Part 12: Okay, sorry to add to the madness but OP would give her right arm to see Francis Bonnefoy, French revolutionary, being wrongly accused of being an atristo supporter. Chaos ensues and M. Bonnefoy finds himself in England falling in love with, of all people, Matthew Williams, the son of a very rich aristocrat.
twelve pomegranate seeds (1)
September 4 2010, 08:20:14 UTC
So technically this veers from the theme, but it contains Revolutionary!Francis and Matthieu is, welll, wait for it. Two out of three isn't bad? It needed a home, and besides, I was already filling it with an exact match. I doubt OP will mind another
( ... )
twelve pomegranate seeds (2)
September 4 2010, 08:23:15 UTC
He feels nervous as he walks in. Someone is bound to notice him. Matthieu the serving boy, playing at being a noble. Estelle, a one of the serving girls holds out a circlet of flowers.
Here you go, monsieur. I was instructed to give this to you.
He takes it with shaky hands and a nod. He tries to remind himself that a lot of nobles feel thanking the servants as beneath them. They should live to serve them, after all.
He realizes that it is Spring he is dressed as. He hears the nobles murmur over this new show. Death comes in at twelve, as before. Instead of dancing with the ladies, he waits at the edge of the dance floor. When he catches sight of Matthieu, he comes his way.
I've been waiting for you, chéri.
His voice is beautiful, rich and sensual and soft. He holds out his hands Waltz with me, chéri?He takes Matthieu's gloved hand that hides the callouses and wear of a servant's life. He kisses his hand, and Matthieu blushes scarlet under his mask. It isn't a large enough mask to hide his face completely like the man's. The
( ... )
twelve pomegranate seeds (3)
September 4 2010, 08:27:46 UTC
He waits at the tunnels with nothing but a lantern. He does not change from the outfit that the man has given him for he knows he will only be able to take the clothes on his back. It is of no matter, he has never had anything worth keeping. No mementoes that spoke of a lost youth, no broaches or rings, combs or stones. He hasn't even the memories to back it up, only the knowledge that at one point in his life, he came to this castle.
Everyone assumes that he was a cast-off child. The lower classes were prone to such grisly behavior. Matthieu assumes it too.
But with this man, he will have a new life. He will no longer be a servant with no family ties of his own, no one to want or claim him as their own. A home. Fine things would be nice, but not necessary. He'd live with this man on the streets, huddled up for warmth as snow fell around them. He'd follow this man anywhere.
Doubts creep in as the minutes go by. Perhaps he is cruel, perhaps he will harm you, perhaps....Matthieu rejects these cynical thoughts before they settle
( ... )
twelve pomegranate seeds (4)
September 4 2010, 08:33:27 UTC
Matthieu does not know how long they have been riding. He falls asleep sometime in before dawn, and wakes sometime during the night. A whole day has passed without his knowing it. The man is taking care of the horse, and they are somewhere in a clearing. He can tell that much from the wan light the campfire gives.
Did you sleep well?
Matthieu nods sleepily and rubs at his eyes.
He has not taken off his mask yet.
Matthieu feels shy, the full realization of what has happened setting in. He takes peeks at the corner of his eye.
The man chuckles. You must have been really worn out to sleep that long.
What time is it? Matthieu asks in lieu of the other burning questions. Who are you? and What's your name?
The man sits by the fire. I'd say at least somewhere around eight.
I suppose you have questions.... The man smiles. Well, chéri. We must be leaving soon, but I can answer a few...
Y-your name....sil vous plâit...
So simply calling me "Death" does not suit you? Hmmmmm. I didn't think you'd be such a picky one...Matthieu flushes.
( ... )
twelve pomegranate seeds (5)
September 4 2010, 08:36:51 UTC
Matthieu is able to stay awake until several hours later, when there is the lights of a town in the distance. They pass a guard on the edge of town and no one stops them. Matthieu's heart beats faster with every person they pass, even though he is innocent of any crime. He isn't so sure of Francis, though. All he knows is his face, his name, and that Francis must know him, somehow in the blank space that is before his time in the castle. Every other detail is wrapped up and paused, Scheherazade-like in the telling.
They find an out of the way inn. Matthieu doesn't catch the name.
Francis flirts with the barmaid as he gets some wine, and tips the innkeeper a little more for silence. Matthieu feels sullen when he rests. The shabbiness of the room doesn't bother him, but the way Francis looked at the barmaid does.
I am sorry for such poor accommodations. Soon I will take you back to where you belong, Francis says.
I'm used to it Matthieu replies. He's not quite ready to forgive him yet.
twelve pomegranate seeds (6)
September 4 2010, 08:42:54 UTC
France looks off into emptiness. There are cracks in the boards, and a cool wind blows through, and the candle at their bedside flickers. Near to Francis he barely feels it. They make a large inkstain of a silhouette on the wall, until it looks like they have become one creature.
He smiles, wistful at old times.
Marianne was very, very beautiful, and people tended to forgive all her silly whims for that... Francis sighs in dreamy reverie at the thought. Very talented too, and elegant and witty.
Do I resemble her? Matthieu asks.
Hmmm, perhaps a little. Your hair is very soft like hers, though the color more resembles her husband's. You're living proof that at that time, at least, she was faithful. I think your temperament is more like his as well. He was a very gentle person, but high society has never been kind to the truly good. We are too wicked, you see?Matthieu can't imagine Francis as being truly bad. Mischievous, charming and full of the sort of lusts that would make a priest disapprove and threaten hell, but true
( ... )
twelve pomegranate seeds (7)
September 4 2010, 08:50:42 UTC
Matthieu become anxious by the time they reach another town. Francis seems adverse to sleeping in the open, though Matthieu isn't sure if it's because he's picky or he's afraid of being attacked. Possibly both. Either way, soon they are in another, inn which if possible, is seedier. This time, there is no barmaid, only a middle-aged innkeeper. Matthieu breathes a littler easier this time.
He's so eager to hear more, that he personally helps with the laces at his collar, the cloak, and every other part. Francis is smiling at him the same way he did at that barmaid, suggestive and charming. His fingers shake and his face heats. He can't look Francis in the eyes.
The spin in the tale this time is not love, but death.
Francis...why were you there that night?
I have not told you yet? You could say I was warning the nobles, but they thought it was a pantomime. It wasn't for nothing, though. I finally found you.
But, they called for their heads, they set the castle ablaze.
That is the world we are in today, chéri. America has
( ... )
Re: twelve pomegranate seeds (7)
September 4 2010, 12:44:13 UTC
This is suc an interesting and unique story. I can't wait to see more! I hope Matthew and Francis meet Arthur and Alfred soon (haha, that's so perfect that the twins would go to these two).
The only suggestion I can make is to put your spoken words in quotations. It would make them a bit easier to read.
I did fix the issue with italics tag mess up in a repost, if that helps...I might when I post it? It'd be too jarring to do it as it is, to change the style mid-way through.
Wow! Okay, wow! I honestly never believed this would get filled and now I get this gem AND the other one? I'm blown away.
So far, everything about this fill has been amazing. Francis playing Death, their history, Matthieu's fascination with Francis, the actually dark take on the revolution (how many times have I seen it presented as light hearted almost? I don't know, but it always bothered me) and just...everything. Even the title is full of wonder and foreboding and I am extremely happy to have found this before we lose power so I can fangirl all over you.
author :) blahblahblah
September 5 2010, 10:51:14 UTC
THank you! I'm glad you like them :)
/useless history no one cares about, startt
I loved it from the start and bookmarked it for later perusal, but it was far down because I figured it'd take so much work to research it. A while ago I had some inspiration and started typing it up. It was about...the thing says July 30th is when it got large enough to transfer to its own file, so a month or so. I've had it at about 5k for a while, and wanted to get it done, but it took promising it as an incentive to get me to actually ponder posting it. That applies to the lower fill, which came first. This one I just got a random idea from the Hetalia pairing generator and ran with it, and have been poking at it for the past few weeks under a friend's encouragement.
So uh yes, I always wanted to fill this request because it was awesome, but I rarely comment unless I really need to clarify something, because I never know how long it will take to do something :)
That was pointless. ANYWAYS I hope you're doing well. Hurricane Earl, is it?
Re: twelve pomegranate seeds (7)
September 4 2010, 17:15:35 UTC
Oh bloody hell. There is SO MUCH right with this story but all my inner mythology nerd can do is SQUEAL. I mean, all of it is so steeped in meaning and wonder - you're right, it very much did remind me of a mix of Cinderella and Masque of the Red Death. But then... Greek mythology, pillars of salt, and... EAST OF THE SUN WEST OF THE MOON (sorry, that happens to be my absolute favorite faerie tale EVER) Plus... FRANCIS. I love his devotion to Matthew, and the thought that they were destined to be bethrothed. Lovely. And Matt's devotion to him, in turn... *sighs dreamily* I am very, very, VERY happy and will indeed stalk you.
twelve pomegranate seeds (7) [edit]
September 6 2010, 07:17:44 UTC
fixing italics.
Matthieu become anxious by the time they reach another town. Francis seems adverse to sleeping in the open, though Matthieu isn't sure if it's because he's picky or he's afraid of being attacked. Possibly both. Either way, soon they are in another, inn which if possible, is seedier. This time, there is no barmaid, only a middle-aged innkeeper. Matthieu breathes a littler easier this time.
He's so eager to hear more, that he personally helps with the laces at his collar, the cloak, and every other part. Francis is smiling at him the same way he did at that barmaid, suggestive and charming. His fingers shake and his face heats. He can't look Francis in the eyes.
The spin in the tale this time is not love, but death.
Francis...why were you there that night?
I have not told you yet? You could say I was warning the nobles, but they thought it was a pantomime. It wasn't for nothing, though. I finally found you.
But, they called for their heads, they set the castle ablaze.
Okay, sorry to add to the madness but OP would give her right arm to see Francis Bonnefoy, French revolutionary, being wrongly accused of being an atristo supporter. Chaos ensues and M. Bonnefoy finds himself in England falling in love with, of all people, Matthew Williams, the son of a very rich aristocrat.
Anything else is up to the author, I tried to make it as open as possible, but OP would really love to see this. And I really, really, really like happy endings. *issap*
He feels nervous as he walks in. Someone is bound to notice him. Matthieu the serving boy, playing at being a noble. Estelle, a one of the serving girls holds out a circlet of flowers.
Here you go, monsieur. I was instructed to give this to you.
He takes it with shaky hands and a nod. He tries to remind himself that a lot of nobles feel thanking the servants as beneath them. They should live to serve them, after all.
He realizes that it is Spring he is dressed as. He hears the nobles murmur over this new show.
Death comes in at twelve, as before. Instead of dancing with the ladies, he waits at the edge of the dance floor. When he catches sight of Matthieu, he comes his way.
I've been waiting for you, chéri.
His voice is beautiful, rich and sensual and soft. He holds out his hands Waltz with me, chéri?He takes Matthieu's gloved hand that hides the callouses and wear of a servant's life. He kisses his hand, and Matthieu blushes scarlet under his mask. It isn't a large enough mask to hide his face completely like the man's. The ( ... )
He waits at the tunnels with nothing but a lantern. He does not change from the outfit that the man has given him for he knows he will only be able to take the clothes on his back. It is of no matter, he has never had anything worth keeping. No mementoes that spoke of a lost youth, no broaches or rings, combs or stones. He hasn't even the memories to back it up, only the knowledge that at one point in his life, he came to this castle.
Everyone assumes that he was a cast-off child. The lower classes were prone to such grisly behavior. Matthieu assumes it too.
But with this man, he will have a new life. He will no longer be a servant with no family ties of his own, no one to want or claim him as their own. A home. Fine things would be nice, but not necessary. He'd live with this man on the streets, huddled up for warmth as snow fell around them. He'd follow this man anywhere.
Doubts creep in as the minutes go by. Perhaps he is cruel, perhaps he will harm you, perhaps....Matthieu rejects these cynical thoughts before they settle ( ... )
Did you sleep well?
Matthieu nods sleepily and rubs at his eyes.
He has not taken off his mask yet.
Matthieu feels shy, the full realization of what has happened setting in. He takes peeks at the corner of his eye.
The man chuckles. You must have been really worn out to sleep that long.
What time is it? Matthieu asks in lieu of the other burning questions. Who are you? and What's your name?
The man sits by the fire. I'd say at least somewhere around eight.
I suppose you have questions.... The man smiles. Well, chéri. We must be leaving soon, but I can answer a few...
Y-your name....sil vous plâit...
So simply calling me "Death" does not suit you? Hmmmmm. I didn't think you'd be such a picky one...Matthieu flushes. ( ... )
They find an out of the way inn. Matthieu doesn't catch the name.
Francis flirts with the barmaid as he gets some wine, and tips the innkeeper a little more for silence. Matthieu feels sullen when he rests. The shabbiness of the room doesn't bother him, but the way Francis looked at the barmaid does.
I am sorry for such poor accommodations. Soon I will take you back to where you belong, Francis says.
I'm used to it Matthieu replies. He's not quite ready to forgive him yet.
Matthieu climbs into bed, his face averted.
( ... )
He smiles, wistful at old times.
Marianne was very, very beautiful, and people tended to forgive all her silly whims for that... Francis sighs in dreamy reverie at the thought. Very talented too, and elegant and witty.
Do I resemble her? Matthieu asks.
Hmmm, perhaps a little. Your hair is very soft like hers, though the color more resembles her husband's. You're living proof that at that time, at least, she was faithful. I think your temperament is more like his as well. He was a very gentle person, but high society has never been kind to the truly good. We are too wicked, you see?Matthieu can't imagine Francis as being truly bad. Mischievous, charming and full of the sort of lusts that would make a priest disapprove and threaten hell, but true ( ... )
Matthieu become anxious by the time they reach another town. Francis seems adverse to sleeping in the open, though Matthieu isn't sure if it's because he's picky or he's afraid of being attacked. Possibly both. Either way, soon they are in another, inn which if possible, is seedier. This time, there is no barmaid, only a middle-aged innkeeper. Matthieu breathes a littler easier this time.
He's so eager to hear more, that he personally helps with the laces at his collar, the cloak, and every other part. Francis is smiling at him the same way he did at that barmaid, suggestive and charming. His fingers shake and his face heats. He can't look Francis in the eyes.
The spin in the tale this time is not love, but death.
Francis...why were you there that night?
I have not told you yet? You could say I was warning the nobles, but they thought it was a pantomime. It wasn't for nothing, though. I finally found you.
But, they called for their heads, they set the castle ablaze.
That is the world we are in today, chéri. America has ( ... )
The only suggestion I can make is to put your spoken words in quotations. It would make them a bit easier to read.
THank you, though. :)
So far, everything about this fill has been amazing. Francis playing Death, their history, Matthieu's fascination with Francis, the actually dark take on the revolution (how many times have I seen it presented as light hearted almost? I don't know, but it always bothered me) and just...everything. Even the title is full of wonder and foreboding and I am extremely happy to have found this before we lose power so I can fangirl all over you.
/useless history no one cares about, startt
I loved it from the start and bookmarked it for later perusal, but it was far down because I figured it'd take so much work to research it. A while ago I had some inspiration and started typing it up. It was about...the thing says July 30th is when it got large enough to transfer to its own file, so a month or so. I've had it at about 5k for a while, and wanted to get it done, but it took promising it as an incentive to get me to actually ponder posting it. That applies to the lower fill, which came first. This one I just got a random idea from the Hetalia pairing generator and ran with it, and have been poking at it for the past few weeks under a friend's encouragement.
So uh yes, I always wanted to fill this request because it was awesome, but I rarely comment unless I really need to clarify something, because I never know how long it will take to do something :)
That was pointless. ANYWAYS I hope you're doing well. Hurricane Earl, is it?
Matthieu become anxious by the time they reach another town. Francis seems adverse to sleeping in the open, though Matthieu isn't sure if it's because he's picky or he's afraid of being attacked. Possibly both. Either way, soon they are in another, inn which if possible, is seedier. This time, there is no barmaid, only a middle-aged innkeeper. Matthieu breathes a littler easier this time.
He's so eager to hear more, that he personally helps with the laces at his collar, the cloak, and every other part. Francis is smiling at him the same way he did at that barmaid, suggestive and charming. His fingers shake and his face heats. He can't look Francis in the eyes.
The spin in the tale this time is not love, but death.
Francis...why were you there that night?
I have not told you yet? You could say I was warning the nobles, but they thought it was a pantomime. It wasn't for nothing, though. I finally found you.
But, they called for their heads, they set the castle ablaze.
That is the world we are in today, chéri. ( ... )
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