Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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Black Swan Theory [1/5] anonymous July 7 2010, 05:24:15 UTC
Request here:

Taking a break from the intensity of my WIP to write something...less intense, ahaha. Enjoy! ♥One ( ... )


Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 7 2010, 05:27:34 UTC

One afternoon, when the subway on the way home is a little less packed and his conversation with the doorman lasts more than twenty minutes and he has an envelope in the mail from Disney Careers, Alfred’s mind feels freer than usual and he actually bothers organizing the piles and piles of books around his apartment. Some are littered under his bed and some on the kitchen table, and Captain Underpants and Gulliver’s Travels and Theories of Velocity: Developments in the 20st Century have somehow found their way under the sofa cushions.

As he stacks the books together, feeling spines under his fingers and the sternness of the action, Alfred’s mind wanders to 3B.

So he visits him.

And invites him into his apartment.

And learns his name is actually Ludwig, which is wicked cool, seriously. Except Ludwig gets all tight-lipped when he says it out loud.

But then he sees Rollercoasters: Binding the Mathematics and Aesthetics and mentions that he has the same book in his apartment, but it was a bit of a pain to read, because some ( ... )


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 7 2010, 05:48:45 UTC
Duuuuuuude, what the hell is this pairing? <3<3<3 Seeing smart!Al was awesome enough, but this pairing is strangely awesome. And awkward. And awkwardly awesome, idek.

And wow, Alfred and Matt's conversation is just A+, anon. Definitely looking forward to more of this one. This is an AU I can get behind. ;D


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 7 2010, 05:59:28 UTC
What is this amazing pairing <3 Love you for writing this anon.

I really enjoyed Alfred's thought process, and the fact that they both told ridiculous, awkward stories about who lived next door made me laugh a little. Please go on~


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 7 2010, 07:02:42 UTC
MORE GERMANY/AMERICA, YESSS. I'm starting to get really, really into this pairing, and this AU looks very promising. It's nice to see that such an average romance can work for them with their characters.

As a minor nitpick, native New Yorkernon sort of frowned at the mention of "Madison Square Park" since I didn't think such a place existed, but I googled it and it apparently does. I'd never heard of it before this. Regardless, it didn't put me off too much, and that's saying something considering how I can get about how my city is used in fiction. So you go, authornon!


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 7 2010, 19:49:59 UTC
Ahh thank you, anon! <321 And yes. THIS PAIRING. NEEDS MORE LOOVE ;o;

Oh dear. I was trying so hard not to make NYC seem contrived in case I offended native New Yorkernons! Glad to know I...somewhat succeeded? /is nervous /is shot I visited Madison Square Park last Saturday, actually. I guess it's sort of unnoticeable except for the nude statue right by its gate B|? Haha, thank you! ♥


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 7 2010, 22:50:15 UTC
Keep it up! ♥

Nah, you're just fine. It would seem that I've actually passed Madison Square Park many many times and have just never bothered to find out what it was called...or maybe I actually knew all along but just didn't register it because of how late at night I read this. Regardless, if you need to reference anything in the city for whatever reason, I'd be happy to help you to the best of my ability! :)


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 7 2010, 07:29:45 UTC
♥Anon with small heart (yeah that's my made-up name for you, if you are who I think you are lol)
you just prove that you can write any pairing and all are super amazing.


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 8 2010, 00:37:08 UTC


Sorry, I'm rather incoherent from that.

I'm just going to say I love you and F5 crazily. owo


You are AWESOME, author!anon! <3 anonymous July 8 2010, 01:43:41 UTC
This...I...there are no words to describe how delighted I am with this fill. It highlights a lot of what I like about this pairing. So awkward, adorkable, nerdy, and sweet. Please, please, do continue.


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 8 2010, 01:47:31 UTC
I'm fairly sure I know who you are and I LOVE you for getting into this pairing and for this fic and just...EVERYTHING.

Your Germany is beyond amazing...simply...beyond amazing.


Please tell me you plan to write more of these two in the future...please...


Re: Black Swan Theory [2/5] anonymous July 8 2010, 14:54:40 UTC

America is soo love with the conversation with Mattie :3 ♥

I would like to see moar of Germany/America such a nitpicker for seme!Germany T-T Sorry They're like rare :3 (Poland has now invaded my vocab <3)

This fill is very nicely constructed. I wish my fills were like this T-T


Black Swan Theory [3a/5] anonymous July 9 2010, 06:39:27 UTC
Three ( ... )


Black Swan Theory [3b/5] anonymous July 9 2010, 06:47:05 UTC
A pause creeps through the door.


“That was…very blunt,” he finally says, and then-yes-- chuckles. Ludwig’s laugh is the sort that he wants to keep in jars and let out when he’s angsting, because it’s honest and rare and steady and just a little fragile, just like he is. “But you just reminded me of something I learned about a couple years ago ( ... )


Re: Black Swan Theory [3b/5] anonymous July 9 2010, 07:11:19 UTC
I am so happy that you updated, although I have absolutely no idea who you are.

I wouldn't mind at all if you wanted to give us some names of other fills or even a website where you posted other stories...


Re: Black Swan Theory [3b/5] anonymous July 9 2010, 18:55:53 UTC
eee, thank you!

as for other fills...(btw, can i just say that you asking made my morning? ♥♥):

anatomy of the infinite, which is that super intense WIP i mentioned:

the dark, in which a boggart shows america's greatest fear:

the stars are spinning, an incoherent USUK drabble:

the whale's backbone, a biography of sealand sort of:


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