US, UK - secret identity au
September 22 2010, 04:21:19 UTC
'England' and 'America' are secret agents for rival groups, at the top of their game and itching for an excuse to get rid of the competition. Any suitable setting; evil organizations/super'hero'-vs-super'villain'/cyberpunk dystopia, etc--just make it as violent/gritty/twisted as you dare, preferably with no one firmly in the 'right' or 'wrong.'
Arthur and Alfred are regular guys who meet one day and get along great despite all the insults/bickering. They go from friends to close friends, and, only if anon wants, to "I do not gaze at him will you stop these ridiculous insinuations"and "WHAT that was a TOTALLY PLATONIC MANLY hug his hair smells goo--uh. yeah." They have lots of fun and lols.
Of course the two worlds inevitably collide. How and what happens after is entirely up to anon. :)
Bonus: 1. One/both getting suspicious but inwardly denying it with increasingly implausible excuses. The relationship grows strained regardless. 2. Fights scenes. With explosions! ♥ 3. For anons who want to, actual snuggly, nose-in-hair Alfred. :D
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Just Like V
September 24 2010, 03:47:50 UTC
Hi everyone. Welcome to this fill. In this chapter Just Like V has the cyber-dystopia hat on. Next chapter it will be so bromantic that Good Will Hunting will seem like soft gay porn in comparison. Please, enjoy.America was a dead country. And yet there was an outlaw that tried to keep the memory of the nation alive, one hundred years after its dissolution
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Re: Just Like V
September 24 2010, 07:21:48 UTC
haha, I'm loving this world of yours already and I hope you can expand on it. This of course begs the question of why America is a dead country. Also is England actually a nation-tan or is he just a human with England as his name? Is Alfred human? Is America and England going to get together romantically or just as friends? Ah questions, questions everywhere.
PS. LOL for America's Joker disguise and England's calling it out as Boy George instead.
Just Like V (2)
September 26 2010, 03:05:08 UTC
fail bromance. -flails- sorry!Alfred was smoking a cigarette, but threw it away with a guilty grin when he saw Arthur come out to his front porch
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Arthur and Alfred are regular guys who meet one day and get along great despite all the insults/bickering. They go from friends to close friends, and, only if anon wants, to "I do not gaze at him will you stop these ridiculous insinuations"and "WHAT that was a TOTALLY PLATONIC MANLY hug his hair smells goo--uh. yeah." They have lots of fun and lols.
Of course the two worlds inevitably collide. How and what happens after is entirely up to anon. :)
1. One/both getting suspicious but inwardly denying it with increasingly implausible excuses. The relationship grows strained regardless.
2. Fights scenes. With explosions! ♥
3. For anons who want to, actual snuggly, nose-in-hair Alfred. :D ( ... )
PS. LOL for America's Joker disguise and England's calling it out as Boy George instead.
Hope to see more of this fill soon.
Can't wait to see how all of this plays out. <3
For some reason that last line put a ridiculous grin on my face. :D
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