I would love a fic where Russia plays the hero and rescues America from something.
I have no specific event in mind -- an attack, an accident, an evil plot anything is fine. An no specific setting in mind either -- normal verse (would prefer a modern or future time period), AU, Gauken anything is fine for that too. I'd just love to see a growly, protective Russia and would prefer a not too whiny/weak America. Strong/capable of taking care of themselves people need rescuing too sometimes.
Would prefer no Evil!England any other characters you may want to make nasty and bad are fine.
Bonus: They're not an established couple, implied past relationship is okay, but at the time of the rescue they're not together.
Blue Lips 7
November 29 2010, 17:05:40 UTC
Thank you Samuel Becket for your nebulous thought patterns.
America felt groggy- like he had been hit by a truck. Everything felt numb and useless. His mouth tasted like copper while feeling like sand. Augh, what had happened? With a low groan, one that barely left his throat, America attempted to rub at his eyes to relieve the growing dull pressure that had to mean a headache was coming on. It was then though that he realized he couldn’t move. What on earth was beeping?
Ah, well. At least he was warm. Trying to nuzzle into the warm and soft object, he finally noticed the buzzing in his ears. What was that? America sighed internally, deciding that he was probably just taking a long time to wake up and tried to focus on the scent surrounding him. There were two distinct smells, crossing over each other gently and elusively.
What had he been doing? Something with snow…he remembered it being white…or had it been really dark? Hm. America lethargically rubbed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, the bitter metallic taste of
( ... )
Blue Lips 8
November 29 2010, 17:16:59 UTC
No. There was something else. Something big. Jeezum Crow, What had happened? Blood tasted funny when you had a dry mouth, America finally decided.
“….Wake……easier……………-ry….please.” Then some gibberish.
That was a male’s voice. Actually if America concentrated he could tell that there were two voices. One was a woman who was muttering some nonsensical language…though it sounded familiar…and the other was the steady pulsing of a man’s deeper voice. He was talking in English though which really helped against that awful headache starting to emerge. His arm was starting to tingle too- unpleasant like a limb that had fallen asleep.
Oh. Fuck.
America remembered with a burst of clarity- as though someone had shot the memory into his veins like a stimulating drug. Oh damn. Oh hell. Oh frikkin’ A! That…well wasn’t this just wicked bad and wicked un-awesome. He had been hit by a truck. A truck! The Truck that had crested the hill and slipped down until he had been slammed into the guardrail and sent careening into the ditch below.
( ... )
Blue Lips 9
November 29 2010, 17:23:56 UTC
The North American nation paused and then shifted his gaze further towards where his hand was. He squinted and then hissed as it brought the headache full on. Blue eyes rolled back towards what looked like a…a…man? Maybe? He couldn’t see anything without those glasses. But- wait. Ivan?
“…an?” he croaked out softly, mouth feeling like he had fallen headfirst into a pile of sand.
“Da.” The black, tan, and silvery blond blob shifted, wavering in his vision like a mirage.
So it was Russia, America thought. Shutting his eyes against the light and lack of vision, America took in a soft breath. Silence filled the room but the rhythmic beat of some machinery. Hm. So Ivan was sitting at his bedside and holding his hand.
“ ‘hy ‘re y’ ‘ere?” America muttered finally, licking his lips as he kept his eyes shut. There was a creak of something that could have been a chair or the mattress.
“You were in an accident, you remember?”
The blue-eyed nation simply hummed quietly. Silence blanketed them both and America wondered what
( ... )
Re: Blue Lips 9
November 29 2010, 17:57:51 UTC
Oh wow, I just discovered this, and you started posting new parts while I was reading. Sometimes the gifts that the auto!refresh feature on my browser brings are like Christmas come early. <3 ... I probably should say that when the protagonist is lying in a hospital bed, huh? >_>
I'm loving your characterization here; usually in fics featuring these two in ANY kind of relationship, including as enemies or friends, at least one of them is either villainized or idealized, but they're both wonderfully human here. ... That's possibly an ironic choice of words, but seriously, they do feel quite real and believable.
As for the ending? It would be kind of nice to see them grow closer, either as friends or lovers. (Judging from mysterious!OP's bonus, s/he doesn't mind them becoming lovers as long as they weren't together, so that's still an option if you like it.) If you go the friends route, I might like to see a tiny bit of reflection on how their relationship has changed and is changing, if that inspires you. Of course things
( ... )
November 29 2010, 22:28:45 UTC
Thanks for ideas :) New England slang: Things like 'Wicked this' or 'wicked that'...'Jeezum Crow'...Frikkin' A ( though that's more anywhere...) Was just mentioning since when I say them people give odd looks if there not from around here.
Re: AuthorAnon
November 29 2010, 22:38:08 UTC
Ahaha, those all sound pretty normal to me, except for "Jeezum Crow," I guess. Although that's in the same vein as "frikkin' A," really; it gets you fewer disgruntled looks from older folks when you curse near them. ... Or at least the looks are not quite as angry and disapproving, anyway. XD (We say "daggnabbit" instead of "goddammit" sometimes, and I've gotten the weirdest looks in some states, so I kind of understand!)
Does it make Texans/Southerners lazy that we just say "Jeez" -- or "Geez" if you want to pretend the spelling makes it even less offensive XD -- instead of multiple syllables?
Can I guess where you're from? Is it Vermont? Curious!anon is curious.
November 30 2010, 01:17:43 UTC
Naw, that's not lazy. Probably more polite then us up here. I blame the snow. I'm along the border of Maine and New Hampshire, so a lot of Maine slang might be showing up when America is more coherent and not jacked up on morphine. :)
Re: AuthorAnon
December 5 2010, 00:54:08 UTC
I love me some Maine slang. Not from way downeast myself (Though family is, de-ah) but grew up with it. Judas Priest is another one my grandmother uses on many occasions. But ... this is a wicked good fill. ;D
Re: Blue Lips 9
November 29 2010, 18:34:37 UTC
I am at work, but I have to comment! Your fic totally made my day! :D Glad to see that America woke up! And Russia holding his hand! I love them both here!
Re: Blue Lips 9
November 29 2010, 18:57:17 UTC
I am adoring this fill so, so very much! The way you write the characters are so distinctly them that it's easy to follow. Russia's observations about America are really telling and I like that. c: /watches this thread like a hawk
Re: Blue Lips 9
November 29 2010, 21:06:17 UTC
I just love the characterization of Alfred and Ivan- they're so very real. Props to Alfred's muddy thought process while he's slowly gaining conscious; I can so totally imagine it.
Also I love Russia/America as a pairing, so I'm hoping it'll go the romance route eventually, haha. It'll be way cool if you can write them becoming friends and eventually becoming lovers/boyfriends/whatever. Don't know how long you want to make this fic though I would be so happy if it was a long one; haha more to read
And yeah like the above anon said, I imagine that as the two spend more time together they will be reflecting a lot about their relationship with one another.
Blue Lips 10
December 4 2010, 19:47:32 UTC
America shot straight up in his bed, eyes wide open. “Hey! I get ice creeeeeaaayooww!” he collapsed back onto the stiff bed, groaning in the remembrance that he should not be moving at all. Letting out a grunt, America shut his eyes against the softly lit room and placed his good and lightly bandaged hand across his face gently. Peaking out between fingers, blue eyes swept over the amusing scene in front of him. “Why are you pointing your gun at me?”
Russia blinked then stowed away the metal weapon into his coat. “You startled me out of my sleep.” Violet eyes flickered swiftly and then settled on gazing stoically at America. “You should not be moving yet.”
“Yeah. I kinda realized that. Thanks.” America groaned again as his back throbbed, breath hitching until the tense and wounded muscles relaxed into the cushion of the hospital bed. With another long breath, America opened his eyes, pulling his hand back down, and yawned. “What time is it?”
Blue Lips 11
December 4 2010, 19:49:35 UTC
“W-wait…” America gulped and stared wide eyed at both nations before him. “I have to get surgery here? In a Russian hospital?” His voice was raised a little too high. “My leg will come back three inches shorter!” he moaned, pulling his hand back over his face. He snorted in light amusement when Russia made a noise to show his annoyance.
England was glaring at them, America realized, and gave his former caretaker a tired glance. “So uh, how long have you been here?”
“Since the meeting began you twit. Your brother, France and I have been worried about you.”
America leaned fully into the support of the pillows behind him and shut his summer blue eyes. “Aw. That’s sweet.” Another sigh fell from his lips, weak and pained from the injuries in his body. Then the room fell into silence and America’s breathing began to slow. He didn’t even have the energy to keep up a peppy conversation.
Apparently though, the other two men thought he had fallen asleep for their tones became hushed. “You insult him very much,” Russia muttered somewhat
( ... )
I would love a fic where Russia plays the hero and rescues America from something.
I have no specific event in mind -- an attack, an accident, an evil plot anything is fine. An no specific setting in mind either -- normal verse (would prefer a modern or future time period), AU, Gauken anything is fine for that too. I'd just love to see a growly, protective Russia and would prefer a not too whiny/weak America. Strong/capable of taking care of themselves people need rescuing too sometimes.
Would prefer no Evil!England any other characters you may want to make nasty and bad are fine.
Bonus: They're not an established couple, implied past relationship is okay, but at the time of the rescue they're not together.
I love how in-character Russia is. Please keep up the excellent writing!
America felt groggy- like he had been hit by a truck. Everything felt numb and useless. His mouth tasted like copper while feeling like sand. Augh, what had happened? With a low groan, one that barely left his throat, America attempted to rub at his eyes to relieve the growing dull pressure that had to mean a headache was coming on. It was then though that he realized he couldn’t move. What on earth was beeping?
Ah, well. At least he was warm. Trying to nuzzle into the warm and soft object, he finally noticed the buzzing in his ears. What was that? America sighed internally, deciding that he was probably just taking a long time to wake up and tried to focus on the scent surrounding him. There were two distinct smells, crossing over each other gently and elusively.
What had he been doing? Something with snow…he remembered it being white…or had it been really dark? Hm. America lethargically rubbed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, the bitter metallic taste of ( ... )
No. There was something else. Something big. Jeezum Crow, What had happened? Blood tasted funny when you had a dry mouth, America finally decided.
“….Wake……easier……………-ry….please.” Then some gibberish.
That was a male’s voice. Actually if America concentrated he could tell that there were two voices. One was a woman who was muttering some nonsensical language…though it sounded familiar…and the other was the steady pulsing of a man’s deeper voice. He was talking in English though which really helped against that awful headache starting to emerge. His arm was starting to tingle too- unpleasant like a limb that had fallen asleep.
Oh. Fuck.
America remembered with a burst of clarity- as though someone had shot the memory into his veins like a stimulating drug. Oh damn. Oh hell. Oh frikkin’ A! That…well wasn’t this just wicked bad and wicked un-awesome. He had been hit by a truck. A truck! The Truck that had crested the hill and slipped down until he had been slammed into the guardrail and sent careening into the ditch below.
( ... )
The North American nation paused and then shifted his gaze further towards where his hand was. He squinted and then hissed as it brought the headache full on. Blue eyes rolled back towards what looked like a…a…man? Maybe? He couldn’t see anything without those glasses. But- wait. Ivan?
“…an?” he croaked out softly, mouth feeling like he had fallen headfirst into a pile of sand.
“Da.” The black, tan, and silvery blond blob shifted, wavering in his vision like a mirage.
So it was Russia, America thought. Shutting his eyes against the light and lack of vision, America took in a soft breath. Silence filled the room but the rhythmic beat of some machinery. Hm. So Ivan was sitting at his bedside and holding his hand.
“ ‘hy ‘re y’ ‘ere?” America muttered finally, licking his lips as he kept his eyes shut. There was a creak of something that could have been a chair or the mattress.
“You were in an accident, you remember?”
The blue-eyed nation simply hummed quietly. Silence blanketed them both and America wondered what ( ... )
I'm loving your characterization here; usually in fics featuring these two in ANY kind of relationship, including as enemies or friends, at least one of them is either villainized or idealized, but they're both wonderfully human here. ... That's possibly an ironic choice of words, but seriously, they do feel quite real and believable.
As for the ending? It would be kind of nice to see them grow closer, either as friends or lovers. (Judging from mysterious!OP's bonus, s/he doesn't mind them becoming lovers as long as they weren't together, so that's still an option if you like it.) If you go the friends route, I might like to see a tiny bit of reflection on how their relationship has changed and is changing, if that inspires you. Of course things ( ... )
New England slang: Things like 'Wicked this' or 'wicked that'...'Jeezum Crow'...Frikkin' A ( though that's more anywhere...) Was just mentioning since when I say them people give odd looks if there not from around here.
Does it make Texans/Southerners lazy that we just say "Jeez" -- or "Geez" if you want to pretend the spelling makes it even less offensive XD -- instead of multiple syllables?
Can I guess where you're from? Is it Vermont? Curious!anon is curious.
Not from way downeast myself (Though family is, de-ah) but grew up with it. Judas Priest is another one my grandmother uses on many occasions. But ... this is a wicked good fill. ;D
Glad to see that America woke up! And Russia holding his hand! I love them both here!
America woke up, poor guy, I hope he'll recover soon. But I like so much that part where Russia holds his hand <3
Also I love Russia/America as a pairing, so I'm hoping it'll go the romance route eventually, haha. It'll be way cool if you can write them becoming friends and eventually becoming lovers/boyfriends/whatever. Don't know how long you want to make this fic though I would be so happy if it was a long one; haha more to read
And yeah like the above anon said, I imagine that as the two spend more time together they will be reflecting a lot about their relationship with one another.
America shot straight up in his bed, eyes wide open. “Hey! I get ice creeeeeaaayooww!” he collapsed back onto the stiff bed, groaning in the remembrance that he should not be moving at all. Letting out a grunt, America shut his eyes against the softly lit room and placed his good and lightly bandaged hand across his face gently. Peaking out between fingers, blue eyes swept over the amusing scene in front of him. “Why are you pointing your gun at me?”
Russia blinked then stowed away the metal weapon into his coat. “You startled me out of my sleep.” Violet eyes flickered swiftly and then settled on gazing stoically at America. “You should not be moving yet.”
“Yeah. I kinda realized that. Thanks.” America groaned again as his back throbbed, breath hitching until the tense and wounded muscles relaxed into the cushion of the hospital bed. With another long breath, America opened his eyes, pulling his hand back down, and yawned. “What time is it?”
“Bloody two in the morning, gluttonous fool.”
Both Russia and America turned to see ( ... )
“W-wait…” America gulped and stared wide eyed at both nations before him. “I have to get surgery here? In a Russian hospital?” His voice was raised a little too high. “My leg will come back three inches shorter!” he moaned, pulling his hand back over his face. He snorted in light amusement when Russia made a noise to show his annoyance.
England was glaring at them, America realized, and gave his former caretaker a tired glance. “So uh, how long have you been here?”
“Since the meeting began you twit. Your brother, France and I have been worried about you.”
America leaned fully into the support of the pillows behind him and shut his summer blue eyes. “Aw. That’s sweet.” Another sigh fell from his lips, weak and pained from the injuries in his body. Then the room fell into silence and America’s breathing began to slow. He didn’t even have the energy to keep up a peppy conversation.
Apparently though, the other two men thought he had fallen asleep for their tones became hushed. “You insult him very much,” Russia muttered somewhat ( ... )
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