Whether you go with the plot of Descendants of Darkness, or just have the characters from both series interacting is fine with me. If you do follow the plot, I really want to see America and England as the shinigami pair with America as Tsuzuki and England as Hisoka. Any other characters can be whoever.
For anyone who is curious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Descendants_of_Darkness
Whether you go with the plot of Descendants of Darkness, or just have the characters from both series interacting is fine with me. If you do follow the plot, I really want to see America and England as the shinigami pair with America as Tsuzuki and England as Hisoka. Any other characters can be whoever.
Russia as Muraki anyone?
France is obviously Watari! Does that mean Germany = Tatsumi?
Hungary's part of the Saya and Yuma pair. Who else? Ukraine? Seychelles? Japan? XD
Actually wait, Seychelles = Wakaba. Does that mean Cuba = Terazuma? Oh and Belarus would be Tsubaki-hime....
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