You Can't Hide Forever Part 25
May 19 2010, 17:22:48 UTC
Germany adjusted the camera and cleared his throat. “If I may, Lithuania, I shall take control of this meeting for the moment to address what has happened. I thank you for setting up this meeting. I know that this must have been very hard to do
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You Can't Hide Forever 27/?
July 4 2010, 23:54:05 UTC
“That’s them! They’re coming!!” Bulgaria cried out in fear and scrambled to his feet, forgetting that his ankle was twisted and he collapsed back onto the ground in pain. Vietnam quickly got him back up to his feet and moved him away from the door
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Re: You Can't Hide Forever 28
July 5 2010, 06:20:56 UTC
Woot! Update! *reads* *shouts* Look under the tarp! There must be something! Alfred wouldn't send you to a dead end with no way out! *whimpers* I love this fill, please write more of it soon! I'm so glad you haven't given up on it!
ReCaptcha: viaducts to; ReCaptcha thinks there might be water tunnels or something hidden as a way out!
You Can't Hide Forever 29
August 21 2010, 23:47:22 UTC
“Oh come on!” cried out Denmark as he kicked a rock in anger. “What’s the point of having a secret escape grotto if you don’t have anything to escape in?”
“He might have thought it was cool or something,” said Norway.
“This means we really are trapped,” Lithuania said in a voice of resignation.
Vietnam pointed to a mass behind a huge rock . “Oh no we’re not. Look!”
Behind the rock was a small and rusty, but seaworthy yacht. The name on yacht was the USS Minnow.“I knew America wouldn’t lead us to a dead end!” said France as he made his way to the yacht. The others followed him except Estonia. Estonia looked at the wooden boxes and then back at opening to the tunnel
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Link to part 6-11 in part 4:
Link to parts 12-23 in part 5:
Link to parts 20-24.(revised 20-23 plus 24)
This is a place holder.
Also: aaaaaaaah! Cliffhanger-o-doom!!
*camping out on this thread*
Can't wait for more!
;_; Why wasn't Piri-tan Philippines mentioned even once? Though, I really like this... =3
ReCaptcha: viaducts to; ReCaptcha thinks there might be water tunnels or something hidden as a way out!
“He might have thought it was cool or something,” said Norway.
“This means we really are trapped,” Lithuania said in a voice of resignation.
Vietnam pointed to a mass behind a huge rock . “Oh no we’re not. Look!”
Behind the rock was a small and rusty, but seaworthy yacht. The name on yacht was the USS Minnow.“I knew America wouldn’t lead us to a dead end!” said France as he made his way to the yacht. The others followed him except Estonia. Estonia looked at the wooden boxes and then back at opening to the tunnel ( ... )
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