Maybe we were, long ago, but definitely not now.
January 24 2010, 03:40:31 UTC
This is anon's first request, and she hopes she's doing it right. XD
In her head canon, anon believes the nation-tans were once humans but, due to certain circumstances, were made into the personification of their country.
Anon would like to see how that came about. Did they just happen to wake up like that? Was it a blessing given to them because of their heroic efforts? A punishment cast on to them by the gods because of a great crime they committed?
Anyone can be used in this. XD And I'd like multiple fills, 'cause I'm like that.
reCaptcha says "of wounding". Maybe the nation-tan was near death?
Re: Maybe we were, long ago, but definitely not now.
January 24 2010, 09:03:55 UTC
I am thinking about this very hard, but alas, it is one o'clock in the morning where this anon lives and my nighttime logic makes no sense. I will work on filling this when finals aren't kicking my arse.
Re: Maybe we were, long ago, but definitely not now.
January 24 2010, 20:54:23 UTC
This authoranon has some ideas for this fill. Unfortunatly it might have to be an AU of sort since when it comes to subjects like this I can't leave the thought about England being King Arthur and Prussia (somehow) being related to Bismark.
Recaptacha - "godchild" "stimulation" what do you have in mind recaptcha?
He had lived for only twenty years and yet this was the most idiotic accomplishment of his days, stealing the spinning wheel. Kneeling before his captors, he kept his head bowed, he would not make this worse then it had been when he had started. His twin, just moments younger, kneeling at his side
( ... )
Óðinn reiði 2/2
March 30 2011, 01:23:05 UTC
Denmark jolted awake and slipped out of bed, escaping the octopus hold of his lover. Sve had never quite forgiven him for his curse. And Denmark couldn't blame him
( ... )
Re: Óðinn reiði 2/2
March 30 2011, 02:33:25 UTC
Author!Anon, this was incredible! It was wonderfully moving and really gave a new look to the nations. I absolutely adored the relationship between Sweden and Denmark as brothers cursed, and especially (as a DenNor fan) the bit with Norway.
Re: Óðinn reiði 2/2
March 31 2011, 18:17:38 UTC
A!A This was an amazing and refreshing idea about the nations! I really love the prospect that they actually had had the taste of a normal life before them and I think the idea that they can still long for perfectly normal things like raising a family and just /living/, a really beautiful idea.
Sunlight was much to bright, he groaned rolling off his futon and onto the ground right beside it. His Okaa-san would be calling him to breakfast soon, while his Otou-san rushed him out the house and into the fields. Both his sisters would start the house-hold chores, Okaa-san needed rest if she was going to carry the baby to the end, and be finished by the time he and Otou-san completed the work in the fields
( ... )
Japan sipped his tea as America rambled on about the newest video game, and why hadn't Japan told him about the Super Secret Hidden Level? He hid a chuckle, America was like his Okaa-san. All sunshine and laughter
( ... )
I loved your prose, anon. In fact, I'm tempted to just say that I love everything about this - Japan's characterization, the way you got his voice down pat, his friendship with America, the Greece/Japan hints (America, you sneak XD) - and that its brevity felt just right for a piece like this, but I'm afraid of sounding cliche. (Though that hasn't stopped me from just doing that, hasn't it? >_>)
But seriously, this is exactly the kind of fill I love finding and reading for my favorite character. You did a wonderful job with this prompt, exploration of Japan's inner thoughts on becoming a nation, and his interactions with America and Greece.
And some days, much fewer then before, he wished he was Hikaru again, the little twelve year old that would run into the field after his Otou-san and come home every night to his sisters and Okaa-san.
In her head canon, anon believes the nation-tans were once humans but, due to certain circumstances, were made into the personification of their country.
Anon would like to see how that came about. Did they just happen to wake up like that? Was it a blessing given to them because of their heroic efforts? A punishment cast on to them by the gods because of a great crime they committed?
Anyone can be used in this. XD And I'd like multiple fills, 'cause I'm like that.
reCaptcha says "of wounding". Maybe the nation-tan was near death?
Because seriously, my headcanon says that the Nations were former humans, too!
I'm seconding and maaaaaaaaaay be interested in filling it myself.
reCAPTCHA: have jaegar. What's a jaeger?
Please do so! ^.^ -is happy people are interested in filling this-
reCaptcha: washroom Birth LOLWHAT
Recaptacha - "godchild" "stimulation" what do you have in mind recaptcha?
But hey, thanks for being interested. :D
Thank you for the awesome read!
Awesome little fill!
But seriously, this is exactly the kind of fill I love finding and reading for my favorite character. You did a wonderful job with this prompt, exploration of Japan's inner thoughts on becoming a nation, and his interactions with America and Greece.
And some days, much fewer then before, he wished he was Hikaru again, the little twelve year old that would run into the field after his Otou-san and come home every night to his sisters and Okaa-san.
That line just made my heart swell with warmth.
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