Re: Blindsided 1/? Author!Anon
July 26 2010, 16:36:42 UTC
Thanks. Am working my way slowly through a few things. Couldn't resist the prompt though. Hoping I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by filling it (Not the Anon who said they'd fill in OP)
Re: Blindsided 2a/?
July 26 2010, 18:37:29 UTC
Matthew hasn't forgiven him.
England couldn't remember the exact moment that he realized that Canada was angry.
Sweet, innocent Matthew holding a grudge, but still obedient. At least until now.
Arthur had been so distracted by France's pitiful attempts at conquest, that he'd missed the fire in those violet eyes. His troops had been paying for it-- England's soldiers had been attempting to squash America's attempts to gain more territory. To force Arthur to acknowledge again what he hadn't been able to articulate that day nearly forty years ago before-- And Matthew's people had barely aided them. It almost looked as though they wanted to be a part of America
( ... )
Re: Blindsided 2b/?
July 26 2010, 18:38:40 UTC
But only Matthew, precious Matthew stood before them.
His build and face were so much like his twin's-- like Alfred's-- that Arthur started. It had been the same look of fierce determination on another boy's face, as he told his guardian that he wanted to be independent. But the cold amethyst eyes told him that this was Matthew, and England had better listen.
“England, I choose liberty.” The words echoed, a hard edge to them. Francis made a little noise of surprise, “I choose to be independent. What do you say?”
“Where is America? How is--”
“He and I have come to an agreement, which is none of your business anymore.” The cold anger had been cemented. “What is your answer?”
In that look, Arthur-- England-- saw the promise of another long and bloody war, culminating in another gunshot, another boy in his arms, bleeding and forever crippled--
He couldn't do that again.
“I will acknowledge it.” He ignored Francis' startled gasp. There would be no battle, however the anger still had not left Canada's eyes.
Re: Blindsided 2b/?
July 26 2010, 23:08:28 UTC
Woooah! The earlier emancipation of Canada totally makes sense but it's sad to see Mattie hate Arthur ;__; I look forward to seeing Alfred's side to this !
Blindsided 3b/?
July 27 2010, 04:41:49 UTC
So quickly. He thought, falling to the pavement in front of the building. The pain was dulled by the booze, but it still would not allow him to take those final steps, to call out for aid
( ... )
Re: Blindsided 3b/?
July 28 2010, 06:22:06 UTC
This is gorgeous, and painful, and I love the changes in the character dynamics, the way Canada is having to take the lead, England's guilt, it's really well thought out.
Re: Blindsided 3b/?
July 29 2010, 02:02:53 UTC
December 7, 1941
With bombs no longer dropping on his heart, his London, Arthur had made more of a recovery than he could have dreamed on the nights when the fire ate at him. Thanks to Canada's propping up of his battered defenses, England and his people had been able to pull themselves together, and would live on for another day.
Little victories. Arthur told himself, temporarily back from the front, where his men were sometimes holding their own, sometimes giving ground. Little victories, like knowing who is on your side. Like Matthew
( ... )
Re: Blindsided 4b/?
July 29 2010, 02:05:56 UTC
Crap. Part above is 4a. Forgot to change the title. Sorry. ReCaptcha darling, 'Twelve-inch running' /what/?? He didn't have far to run-- as the echoes of Canada yelling came from the alley next to a bombed out building. And an echo of something soft hitting something hard. England frowned, and dove down the narrow street, afraid for a moment that Matthew had run into some idiot looking to steal ration cards
( ... )
Re: Blindsided 4b/?
July 30 2010, 06:18:51 UTC
So the other guy was American? I knew it! I wonder how America will feel (war and fighting+blind...welll...I've heard of people doing it legless (fighter pilot) and partially blind due to G forces (again fighter pilot) but full out blind from the start?) Well they did use to (so IVE HEARD)make pilots learn how to fly blindfolded ...
God this needs a trillion more reviews your style is beautiful and the way things are describe <3 I love it.
Will America ever win his eyesight back?Why DIDNT it come back? What did that represent for the country during the revolution and beyond (as in America having a fever = forest fire)..???
Am working my way slowly through a few things. Couldn't resist the prompt though. Hoping I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by filling it (Not the Anon who said they'd fill in OP)
Matthew hasn't forgiven him.
England couldn't remember the exact moment that he realized that Canada was angry.
Sweet, innocent Matthew holding a grudge, but still obedient. At least until now.
Arthur had been so distracted by France's pitiful attempts at conquest, that he'd missed the fire in those violet eyes. His troops had been paying for it-- England's soldiers had been attempting to squash America's attempts to gain more territory. To force Arthur to acknowledge again what he hadn't been able to articulate that day nearly forty years ago before-- And Matthew's people had barely aided them. It almost looked as though they wanted to be a part of America ( ... )
His build and face were so much like his twin's-- like Alfred's-- that Arthur started. It had been the same look of fierce determination on another boy's face, as he told his guardian that he wanted to be independent. But the cold amethyst eyes told him that this was Matthew, and England had better listen.
“England, I choose liberty.” The words echoed, a hard edge to them. Francis made a little noise of surprise, “I choose to be independent. What do you say?”
“Where is America? How is--”
“He and I have come to an agreement, which is none of your business anymore.” The cold anger had been cemented. “What is your answer?”
In that look, Arthur-- England-- saw the promise of another long and bloody war, culminating in another gunshot, another boy in his arms, bleeding and forever crippled--
He couldn't do that again.
“I will acknowledge it.” He ignored Francis' startled gasp. There would be no battle, however the anger still had not left Canada's eyes.
I look forward to seeing Alfred's side to this !
With bombs no longer dropping on his heart, his London, Arthur had made more of a recovery than he could have dreamed on the nights when the fire ate at him. Thanks to Canada's propping up of his battered defenses, England and his people had been able to pull themselves together, and would live on for another day.
Little victories. Arthur told himself, temporarily back from the front, where his men were sometimes holding their own, sometimes giving ground. Little victories, like knowing who is on your side. Like Matthew ( ... )
God this needs a trillion more reviews your style is beautiful and the way things are describe <3 I love it.
Will America ever win his eyesight back?Why DIDNT it come back? What did that represent for the country during the revolution and beyond (as in America having a fever = forest fire)..???
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