I've twisted this story so many different times in my head and it just wouldn't play out they way I wanted to. So! I just thought screw it and I posted it here. Maah, maah, constructive criticism would be so welcome. orz
Now move along to a better written fill, there is nothing to see here.
Re: Mother [2/2]
September 27 2010, 20:49:33 UTC
I really like the description of what it's like to be born as a nation. I guess at that age you might think everyone feels the same way, though.
And awww at General Winter bringing Russia to that woman's house <3 She was such a sweet woman. Even when it became clear that her child wasn't human, she wasn't scared off. Poor Russia. You'll experience many more traumas before the end, dear.
I only have one question. What time period is this? I know it has to be really ancient for Russia to have been just born, but since Ukraine is older I'd assume this takes place after Kievan Rus' (I can't imagine Russia actually being Kievan Rus' as some people claim because then how could Ukraine be older? To me, Russia's always been Muscovy.) So, late 1100's? I'm too lazy to check the date of the founding of Moscow and you probably had some other idea anyway. Sorry about the ranting, I haven't slept in 34 hours...
Lovely story anyway. It's nice to see Russia free from his, um, issues.
Re: Mother [2/2]
September 28 2010, 00:24:29 UTC
From what I checked out in good ol trusty wiki, I placed this to be between the end era of the Rus Khagnate and the Kievan Rus. Because the comics have shown the trio of siblings already together during the Kievan Rus period. (Ukraine asked her brother to make sure the Kiev was succesful. I believed this was a reference to the Kievan Rus.) In my head, Ukraine was born when the earliest Eastern Slavic people began to settle in. Because I mean, nations are born way before they actually become nations, so there doesn't even have to be a coherent government.
Now move along to a better written fill, there is nothing to see here.
And awww at General Winter bringing Russia to that woman's house <3 She was such a sweet woman. Even when it became clear that her child wasn't human, she wasn't scared off. Poor Russia. You'll experience many more traumas before the end, dear.
I only have one question. What time period is this? I know it has to be really ancient for Russia to have been just born, but since Ukraine is older I'd assume this takes place after Kievan Rus' (I can't imagine Russia actually being Kievan Rus' as some people claim because then how could Ukraine be older? To me, Russia's always been Muscovy.) So, late 1100's? I'm too lazy to check the date of the founding of Moscow and you probably had some other idea anyway. Sorry about the ranting, I haven't slept in 34 hours...
Lovely story anyway. It's nice to see Russia free from his, um, issues.
Idk, does that make sense?
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