Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul anonymous March 11 2010, 03:37:25 UTC
Third Potential Author Anon Here (how did I manage to be the first fill?) finally. Sorry for the wait OP I had a move and uncooperative muses getting in the way of the creative process. Not sure how fast parts will come for this as I'm working on several other WIPs that have all been pushed aside for the last month but I'm thinking this will be about 7ish parts long if not a few more then that ( ... )


Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1a anonymous March 11 2010, 03:39:51 UTC
Author's Notes: A few headcanony things in this. Firstly that the nation's are in and out of the UN at various times during the year when there aren't officially scheduled meetings among the nation's or UN representatives. If enough of them happen to be around at any given time there might be an impromptu casual meeting that occurs. Secondly in Comfort I looked into the land-effects-the-nation's-and-can-make-them-sick line of thought and we know the economy makes them sick is canon but I think that they can also get regular run-of-the-mill sick as well. Though human medicine, at least the wholly man-made kind, is not necessarily good for them ( ... )


Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1b anonymous March 11 2010, 03:41:07 UTC
"Is everything okay back at your house?" he asked tentatively. "No one informed me of anything happening...how sick are you ( ... )


Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1c anonymous March 11 2010, 03:42:45 UTC
America exited the subway station and headed towards his apartment building. He used the subway more often then not when he was in New York and traveling on his own driving and taking a taxi got old after a while. Besides he was supposed to be going green and all of that sort of thing. He liked the walk as well. Say what they will about London or Paris, Berlin or Moscow, Rome or Tokyo but there really was no city in the world quite like New York. He loved to the feel the pulse of the city flow through his blood when he was in they City it was such a rush and there was no better way to experience then out among the people ( ... )


Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1d anonymous March 11 2010, 03:44:08 UTC
America had had no answers to give England when he'd asked what Russia was up to. He hadn't know himself. He still didn't ( ... )


Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1e anonymous March 11 2010, 03:44:57 UTC
He wondered if he had the recipe with him here in New York. He didn't think so it was most likely at the house in Virginia but if he made a few calls he could have it here within a few hours. He hurried forward into the store rushing around and grabbing whatever he thought might possibly be involved in the recipe. He could have anything else delivered from elsewhere in the city but he always liked to support the local shop whenever he could. After chatting with the shop owner's wife and her sister's who always seemed to come out of the woodwork when he appeared, drawn no doubt by who he was though they had no real inkling, to try and stuff him full of food and get him to date their daughters, he added more to his growing collection ( ... )


Re: Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1e anonymous March 11 2010, 04:18:20 UTC
I'm super excited for this fic, can't wait to see where you take it. I read Some Comfort Here and I loved it and now there's more. It's perfect, the characterization and gah, EVERYTHING. /fangirl squeal.

On a side note: America exited the subway station and headed towards his apartment building.
Now when I get on the train tomorrow morning I'm going to think of this and it'll make my day a little more bearable. (:


Re: Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1e anonymous March 11 2010, 10:35:14 UTC
Awww...thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed both Comfort and this one so much! I'm still amazed how many people seemed to enjoy Comfort and I hope that I can live up to expectations for this one.


Re: Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1e anonymous March 11 2010, 06:46:39 UTC
I loved the sleep-aid fic, and this new one seems just as awesome :D


Re: Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1e anonymous March 11 2010, 16:23:28 UTC
i loved Some Comfort Here, but i'm having trouble reading this one. it seems very rushed and full of run-on sentences.

I'd like to see where you're going with it, but please take some time and edit so it can be really good <3


aw yisssss F5F5F5 anonymous March 11 2010, 20:26:08 UTC




Re: Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1e anonymous March 11 2010, 21:37:45 UTC
Oh God oh God oh God there's a sequel for Some Comfort. Oh God oh God I'm literally flailing like a crazed person. XD;

Oh man that last line is killing me. Nothing can't go wrong? Oh Alfred, Alfred... Welp that's Alfred for you. X3

Lovely job on the fill so far! I just love how well you're writing the characters and the fill as a whole. And I love the title you chose for the fill. <3


Re: Chicken Soup for the Nation's Soul -- Part 1e anonymous March 12 2010, 06:18:54 UTC
I cannot WAIT for the next chapter! I also LOVED Some Comfort Here, that was such an adorable fic!

>>There was absolutely nothing that could possibly go wrong.
Famous last word lol
And for some odd reason I found the whole "family trying to get him to date their daughters" thing endearing.


OP anonymous March 19 2010, 05:33:04 UTC
All right, I have now actually read the fic, and I would like to say that I love it, and it is absolutely wonderful so far! I read Some Comfort Here a while back and I really liked it! I'm so lucky to have you writing my fill. :D Thank you author!anon, for filling and for putting up with me.

(I'm so sorry about not replying please forgive me GAH)


Re: OP anonymous March 19 2010, 15:16:34 UTC
Oh OP don't worry about it real life happens it's understandable. I'm just glad you found it and enjoyed it!

I hope you're willing to put up with me a bit on it as it might be a bit slow going as I work it among two other WIP's I'm currently dealing with. I shouldn't have taken anything else up but I just couldn't resist this prompt... ;-)


OP anonymous March 21 2010, 04:08:40 UTC
Oh, don't even worry. Take as much time as you need! :D I'll keep rereading what I have and get more psyched up! Thanks again, author!anon!


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