England/fem!America - dirty talking leads to gigglefits
November 29 2010, 00:23:14 UTC
So England and fem!America are in the land of foreplay and the mood is good between them.
Until England starts dirty talking and fem!America bursts out laughing because to her, England dirty talking is absolutely hilarious.
Up to anon on whether England's dirty talk really is hilariously bad/just plain funny. It's also up to the filler on whether they actually have sex or England is too put off to do it.
Until England starts dirty talking and fem!America bursts out laughing because to her, England dirty talking is absolutely hilarious.
Up to anon on whether England's dirty talk really is hilariously bad/just plain funny. It's also up to the filler on whether they actually have sex or England is too put off to do it.
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