When Things Don't Go As Planned... (Russia/America AU)
February 18 2010, 23:23:59 UTC
Russia is hired to grab Arthur Kirkland's son and return him to insert-nation-here to be held for ransom. He's not really a criminal but he owes the man who wants him to do the job money so he agrees to do it. It'll be an easy job the kid is supposed to be shy, quiet and meek. So he makes the grab and quickly realizes he's gotten more then he bargains for with the foul-mouthed brat he ends up with who fights him every step of the way and is just asking to be shot. Then Alfred informs him that he must have grabbed the wrong brother because there's no way his father will care that he's been kidnapped much less pay any sort of ransom. Russia tries not to care he has a job and he intends to do it but on the way to returning Alfred to his boss he discovers there's no intention of letting the boy go alive. They'll kill him regardless of if they get their money or not. He can't let that happen, he's not that sort of man and he may sort of be attracted to Alfred. So the race is on to try and get them both to safety with the hounds of
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Mongoose - Prologue
March 5 2010, 07:07:19 UTC
I already have too many fills, and I've never written Russia/America before, but something in this request called to me. It was totally a Buddha moment.
You're in for a long haul. I hope it's all right. I can't write Russia for the life of me. T_T
October 23 Saturday, 3:32 a.m.
The fire devours everything.
And yet, it will be better than drowning, Russia thinks, pressing his bruised cheek against the deck. The wood is already hot against his skin from the ashen nest that is forming beneath them, deep in the subsections of the yacht. He wonders if the flames will curve around from portside quick enough-he can see orange being swallowed into an ink-black sky-or if they will fall through the floor first, straight into the inferno. Either way, his head is already light with the imagined scent of burnt flesh. He remembers that smell, though it had been another time and he had been another person
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Mongoose - Chapter 1
March 5 2010, 07:43:41 UTC
October 15 Friday, 4:54 p.m.
“I don’t do that kind of work anymore,” Russia tells him.
There is a long, calculating pause on the other end of the telephone line. It doesn’t bode well, but then again, Russia’s given up on trying to outguess this one. There are things colder than snow, and a businessman is one of them.
Finally, a tinge of exasperation in his tone, Yao says, “It’s not like I’m asking you to do anything despicable. It’s a simple delivery job.”
“If he fit in a package, it might be a delivery job.” Russia pauses and adds, for clarity’s sake, “I don’t do that kind of work anymore.”
“You-look, Russia! You should be grateful I’d be willing to release your debt for so little. He’s only a boy. A sheltered, quiet, meek little mouse with glasses and a spot of Daddy worship.”
“If you want his ‘Daddy,’ you ought to talk to him “Arthur Kirkland is the most stubborn, ungrateful
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Re: Mongoose - Chapter 1
March 5 2010, 08:14:39 UTC
This is probably the best fill I have read so far on this kink meme, and I don't say this lightly. Please, PLEASE keep updating this, I love your writing and the direction you're taking this story.
OMG this was just...gorgeous beyond anything I could have imagined.
The writing is fantastic I love the way you describe everything especially the fire on the boat and the restaurant/town Russia is in. Really felt like I was right there along with the characters.
You have nothing to worry about with your Russia, he's fabulous and I love him already. So worn out and tired with life and the world he just wants to clear his debt and be left alone. Too bad the whirlwind of chaos known as Alfred is about to stumble into his life.
And my goodness that Prologue! Now you can't ever abandon this because you can't leave them that way! ;-)
I'm loving this so much, thank you SO much! Can't wait to see where this will be heading next!
Re: Mongoose - Chapter 1
March 5 2010, 23:02:05 UTC
Oh anon, this looks really good. Continue please! x) Is Russia's desire for a boat a reference to his historical "a want a port, I want a port"-ness at all? Because I would love you if it was.
Re: Mongoose - Chapter 1
March 7 2010, 07:09:03 UTC
Holy crap...
I think you've rekindled my long-lost RusAme love. I haven't found RusAme fic that I liked for ages, but this has got me totally hooked and I can't wait for more. Great job!
Re: Mongoose - Chapter 1
March 7 2010, 09:12:47 UTC
I read this when it was first posted and then went to work. So as I was working I remembered it and discovered just how much I want this to be continued. Oh, it's so full of awesome and there is only two chapters so far. Uuuuuh, I love you.
Mongoose - Chapter 2A
March 10 2010, 05:59:23 UTC
Thank you so, so much for the feedback! It's given me some courage to write more of this. >.> Really, I can't thank you enough for the lovely comments and flurry of Russia/America love.
This chapter's a bit boring; it's exposition, mostly. And not even very good exposition. It gets confusing. Mostly 'cause you can't know all the backstories yet. But you will! Sorry!
October 15 Friday, 9:13 p.m. Night rests her weight against the harbor waters so gently that Russia almost doesn’t notice the dark. He walks along the decking, listening to the waves lap against wood and earth, and is reminded of how lucky he is not to be landlocked. As a child, the only waters he’d known were frozen, fragile wastelands. Just another place for bones to be buried
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Mongoose - Chapter 2B
March 10 2010, 06:03:55 UTC
Russia’s mouth quirks. He tucks that picture behind the third, which shows the father and son pair once again-the former slumped over the sticky bar counter and the latter tugging at his arm, nerves written across his face.
It is, in a way, a waste of money. The town is small; the residents know each other perhaps too well, putting their fingers in another’s business without thought. This is the danger of mankind, thinks Russia, stomping up the rotten stairs to his house. So many people put close together, they can’t help but hurt each other.
A thought for another day. Russia enters his house and puts on the lights, heading toward the kitchen. There’s nothing in the icebox except vodka, but he’ll take that on a chilly night like this. The door, he doesn’t bother locking-at night, he sleeps with a pipe under the mattress and an eye open. No lie.
Everyone knows about Arthur Kirkland. Even Russia, who had come to this place less than four years ago, has had no choice but to absorb the information that saturates the
( ... )
I adored this I loved how you weaved the Kirkland backstory in amongst some great Russia characterization it's a really nice way to learn more about both and I also love not learning everything at once. I'm not very good at doing that spreading exposition and backstory out across long distances but I wish I was.
Gilbert...oh gods we haven't even really met him yet but man do I adore him already. That's a perfect bit of casting that.
Seriously loving this fic and anxiously waiting for the grab to happen and Russia's dreams of a nice easy job dissolve into madness.
You're in for a long haul. I hope it's all right. I can't write Russia for the life of me. T_T
October 23
Saturday, 3:32 a.m.
The fire devours everything.
And yet, it will be better than drowning, Russia thinks, pressing his bruised cheek against the deck. The wood is already hot against his skin from the ashen nest that is forming beneath them, deep in the subsections of the yacht. He wonders if the flames will curve around from portside quick enough-he can see orange being swallowed into an ink-black sky-or if they will fall through the floor first, straight into the inferno. Either way, his head is already light with the imagined scent of burnt flesh. He remembers that smell, though it had been another time and he had been another person ( ... )
Friday, 4:54 p.m.
“I don’t do that kind of work anymore,” Russia tells him.
There is a long, calculating pause on the other end of the telephone line. It doesn’t bode well, but then again, Russia’s given up on trying to outguess this one. There are things colder than snow, and a businessman is one of them.
Finally, a tinge of exasperation in his tone, Yao says, “It’s not like I’m asking you to do anything despicable. It’s a simple delivery job.”
“If he fit in a package, it might be a delivery job.” Russia pauses and adds, for clarity’s sake, “I don’t do that kind of work anymore.”
“You-look, Russia! You should be grateful I’d be willing to release your debt for so little. He’s only a boy. A sheltered, quiet, meek little mouse with glasses and a spot of Daddy worship.”
“If you want his ‘Daddy,’ you ought to talk to him “Arthur Kirkland is the most stubborn, ungrateful ( ... )
Oh, and your Russia is <3
captcha says "overjoy to". why yes, I'm very happy right now
Beautiful writing.
The writing is fantastic I love the way you describe everything especially the fire on the boat and the restaurant/town Russia is in. Really felt like I was right there along with the characters.
You have nothing to worry about with your Russia, he's fabulous and I love him already. So worn out and tired with life and the world he just wants to clear his debt and be left alone. Too bad the whirlwind of chaos known as Alfred is about to stumble into his life.
And my goodness that Prologue! Now you can't ever abandon this because you can't leave them that way! ;-)
I'm loving this so much, thank you SO much! Can't wait to see where this will be heading next!
Is Russia's desire for a boat a reference to his historical "a want a port, I want a port"-ness at all? Because I would love you if it was.
I think you've rekindled my long-lost RusAme love. I haven't found RusAme fic that I liked for ages, but this has got me totally hooked and I can't wait for more. Great job!
This chapter's a bit boring; it's exposition, mostly. And not even very good exposition. It gets confusing. Mostly 'cause you can't know all the backstories yet. But you will! Sorry!
October 15
Friday, 9:13 p.m. Night rests her weight against the harbor waters so gently that Russia almost doesn’t notice the dark. He walks along the decking, listening to the waves lap against wood and earth, and is reminded of how lucky he is not to be landlocked. As a child, the only waters he’d known were frozen, fragile wastelands. Just another place for bones to be buried ( ... )
It is, in a way, a waste of money. The town is small; the residents know each other perhaps too well, putting their fingers in another’s business without thought. This is the danger of mankind, thinks Russia, stomping up the rotten stairs to his house. So many people put close together, they can’t help but hurt each other.
A thought for another day. Russia enters his house and puts on the lights, heading toward the kitchen. There’s nothing in the icebox except vodka, but he’ll take that on a chilly night like this. The door, he doesn’t bother locking-at night, he sleeps with a pipe under the mattress and an eye open. No lie.
Everyone knows about Arthur Kirkland. Even Russia, who had come to this place less than four years ago, has had no choice but to absorb the information that saturates the ( ... )
I adored this I loved how you weaved the Kirkland backstory in amongst some great Russia characterization it's a really nice way to learn more about both and I also love not learning everything at once. I'm not very good at doing that spreading exposition and backstory out across long distances but I wish I was.
Gilbert...oh gods we haven't even really met him yet but man do I adore him already. That's a perfect bit of casting that.
Seriously loving this fic and anxiously waiting for the grab to happen and Russia's dreams of a nice easy job dissolve into madness.
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