France/Canada, Canadian French
June 23 2010, 20:58:56 UTC
Canadian French turns France on. Either France overhears Canada talking to himself/on the phone, or France is talking to Canada and trying to hide his boner - or whatever other plausible situation you can think of. Whether France then proceeds to jump Canada's bones or he runs home to masturbate (or just ducks into the nearest hidden spot), this anon just wants France getting hopelessly aroused by Canada's dialect.
If you do decide to write France/Canada sex, please no whimpering!uke!Canada. He's a mentally competent adult; please write him as one.
I wanted to write this all up in one go, but it's five in the morning and I'll get in trouble if I'm up much later, so here's the beginning. There's gratuitous amounts of French, but I'll post translations with the end of it later. I hope this is sort of what OP had in mind...When America and Canada had still been little bundles of wide eyes and innocence and admiration, when he and England had fought over them year in and year out; it was then that France had started to teach them French. The lessons were short but passionate, teaching the children both the French to use in polite society and some of the French to use with friends and family
( ... )
When he wakes up, it’s already light, meaning he must have slept for over twelve hours. He rather objects to that. Most of the people he visits are much closer, so he’s not used to such absurd time differences. He sighs and sets out to find the bathroom so he can have a shower.
When he gets out, feeling much refreshed and considerably more awake, he hears sizzling and smells something delightful. Canada must be making breakfast. He smiles and gets dressed before heading downstairs.
Canada is tending to the stove, by the smell of it, bacon and pancakes. France isn’t sure it’s okay to have such fattening food first thing in the morning, but he supposes his first day in town can be special.
“Bonjour, Canada,” he says, sitting at the table.
“Salut,” Canada replies. France blinks a few times. He does still speak French! He wants to hear more. Does he still remember everything he was taught? Did he keep studying even after they were apart? How is his accent
( ... )
They pull into Montreal’s downtown around three, and stretch widely as they step out. Apparently Canada has an apartment in this city, as well, so they didn’t need to bring much. (“I’ve got apartments in Voncouver, Calgary, Montreal, and Halifax. The country’s so spread out, it’s inconvenient to only have one house
( ... )
Canada blushes deeper and looks down at his food. France frowns slightly. If he can’t see these things for himself, he’s been in his brother’s shadow for too long. He wonders if he could have fought harder to keep the blond nation for himself, all those years ago
( ... )
Re: Fill [4/?]
July 21 2010, 19:35:29 UTC
France's description has got me falling in love with Canada's accent and I've never even heard it. And this: « Oui, c’est un ville très belle. » he replies. « Comme tous le pays, vraiment. » France is such a charmer. And he speaks the truth.
My French isn't good enough to point out mistakes but I did notice that at certain points you switch between guillemets and quotation marks mid sentence. No biggie, just something to look out for.
July 21 2010, 19:50:30 UTC
He totally is. :3
My computer automatically uses guillemets when it thinks I'm typing French and quotation marks when it think I'm typing English, and it is often wrong. But fixing it is kind of complicated (or maybe I'm just missing something) and they mean the same thing anyways, so I just left it.
Re: Fill [4/?]
July 21 2010, 19:40:00 UTC
this is such a nice fill, I hope you continue!
there was quite a bit of French though... and not all of it seemed to be translated by Google correctly when this anon tried that - so would it be possible if the translations could be included within the story somehow? may make it easier to follow
Re: Fill [4/?]
July 21 2010, 20:13:10 UTC
alsjhfalfgasfa Francophile anon is feeling a little hot right now after all that français *fans self*
Well apart from the few missed accents, the french seemed okay for me, or at least I could read it fine (Although Québec french can get so much more garbled, I'm glad you kept it fairly simplistic, sometimes I can barely read it for all the shortcuts they take XD)There was one sentence that seemed a tad off, but I'm not entirely fluent in the language to make a mountain out of a molehill.
That being said, CONTINUE, dear god continue for the sake of my poor language kink loving soul! Oh god, the chemistry you write them with is awesome ;u; First Franada fic I've read in a long time that reminds me how much I love them both <333 sincerely, humble Ontarian anon
(Ffff, I know, right. ><; I'm not good enough at French do to that, though.) There are a few sentences that seem a bit off, to me, and being the lazy person I am, I didn't even run it though Bon Patron. *shaaaame* But I think it gets the point across, at least.
I'm working on it now. It's been a little while since I wrote smut, but hopefully it will still be good. >< D`aaawwww, thanks. 8//D
(author!anon is in Halifax, but plans to move to Montreal next year.)
Re: Fill [4/?]
July 21 2010, 20:20:25 UTC
Oho anon you tease~
I couldn't help but snicker at every ouais I saw, in my area they pronounce it 'wheyn' with a very light n and it makes it inherently more funny than it should be.
Great so far, I like the pace, though I think some people my get turned off by all the French, maybe post translations? Not at the end, but like this: "Frenchfrenchfrench" englishenglishenglish I followed it fine, but you never know, and I find that way of translating isn't too intrusive for the reader.
Hey look, the smut is done! 8D Many thanks for all your wonderful feedback. Comments make me write faster, and I love all of you At the end of this, I'll post translations, but Ill probably do a short morning after type thing, as well. Without further ado, here it is.France lets his hands trace abstract patterns over Canada’s back, just barely touching. Canada shivers and arches ever so slightly. He nips at the older nation’s collar bone. France gasps lightly
( ... )
When his nose is brushing Canada’s pubes, the other man’s cock heavy in his throat, he pauses for a moment. Canada’s mouth is open, each breath shallow and raspy. France hums quietly, his fingers resting lightly on the other man’s thighs. The noise the other nation makes is halfway between a shout and a moan
( ... )
It's pretty short, but it's supposed to be.When France wakes up, the first thing he notices is that his back is too cold. Secondly, his legs are tangled up in someone else. Third, whoever it is smells quite nice. He smiles as he opens his eyes. Morning that start like this are always a good sign. His vision is filled with silky blond hair, much like his own. His smile gets wider as he remembers last night. They’ll have to do that again sometime. (Perhaps now, even, says a voice in his head
( ... )
TRANSLATIONS (You might want to open this in a different tab.)
July 21 2010, 23:11:28 UTC
If you’ve not already, I recommend opening this in a separate tab, because there is a fuck-ton of French in this, and you might need it. The translations are not so much literal as what I want it to mean. If I’ve failed, please let me know.
le sale connard - the f*cking bastard
Bonjour/Salut - hello
Tu parles encore la Francais, alors? - So you still speak French?
Ouais, c’est une de mes langues officielles, tu sais. - Yeah, it’s one of my official languages, y'know.
Je suis si fier de toi! Tu as continué avec ma belle langue tous ces ans ! - I’m so proud of you! You kept speaking my lovely language all these years!
C’est maintenent autant le mien que le votre. - It’s as much mine as yours, now.
Alors, comment ca va ? Tu as bien dormi ? - So how are you doing? Did you sleep well?
Oui, pendant treize heurs ! Je ne croyait pas que je peut dormir si longtemps ! - Yes, for 13 hours! I didn’t think I could sleep so long!
C’est un vol longue. - It was a long flight. (Now that I look back, should that have been C’etait
( ... )
If you do decide to write France/Canada sex, please no whimpering!uke!Canada. He's a mentally competent adult; please write him as one.
When he gets out, feeling much refreshed and considerably more awake, he hears sizzling and smells something delightful. Canada must be making breakfast. He smiles and gets dressed before heading downstairs.
Canada is tending to the stove, by the smell of it, bacon and pancakes. France isn’t sure it’s okay to have such fattening food first thing in the morning, but he supposes his first day in town can be special.
“Bonjour, Canada,” he says, sitting at the table.
“Salut,” Canada replies. France blinks a few times. He does still speak French! He wants to hear more. Does he still remember everything he was taught? Did he keep studying even after they were apart? How is his accent ( ... )
And this:
« Oui, c’est un ville très belle. » he replies. « Comme tous le pays, vraiment. »
France is such a charmer. And he speaks the truth.
My French isn't good enough to point out mistakes but I did notice that at certain points you switch between guillemets and quotation marks mid sentence. No biggie, just something to look out for.
Can't wait for the rest.~
My computer automatically uses guillemets when it thinks I'm typing French and quotation marks when it think I'm typing English, and it is often wrong. But fixing it is kind of complicated (or maybe I'm just missing something) and they mean the same thing anyways, so I just left it.
there was quite a bit of French though... and not all of it seemed to be translated by Google correctly when this anon tried that - so would it be possible if the translations could be included within the story somehow? may make it easier to follow
otherwise it's great so far, very IC too?
I'm hoping it's IC. I've written Canada a few times before, but this is my first time writing France. :O
Well apart from the few missed accents, the french seemed okay for me, or at least I could read it fine (Although Québec french can get so much more garbled, I'm glad you kept it fairly simplistic, sometimes I can barely read it for all the shortcuts they take XD)There was one sentence that seemed a tad off, but I'm not entirely fluent in the language to make a mountain out of a molehill.
That being said, CONTINUE, dear god continue for the sake of my poor language kink loving soul! Oh god, the chemistry you write them with is awesome ;u; First Franada fic I've read in a long time that reminds me how much I love them both <333
humble Ontarian anon
(Ffff, I know, right. ><; I'm not good enough at French do to that, though.) There are a few sentences that seem a bit off, to me, and being the lazy person I am, I didn't even run it though Bon Patron. *shaaaame* But I think it gets the point across, at least.
I'm working on it now. It's been a little while since I wrote smut, but hopefully it will still be good. >< D`aaawwww, thanks. 8//D
(author!anon is in Halifax, but plans to move to Montreal next year.)
I couldn't help but snicker at every ouais I saw, in my area they pronounce it 'wheyn' with a very light n and it makes it inherently more funny than it should be.
Great so far, I like the pace, though I think some people my get turned off by all the French, maybe post translations? Not at the end, but like this: "Frenchfrenchfrench" englishenglishenglish I followed it fine, but you never know, and I find that way of translating isn't too intrusive for the reader.
If you’ve not already, I recommend opening this in a separate tab, because there is a fuck-ton of French in this, and you might need it. The translations are not so much literal as what I want it to mean. If I’ve failed, please let me know.
le sale connard - the f*cking bastard
Bonjour/Salut - hello
Tu parles encore la Francais, alors? - So you still speak French?
Ouais, c’est une de mes langues officielles, tu sais. - Yeah, it’s one of my official languages, y'know.
Je suis si fier de toi! Tu as continué avec ma belle langue tous ces ans ! - I’m so proud of you! You kept speaking my lovely language all these years!
C’est maintenent autant le mien que le votre. - It’s as much mine as yours, now.
Alors, comment ca va ? Tu as bien dormi ? - So how are you doing? Did you sleep well?
Oui, pendant treize heurs ! Je ne croyait pas que je peut dormir si longtemps ! - Yes, for 13 hours! I didn’t think I could sleep so long!
C’est un vol longue. - It was a long flight. (Now that I look back, should that have been C’etait ( ... )
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