Title is from Billy Joel's 'Stiletto', which is an awesome song. It may help to know that the Russian sterotype of Estonians is (my reading suggests)one of very taciturn, thoughtful people.Estonia remembers Belarus from the Commonwealth days, a sullen, sharp-edged girl, who liked to put him and Latvia to bed with the bloodiest of fairy-tales. Somehow he wasn't surpised when the sharp edges turned literal
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so good with her stiletto [2/2]
March 26 2010, 10:09:25 UTC
When she can talk again she sits back on her heels and wipes her mouth off. She looks very satisfied. "Perkele," Estonia mutters again, and lets go of the long strands of her hair. He can still feel her breath. She's not that far away. His legs are shaking, but he's not going to let himself fall
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Re: so good with her stiletto [2/2]
March 26 2010, 22:55:59 UTC
...Well, damn.
I'm not the OP, but I thoroughly enjoyed this fill. I love how it really does feel like just... a snapshot. You imply a lot in this fill. Like there's a lot more under the surface. I really appreciate that, and I think you pulled it off well. And despite the length of the fill, your characterization seems pretty spot-on to me.
Anyway, this was an awesome read. Nice fill, anon!
Title is from Billy Joel's 'Stiletto', which is an awesome song. It may help to know that the Russian sterotype of Estonians is (my reading suggests)one of very taciturn, thoughtful people.Estonia remembers Belarus from the Commonwealth days, a sullen, sharp-edged girl, who liked to put him and Latvia to bed with the bloodiest of fairy-tales. Somehow he wasn't surpised when the sharp edges turned literal ( ... )
I'm not the OP, but I thoroughly enjoyed this fill. I love how it really does feel like just... a snapshot. You imply a lot in this fill. Like there's a lot more under the surface. I really appreciate that, and I think you pulled it off well. And despite the length of the fill, your characterization seems pretty spot-on to me.
Anyway, this was an awesome read. Nice fill, anon!
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