Hetalia Kink meme part 14 -- CLOSED

Jun 03, 2012 14:46

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 14



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Celluloid Nightmare [1a/5] anonymous September 11 2010, 13:47:58 UTC
Part one of five for the Russia/Prussia/China. I'm...ok,fine,I'masadist. I really want to draw this one out and give character developement so...please bare with authornon! *bows*MemoryYao can remember when Ivan was a child. A small, scared child; when he stuck close to his sisters and the General. He remembers when Ivan would run to him, hiding in the fields of sunflowers to escape from Mongolia’s rage. He remembers warning his brother, so many times, not to underestimate the children…sequentially, he recalls being phased only in passing when his brother comes to him, broken and bleeding, cursing the existence of the northern siblings. He still feels the need to laugh when he recalls the look of rage and fear on Mongolia’s face when Ivan, at that time a young teenager by human appearance, ran up to Yao with a grin of victory on his face. That same grin he wears when he manages to talk Yao into a “political dinner” that never seems to really be about politics ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [1b/5] anonymous September 11 2010, 13:50:08 UTC
He’ll never admit he might have loved Ivan. He did once, to Ludwig, while he was drunk. It was shortly after the Berlin Wall had fallen and they’d been celebrating. He remembered missing the taste of beer; recalled how it didn’t burn as badly as vodka did. He’d said so to his brother…following up with how he might have actually missed frozen wasteland he’d been in. He remembered the cold shoulder that followed. Two weeks later, he finally called it a prank, just to get Ludwig to speak to him; he remembers the reprimanding and the order to never joke about Stockholm again. He remembers doing the research on Stockholm-he’d really only thought of it as Sweden’s capital up until then- and acknowledging he might have developed it. He went through the therapy, but when asked to confront Ivan…he was always with Yao and Gilbert always felt that stab of jealousy and would never go through with it ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [1c/5] anonymous September 11 2010, 13:54:00 UTC
When he does, Ivan looks him over; he still stands straight, shoulders squared back as though standing at attention. There’s still fire in his eyes, determination not to fade into nothing. He still wears a maniac grin when he’s pleased; now, though, he is wearing a thinly concealed frown that could almost be a glare. The Russian smiles, noting with an inward sigh that Gilbert, like everyone else, flinches of his smile. Still, he keeps a level, childish voice, “You are glaring again.”


“You said you would stop, da? Yao and I have both asked you not to glare. We do not flaunt ourselves like Alfred attempts to do with Arthur, da? That was the agreement we made.” He isn’t upset and he knows Gilbert knows. He knows because the albino is shifting in his spot, suddenly trying to hide how uncomfortable he is. Ivan knows him well and Gilbert knows this.

“Fine, I didn’t mean to glare.”

“Yao isn’t here, zaĭchik.” He prods gently, carefully closing the small space between them to tilt Gilbert’s face towards his. The old pet name makes ( ... )


Authornon is failing in her half asleep state. anonymous September 11 2010, 14:07:35 UTC
Authornon meant to point out that, yes, she just used "zaĭchik" for Gilbert, which is "bunny"...because she ships Snow Bunny. That's really the only reason =3

She also meant to give fun little quip about the title: while writing this, she is listening to her AFI's 'Sing the Sorrow' CD. Track 10 is 'Celluloid Dream'. While I could have kept that, anything with this three-way is definitely not a dream, no matter how fluffy I can make them. ...Right! Bed time!


writernonnnn anonymous September 11 2010, 16:10:13 UTC
I love you, authornon. X3 I am very very excited for the rest of this. Your Prussia/England is swiftly reaching a conclusion.


Authornon loves you, too =3 anonymous September 11 2010, 23:12:07 UTC
Is glad you are enjoying <3 And squee Prussia/England~<3<3<3<3<3!!!


Re: Authornon is failing in her half asleep state. anonymous September 11 2010, 18:38:11 UTC
Little Ivan could not hide from Mongolia in the field of sunflowers because sunflowers were brought in Russia only at the beginning of 18th century. By the way, sunflowers appeared in Europe only after the discovery of America.


Authornon apologizes for more fail;;; anonymous September 11 2010, 23:07:26 UTC
I actually thought of that as I was going to sleep.An example of why I should wait until I've slept to write things Hmmm. I'll fix that when I put it me journal and have done some research.


Celluloid Nightmare [2a/5] anonymous September 12 2010, 10:47:17 UTC
TestIvan was right, Gilbert finds. Ludwig hardly acknowledges his announcement to leave-likely because he’s trying to clean while Feliciano cooks again…Gilbert makes a note to talk to him about that. He passes by Antonio’s room and nearly meets the door as it’s thrown open and Lovino storms out. Antonio soon follows, dorky smile still on his face as he calls apologies and words of undying affection after the Italian; he, at least, graces the Prussian with a wave before he seems to realize the Italian’s still ignoring him and continues chase. Gilbert decides that dining with Ivan and Yao is probably his safest bet for the night and even remembers to knock when he gets there ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [2b/5] anonymous September 12 2010, 10:49:58 UTC
He glares upward, finding Ivan hovering behind him. The Russian is smiling, that disturbingly childish smile that sends shivers down Gilbert’s spine whenever he thinks of the man in any sexual situation. Yao obviously shares the sentiment as he reaches up, swatting gently at the blonde, sighing in a teasing manner, “Ivan, how many times must I ask you not to smile like that, aru? I feel enough like a pedophile without that, aru. And I’m certain Gilbert agrees, don’t you, aru?”

“Yeah, kind of creepy as fuck.” He mumbles before he can stop himself. He clamps his mouth shut, expecting the ‘kolkolkol’ noise to come from the Russian. When it doesn’t come, he frowns and looks between the two. Both are smiling again and Yao leans up, brushing another kiss against his lips. There’s no need for words; that night marks the first that Gilbert manages to sleep through, somehow ending up between the Russian and Asian, though he isn’t complaining in the least.

Keeping a SecretThey keep it up for the rest of the meeting; Gilbert learns to keep his ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [3a/5] anonymous September 12 2010, 10:56:07 UTC
QuestionsGilbert swears and struggles the entire way, trying to tug his arm free and demanding to know what’s gotten into his brother. Ludwig finally stops and turns, tearing the top of his shirt open, ignoring the startled swear. He doesn’t miss the colour draining from his brother’s face; dark purple and red stand out sharply against the pale skin and Ludwig is barely able to keep his voice level ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [3b/5] anonymous September 12 2010, 11:27:16 UTC
ExpectationsGilbert doesn’t leave their room for the rest of the meeting; even then, the days are hardly productive. Ivan and Ludwig can’t be within five ten feet of one another without a glaring contest sparking between them and Yao has given up in controlling the Russian. The other nations were almost certain he’d taken Ivan’s side and was just as likely to suddenly attack as the other. A few days passed in this manner before they finally resolved that nothing would come of attempting to continue the meeting; they called it quits early. For the next three days, they’re confined to their hotel rooms; no one leaves in fear of running across any of the three nations, though the Chinese man has also resorted to locking himself in their room ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [4a/5] anonymous September 12 2010, 13:53:22 UTC
Ivan is interrupted from his thoughts about five minutes into the flight. His older sister has moved to sit with him, her smile small, though there is a reflection of worry. He hates that look, but he smiles all the same, “Hallo, sister. You…should not be down here, da? Your boss will be angry ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [4b/5] anonymous September 12 2010, 13:55:38 UTC
There was a moment of silence in which Yao spent in awe as he realized his siblings had actually been concerned for him. The awe vanished when he heard Hong muttering, “I suppose that means I should tell Hien and Mei Mei that we aren’t going through with that plan to off the Prussian. His glaring was getting quite annoying; we’re the only ones allowed to do that after all.”

“Hong!” The tone is admonishing and Yao is barely able to keep the smile off his face. The two are interrupted as they realize Mei Mei’s joined the argument; they quickly stand to separate the other four siblings before someone really does get hurt, even though it results in Yong Soo resorting to his claiming tactic, thus leaving Hong and Kiku doing damage control as Hong tries to control the sisters and Kiku drags Yong Soo away before Yao can pull his wok and ladle out.
Breathe AgainDespite the peace during the drive home, as soon as they’re inside, the tension near explodes. Antonio and Francis have taken to the couch, leaving the two arm chairs for the brothers ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [4c/5] anonymous September 12 2010, 13:56:47 UTC
“Canada?” Francis gave the brothers an exasperated look when Ludwig echoes the question, “I swear, you two are almost as bad as Arthur. Though, you have made my point; you do not know him, even though he has been present for every meeting. Yes, he was in the Wars. I think you might recall him being a Shock Trooper.” The Frenchman chuckled as the two paled and winked, “That was not Alfred, I promise you. No one recognizes him outside of those pictures, though. Do you have any idea how long it takes me just to convince him to sit with me during a meeting, let alone go out to dinner with me in public?”

“Your point, Bonnefoy?” Ludwig sounds annoyed again, despite the fact he’s still shuddering as he finally recalls why the boy seemed even slightly familiar.

“My point…is that not everything is a fairytale, mon ami.” Francis shook his head, sighing a bit, “Things may not seem perfect to us, but if this is what Gilbert wants, the least you can do is try to be supportive. I swear, you act just like Lovino. I’m starting to think he would ( ... )


Celluloid Nightmare [5a/5] anonymous September 12 2010, 13:58:38 UTC
LightIvan calls Yao and Gilbert a few days later to relay the message of Natalia’s desire for a tea party. He promises the weather for Moscow to be pleasant and even relatively warm for it being early in the summer; he also promises that his sister will be on her best behaviour. He’s relieved when they agree, though he doubted they would have rejected either way. The fact he hears Gilbert announcing his “awesome departure” to his brother without any immediate arguing is what relieves him the most. Gilbert arrives first, as expected and is greeted by a warm hug from Ivan and then from his older sister of all people. He struggles in Katyusha’s hold, resisting the urge to stay in her bosom, if only because he values the ability to breathe. Yao arrives a few minutes later, having caught an earlier flight so he could arrive about the same time. He’s given the same treatment Gilbert received, leaving him completely red in the face and scowling lightly at Ivan-who’s chuckling the entire time- as they head out of the airport ( ... )


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