the covers. Tony climbed up in the nearby chair, and Matt crawled under the covers with him. It felt safe and warm, and Al yawned, relaxing.

“I love you two.” He said softly, closing his eyes and letting himself drift off to sleep. With Matt next to him and Tony watching over them both, nothing bad would happen, and that was good to know.

Matt murmured something near his ear, and Tony's response followed him down, chasing away any nightmares that might be trying to form.

We love you as well, my friend.


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