For reference, Matthieu is about 15 here, and it takes place some time prior to the treaty of Paris 1763, but when Matthieu isn't a child running around in a little nightdress
-- I do not struggle in your web because it was my aim to get caught but daddy longlegs I feel that I'm finally growing weary of waiting to be consumed by you The First Taste, Fiona Apple. --
Matthieu licked a little bit a syrup. The taste always made him nostalgic.
Shortly after Francis had first found him, he'd been licking trees, causing his papa to tsk and tell no Non, non do not lick trees, mon petit! And here I thought you were more civilized than your heathen of a brother... He'd raised his sticky fingers and signaled that he wanted to be picked up. Papa Francis had reluctantly taken him up, but muttered about how he was
( ... )
The First Taste (2)
September 15 2010, 07:31:29 UTC
Papa Francis was beautiful, and Matthieu knew he wasn't the only one to think so. He knew Papa Francis had lovers, always plural, for few could catch his eye for very long. Sometimes when he was visiting, he would excuse himself to go charm some pretty boy or girl. And it wasn't just charming...sometimes he'd disappear with them to some dark corner - a barn, an inn, a grove or trees, or simply an empty room. Matthieu would bite down the rising feeling in him, like someone had shoved a wedge in his chest. Lately these feelings had grown to be almost unbearable.
His attempts to ask the local chaplain had turned into a stuttered mess.
He'd been rubbing himself against grasses and sheets for years now. It seemed natural to think of Papa Francis when he did it, though lately he'd taken to physically touching himself and imagining it as Papa Francis' hands, his touch against him.
He'd been horribly guilty at first, and had asked Papa Francis if he was truly doomed for hell, but Papa Francis had chuckled and said it is different for us
( ... )
The First Taste (3)
September 15 2010, 07:33:32 UTC
The summer was unbearable. Matthieu had been without clothes as much as possible. Papa Francis had decided to visit, and nothing had kept him otherwise. He was to stay for a whole month this time, and Matthieu was going to make the most of it. He had some of the sticky sweetness from the Maples, and he had a plan. It'd been embarrassing to ask Papa Francis about l'amour, but he had spared no detail, as Matthieu knew he would. Matthieu had blushed through his frank, even vulgar descriptions, but he now knew what he would need to do
( ... )
The First Taste (4)
September 15 2010, 07:38:47 UTC
Instead of asking him to lie down, Papa Francis laid down, nestled in linens. He pushed the scratchy grey wool blanket aside. Matthieu still hadn't folded it up for winter, but then summer nights could be cold too
( ... )
The First Taste (5)
September 15 2010, 07:44:06 UTC
Papa Francis let out a slight groan at the licks, so Matthieu tried more. He wanted to be the best lover Papa Francis had ever had, wanted to so wow him with his prowess that he'd shirk everyone else and only think about him. Every time he saw a pretty girl, he'd think she's passable, but my colony is far superior to her.But they were dreams, and nothing more
( ... )
The First Taste (6)
September 15 2010, 08:07:04 UTC
Afterwards they lay very close. Matthieu was sticky with white fluids, and the remainders of sweet syrup. Papa Francis poured some syrup on his fingers, and drew them across Matthieu's lips.
"Is this it...?" Matthieu said. It was not said in disappointment so much as surprise. He had never quite understood how two men would fit together, despite his desire to find a way to do so. This - and many things were still mysteries, mysteries to which Papa Francis had been privy to for hundreds of more years with many people and other countries, all who Matthieu hated a little.
"No, mon cher, it is only the beginning, a first taste if you will," Papa Francis said. "Once it is a little cooler, and we are a little more rested, we can both spend more time together, d'accord?"
Re: The First Taste (6)
September 16 2010, 11:04:35 UTC
OMG this is both so hot and so adorable!!! What's with all the awesome France as sex teacher recently? he's so sensual and delicious here, but also warm and comforting. Were that all first times were as marvelous as this one! your Canada is really sweet I especially love that he keeps calling him 'papa' during and after it
I think I may be OP for this, but the lnk to the original request is wrong, so I can't say ^^
And that, ahaha, I suppose I might have something to do with that? I looooove gentle teacher!Francis. It's a huge kink of mine. My porn muse came back after being gone most of the summer, so I've been catching up on stuff before it leaves again. It's very finicky, you see.
Re: The First Taste (6)
September 17 2010, 01:25:42 UTC
Love this so much! There's never enough good Franada, and Canada was so cuuute in this! I love how he got flustered and messed all of his lines up XD And it was so hot and sexy, too. Oh, little Canada, you have so much to learn. Luckily, France is there to teach you ^_~
Re: The First Taste (6)
October 3 2010, 13:04:23 UTC
So sweet, a bit sad, and very, very hot. Strange how those elements work together but they do. There are so many lines I could quote from this that make me cry.
For reference, Matthieu is about 15 here, and it takes place some time prior to the treaty of Paris 1763, but when Matthieu isn't a child running around in a little nightdress
I do not struggle in your web because it was my aim to get caught
but daddy longlegs I feel that I'm finally growing weary
of waiting to be consumed by you
The First Taste, Fiona Apple.
Matthieu licked a little bit a syrup. The taste always made him nostalgic.
Shortly after Francis had first found him, he'd been licking trees, causing his papa to tsk and tell no Non, non do not lick trees, mon petit! And here I thought you were more civilized than your heathen of a brother... He'd raised his sticky fingers and signaled that he wanted to be picked up. Papa Francis had reluctantly taken him up, but muttered about how he was ( ... )
His attempts to ask the local chaplain had turned into a stuttered mess.
He'd been rubbing himself against grasses and sheets for years now. It seemed natural to think of Papa Francis when he did it, though lately he'd taken to physically touching himself and imagining it as Papa Francis' hands, his touch against him.
He'd been horribly guilty at first, and had asked Papa Francis if he was truly doomed for hell, but Papa Francis had chuckled and said it is different for us ( ... )
"Is this it...?" Matthieu said. It was not said in disappointment so much as surprise. He had never quite understood how two men would fit together, despite his desire to find a way to do so. This - and many things were still mysteries, mysteries to which Papa Francis had been privy to for hundreds of more years with many people and other countries, all who Matthieu hated a little.
"No, mon cher, it is only the beginning, a first taste if you will," Papa Francis said. "Once it is a little cooler, and we are a little more rested, we can both spend more time together, d'accord?"
"Oui, s'il vous plâit," Matthieu replied ( ... )
I think I may be OP for this, but the lnk to the original request is wrong, so I can't say ^^
If you are OP, then I'm glad you like it :)
And that, ahaha, I suppose I might have something to do with that? I looooove gentle teacher!Francis. It's a huge kink of mine. My porn muse came back after being gone most of the summer, so I've been catching up on stuff before it leaves again. It's very finicky, you see.
Awesome fill, anon!
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