Everyone- the others find out how terrible a parent England was
August 17 2010, 04:22:15 UTC
After America’s independence England went off the radar and did a terrible job of raising the other nations he would take on as his children. The Nations find out that the ‘quirks’ England’s other children have is due to childhood trauma. It doesn’t have to be sexual abuse I just want the other nations to realise that they are seriously messed up in the head and try to help them while sunning England.
Bonuses: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong are must-haves, but if you want you can add some of England’s other children.
England didn’t know he abused them, he thought it was just discipline
Erata [1/?]
September 21 2010, 12:24:59 UTC
The paper burned slowly, the parchment slightly damp in the London fog, despite being indoors, and the small Asian child watched it with interest. The house was silent, mostly, except for the steady thumps and creaks from upstairs. Hong Kong watched as the fire fizzled out, and with a sigh tore another sheet out of the book. Looking down, he was brought back to his studies. Europe fought over the words in this book all the time, he was told, and he thought it a very silly thing.
The words in the book stared back at him, even as he lit the page on fire.
Colossians 3:12: Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.xxxxx
( ... )
Errata [2/?]
September 21 2010, 12:26:26 UTC
“Hello James,” the officer in the small room said without looking up as the boy was deposited on the bench across from him. “What did you steal today
( ... )
Errata [3/?]
September 21 2010, 12:27:43 UTC
Canada stared resolutely ahead, scrubbing at a pot as the front door open and England walked in, face set in its usual frown. Coming up behind Canada the empire simply watched him wash for a while, grab, dip, scrub, rinse, repeat. The breath on his neck was hot and moist and unwelcome, and the northern colony just ignored it as best he could
( ... )
WARNINGS and NOTES for parts 1-3
September 21 2010, 12:38:55 UTC
That mistake in the title for part one burns me. Anyway, warnings first.
This fic contains burning of books and religious texts, self mutilation, self destructive attention seeking behaviours, racism and sexual abuse.
This fic will most likely contain verbal abuse, domestic abuse, actions dangerous to others and swearing.
Now notes
HK Yes, I know, I made him a pyro, why to blow it out of proportion, but I figure it's good fodder for this type of fill, and pyromania does sometimes manifest in neglected children.
Australia May also seem WTF way to play to stereotype, BUt, but but but but but, there is an in story reason for this. He's basically playing to his own hype. He's friendly nature will actually come out later, I promise.
NZ I do not, in any way, consider the act of moko as practised by the maori to be an act of self mutilation. Capiche? Moko is fine, if performed by a trained individual in sanitary conditions. What poor NZ does here, not good.
Canada I think we can all see where this is going, I strongly considered
( ... )
Re: WARNINGS and NOTES for parts 1-3
September 21 2010, 15:11:06 UTC
Ffffff... Love it so far writernon! And... I kinda don't blame ya for Australia. We kind of were 'founded' on criminals. And, ya know, the extermination of our natives...
September 21 2010, 21:34:33 UTC
Us, too, really! Australia was mostly used as a penal colony after the American Revolution ended the use of the (now former) colonies as a semi-official British penal colony through indentured servitude. OTL
Re: WARNINGS and NOTES for parts 1-3
September 21 2010, 21:39:10 UTC
D: @ all of his colonies. But especially Canada. *twitch*
Seriously, this looks really good so far; they're all earning my sympathy, but you're not resorting to silly, melodramatic Lifetime movie style tactics. In other words, he's being "realistically" abusive instead of stereotypically so. This looks very promising, anon! <3
... ;_; @ the traumatized baby!colonies young!colonies
Ah, and I like your characterization for France, btw; he can't resist the urge to tease, but he's actually smart enough to realize that that's not the best way to achieve what he wants. Awesome.
September 21 2010, 22:06:32 UTC
Ah, author!anon? I was wondering if you were planning on including America in this? 'Cause you've left me wondering if this started after America left England, if it happened to America and was part of what led him to leave, or if this was going on the whole time but America himself was never abused! Any of those would be interesting, whether you explored those things in flashbacks or had another nation question America about his own experiences, etc. ... Curious!anon is curious. :D And possibly also masochistic, because any of those three possibilities is heart-breaking in its own way.
The wild author anon appears!
September 21 2010, 23:33:17 UTC
I have vague plans for America, ones which will a) explain his hero-complex in an appropriately fucked up manner and b) make no sense until I've covered more about Canada's interaction with the other colonies in this fill, but it's essentially a convoluted version of your third option.
Re: The wild author anon appears!
September 21 2010, 23:38:02 UTC
Oh, what a cool idea; I hadn't thought of the hero complex in terms of this fic, but, um ... ouch? And now I'm really curious about Canada's interaction with the other colonies! Although maybe I should be cringing in anticipation instead? :'D Thanks so much for answering, though; I'm looking forward to more! <3
Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong are must-haves, but if you want you can add some of England’s other children.
England didn’t know he abused them, he thought it was just discipline
The words in the book stared back at him, even as he lit the page on fire.
Colossians 3:12: Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.xxxxx ( ... )
This fic contains burning of books and religious texts, self mutilation, self destructive attention seeking behaviours, racism and sexual abuse.
This fic will most likely contain verbal abuse, domestic abuse, actions dangerous to others and swearing.
Now notes
HK Yes, I know, I made him a pyro, why to blow it out of proportion, but I figure it's good fodder for this type of fill, and pyromania does sometimes manifest in neglected children.
Australia May also seem WTF way to play to stereotype, BUt, but but but but but, there is an in story reason for this. He's basically playing to his own hype. He's friendly nature will actually come out later, I promise.
NZ I do not, in any way, consider the act of moko as practised by the maori to be an act of self mutilation. Capiche? Moko is fine, if performed by a trained individual in sanitary conditions. What poor NZ does here, not good.
Canada I think we can all see where this is going, I strongly considered ( ... )
Keep it up anon!
And... I kinda don't blame ya for Australia. We kind of were 'founded' on criminals.
And, ya know, the extermination of our natives...
*criminal bro-fist?*
Same on the natives. T_T
Seriously, this looks really good so far; they're all earning my sympathy, but you're not resorting to silly, melodramatic Lifetime movie style tactics. In other words, he's being "realistically" abusive instead of stereotypically so. This looks very promising, anon! <3
... ;_; @ the traumatized baby!colonies young!colonies
Ah, and I like your characterization for France, btw; he can't resist the urge to tease, but he's actually smart enough to realize that that's not the best way to achieve what he wants. Awesome.
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