USUK Time Travel
June 23 2010, 19:48:19 UTC
UKUS Franada Kink is Time Travel. Revolutionary War Period/War of 1812 is the era that they will be travelling from. America, England, France and Canada travel to the future 2010 and discover things are very, very different.
Issues you can include is the culture shock at being somewhere completely different, as well as the present selves reacting to it, who finds them first (or whether they just drop in the middle of the meeting room), making sure the timeline doesn't get messed up and of course, how they are going to get them back. Historically accurate please.
Bonus: Would love to see the above couples to be in established relationships when the time travellers appear and then their past selves stir up old issues or they have to hide their relationships from their past selves.
Seeing Double [Prologue/??]
August 13 2010, 06:53:46 UTC
Anon apologizes for awful title.
This was not supposed to happen.
America was just supposed to go to the store to pick up some ground beef and instant coffee. He was not supposed to make a detour to Best Buy. He was not supposed to walk home with a box set of 24 from said Best Buy, only to see a man with huge eyebrows sitting on a bench in the center of Central Park. And he was definitely not supposed to talk to this man.
So, naturally, America did all of these things.
"Um...England?" he said, tapping the man on the shoulder. "What are you doing here?"
The man turned and glared at him. "Don't try and play dumb with me, America. We're at war, remember?"
"We're at war?"
"Of course we are." The man blinked. "And when did you get glasses?"
America had never come so close to passing out in his life. Instead though, he pulled out his phone and sent a text to the sanest person he could think of, ignoring this not-England's confused glance.
I've got a problem. Canada read the text several times, wondering what could be so
( ... )
Re: Seeing Double [Prologue/??]
August 13 2010, 11:01:26 UTC
I must congratulate you on an epically brilliant set-up that gives us the bare minimum and yet speaks volumes about what's happening. It's almost cruel to leave us with just this. MOREMOREMOREMOREMORE
And of course everyone texts the sane one first. Poor Canada, doomed to deal with the crazy that is the FACE family.
Re: Seeing Double [Prologue/??]
August 13 2010, 13:59:35 UTC
My favourite was the last, lol. Maybe because I really really want angry foureen-year-old!America in the present. But the twins messages were also really cute ^^
Re: Seeing Double [Prologue/??]
August 13 2010, 15:12:24 UTC
...the only thing I can do is go "OMG,YAYLAWLXD" *has been stalking this request*
The only thing I could think to say would be anachronistic is Revolutionary!Alfred saying 'fuck' as the word hadn't been around back then, but it's so glorious that I really can't bring myself to care <3
Oh, Matt~ You poor, sane child. The one time everyone remembers you is when things go straight to Hell <3 *LOVES ON MATT* ...and Francis. Probably indulging himself in the 'd'aw, how cute' that is colonial!Matt/NewFrance/whateveryoucallwanttocallhim,he'scute<3<3<3
...I should really learn to stop posting comments upon first waking up...orz ...*takes a moment to love more on colonial!Matt*
So have "ass" and "cock" -- I remember reading a historical original piece and talking to the author about this, only to get a lengthy explanation on the origins of words.
Sorry, don't want to start a discussion in anons awesome fic, I just had to note that.
Anyways, author's fic is hilarious so far and I can't wait for more! I loved this request but couldn't think of anything to do with it, so I'm glad it's finally getting a fill.
Someone filled this! I'm so happy, I thought this would be one of those requests that just sat there, or don't get filled for ages but you have and I can't stop smiling.
I was not imagining this introduction to each other but I think it's great that they all ran into various past selves in different places and it's so interesting when it will all come out.
Young!Canada is adorable, when he had a breakdown over the plane flying (very natural reaction, I can't wait to see what he'll be like when he's in the air or after it, or past France on the plane) I just wanted to hug him.
Poor, sane present Canada, he's so funny.
Thanks so much for filling anon, I can't wait to see more of this.
Seeing Double [1a/??]
August 15 2010, 07:02:32 UTC
France's phone rang just as the pilot told the passengers to turn off all electronic equipment. Normally he would have let it go to voicemail, but it was England calling, and if England was bothering to actually call France, it was some sort of emergency. "Allo?" he answered, ignoring a glare from the nearest flight attendant.
"You need to get to London. Now."
"One step ahead of you, my dear England." At the name, Matthew stared at France, dropping the seatbelt he was trying to comprehend. "We're already on a flight over."
France chuckled at the slight panic in England's voice. "Matthew and myself, of course," he said, leaning over and buckling the seatbelt for him.
"You're bringing Matthew? Isn't he in Ottawa at the moment?"
"Not this one."
There was a pause. "Wonderful," England sighed. France could practically see him holding his forehead. "I've got a young Alfred here too. I'd forgotten how bloody annoying he was."
Matthew tapped France's arm. "Um, papa? The lady says you need to turn your, ah, foon off
( ... )
Seeing Double [1b/??]
August 15 2010, 07:07:32 UTC
England had been happy to see France only three times in his life. When he was let in the house, Matthew following closely behind, England grudgingly made it three and a half
( ... )
Re: Seeing Double [1b/??]
August 15 2010, 13:35:24 UTC
Gahhhhh I love this so much. the FACE group is like my favorite group of anything ever, so I'm just glad to see them all together. Also, the characterization is wonderful. With scared but trying to be big!Matt, papa!Francis, and annoying brat!Alfred it's just awesome to read. For some reason I also really love all the dialog. Its very fitting.
Re: Seeing Double [1b/??]
August 15 2010, 17:11:59 UTC
*worshipworshipWarof1812,nomnomnom* <3
This is so bloody beautiful <3 Oh the chaos to be had when the colonies and mother countries meet~ I hope England proofed his house for collateral damage |3 I also sense double trouble Alfred time and it's just...<3 eeeeeeeeeeee -flails-
....*wonders in passing if this means England now has double the fairies*...*snortgiggle,goesbacktocampingout*
Re: Seeing Double [1b/??]
August 16 2010, 00:27:45 UTC
LOLLOLOLOLOL America being locked by England, who's calmly reading his book and not feeling sorry for the others' having to deal with things, as opposed to locking them, made my entire week. This fic is total win. England's atittude is the greatest thing ever; well, apart from Rev!America, who's deliciously rebellious, whiny and determinedXD Papa France is absolute LOVE <3 (and America's voicemail is hilariousXD)
I'd love to read more FrUK interaction, because they're ridiculously hilarious in their rivalry and the way you write themXD
Kink is Time Travel.
Revolutionary War Period/War of 1812 is the era that they will be travelling from. America, England, France and Canada travel to the future 2010 and discover things are very, very different.
Issues you can include is the culture shock at being somewhere completely different, as well as the present selves reacting to it, who finds them first (or whether they just drop in the middle of the meeting room), making sure the timeline doesn't get messed up and of course, how they are going to get them back.
Historically accurate please.
Bonus: Would love to see the above couples to be in established relationships when the time travellers appear and then their past selves stir up old issues or they have to hide their relationships from their past selves.
This was not supposed to happen.
America was just supposed to go to the store to pick up some ground beef and instant coffee. He was not supposed to make a detour to Best Buy. He was not supposed to walk home with a box set of 24 from said Best Buy, only to see a man with huge eyebrows sitting on a bench in the center of Central Park. And he was definitely not supposed to talk to this man.
So, naturally, America did all of these things.
"Um...England?" he said, tapping the man on the shoulder. "What are you doing here?"
The man turned and glared at him. "Don't try and play dumb with me, America. We're at war, remember?"
"We're at war?"
"Of course we are." The man blinked. "And when did you get glasses?"
America had never come so close to passing out in his life. Instead though, he pulled out his phone and sent a text to the sanest person he could think of, ignoring this not-England's confused glance.
I've got a problem. Canada read the text several times, wondering what could be so ( ... )
And of course everyone texts the sane one first. Poor Canada, doomed to deal with the crazy that is the FACE family.
The only thing I could think to say would be anachronistic is Revolutionary!Alfred saying 'fuck' as the word hadn't been around back then, but it's so glorious that I really can't bring myself to care <3
Oh, Matt~ You poor, sane child. The one time everyone remembers you is when things go straight to Hell <3 *LOVES ON MATT* ...and Francis. Probably indulging himself in the 'd'aw, how cute' that is colonial!Matt/NewFrance/whateveryoucallwanttocallhim,he'scute<3<3<3
...I should really learn to stop posting comments upon first waking up...orz ...*takes a moment to love more on colonial!Matt*
So have "ass" and "cock" -- I remember reading a historical original piece and talking to the author about this, only to get a lengthy explanation on the origins of words.
Sorry, don't want to start a discussion in anons awesome fic, I just had to note that.
Anyways, author's fic is hilarious so far and I can't wait for more! I loved this request but couldn't think of anything to do with it, so I'm glad it's finally getting a fill.
/camps fill
I love the way you started it; everyone's just thrown into the confusion! I can't wait to see the interaction between England and young America!
Definitely stalking this fill.
I was not imagining this introduction to each other but I think it's great that they all ran into various past selves in different places and it's so interesting when it will all come out.
Young!Canada is adorable, when he had a breakdown over the plane flying (very natural reaction, I can't wait to see what he'll be like when he's in the air or after it, or past France on the plane) I just wanted to hug him.
Poor, sane present Canada, he's so funny.
Thanks so much for filling anon, I can't wait to see more of this.
"You need to get to London. Now."
"One step ahead of you, my dear England." At the name, Matthew stared at France, dropping the seatbelt he was trying to comprehend. "We're already on a flight over."
France chuckled at the slight panic in England's voice. "Matthew and myself, of course," he said, leaning over and buckling the seatbelt for him.
"You're bringing Matthew? Isn't he in Ottawa at the moment?"
"Not this one."
There was a pause. "Wonderful," England sighed. France could practically see him holding his forehead. "I've got a young Alfred here too. I'd forgotten how bloody annoying he was."
Matthew tapped France's arm. "Um, papa? The lady says you need to turn your, ah, foon off ( ... )
This is so bloody beautiful <3 Oh the chaos to be had when the colonies and mother countries meet~ I hope England proofed his house for collateral damage |3 I also sense double trouble Alfred time and it's just...<3 eeeeeeeeeeee -flails-
....*wonders in passing if this means England now has double the fairies*...*snortgiggle,goesbacktocampingout*
Papa France is absolute LOVE <3 (and America's voicemail is hilariousXD)
I'd love to read more FrUK interaction, because they're ridiculously hilarious in their rivalry and the way you write themXD
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