Only You [Intro] (Second A!A returns!)
May 23 2011, 01:29:05 UTC
Gwaaa! When I left that comment, I didn’t mean for people to get all mad ;_; I just wanted to let people know that I was planning on doing it too. Damn you over-politeness! Anyway, this is the introduction. Your real scene will be completed shortly (probably tomorrow, but no promises). I’m too tired to finish tonight. While we’re here, how do you feel about smut? Because my plan right now involves some, but I can cut it and work around it if you’d prefer this to stay clean.
To the rest of the world, England hated being touched. Period. Hugs resulted in punches. Gropes resulted in broken bones. Even handshakes were often met with a strained face and a bit lip. England liked his privacy, his personal space. He was even touchy about people being near him, often spending days at a time locked alone in one of his houses out in the countryside with nothing but tea and embroidery to keep him company.
God only knew how he wound up with America of all people. The younger nation, everyone knew, was a true extrovert. He loved people, and
( ... )
Re: Only You [1/3]
May 23 2011, 02:35:00 UTC
As life has it, the second I posted I got a second wind. I went with the light yaoi because I didn't want to make anyone mad and it felt like a nicer fit.
Sorry, this isn't quite as good as my usual. Good thing that that other anon's coming back, eh?
America sitting on one end of his long black leather couch playing some first-person-shooter on his X-box. England personally was sick of guns after two world wars and didn't find the simulated blood and gore nearly realistic enough for his tastes (although he had enjoyed that Portal game when America wasn't leaning over his shoulder and telling him all the answers), so he was laying across the couch, head in America's lap, reading a book. It was a fairly decent one, surprisingly: a fantasy about two nymphs trapped in the modern world and trying to find their way back to their own universe. However, America wasn't really interested in it, hence the video games.
England didn't mind this kind of contact. America's attention was mostly elsewhere, but he was still there: warm and smelling of
( ... )
Only You [2/3]
May 23 2011, 02:35:48 UTC
"Hey, what gives? I was having fun."
"I could tell," England pressed a hand against America's crotch, causing the younger man to groan, "You're horny again."
America grinned, "I'm still a teenager, babe. I'm always ready for you."
England rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance, "I feel bad enough being with you without any help. Don't remind me that I'm basically robbing my own cradle."
The larger nation laughed, "Remember: it's only creepy if you think about it."
"You're not helping."
"Neither are you," America rubbed himself against the hand the older man forgot to remove.
"Greedy, aren't you? I had you four hours ago."
"Four and a half, actually. And I want my turn," America whined.
England rolled his eyes so that he didn't look too pathetic, "Oh, I suppose."
"Sweet!" The larger nation cried. He grabbed England again and in one fluid motion stood and threw the older man over his shoulder.
"No." England said, squirming, "We are not doing this; I refuse!"
"Oh fine," America slid him around so that he was carrying him bridal-style.
Only You [3/3]
May 23 2011, 02:36:26 UTC
America came first, because that was the price of youthful eagerness. He pulled out of England with a squelch, and began to pump the smaller man with both hands. England let out a contented sigh as he spilled between them, but he didn't have time to bask in the afterglow because America's strong arms wrapped around him and lifted him nearly effortlessly.
"Where the bloody hell are you taking me?" He demanded.
"Since when are you worried about being clean?"
America shrugged, "Maybe you're rubbing off on me, old man."
"It'd be about time," England grumbled.
The larger man laughed and opened the door with some careful maneuvering. Once they were inside, America stood England in the tub. He turned the tap on and warm water ran down their bodies.
"Don't seem like such a bad idea now, do it?" America asked.
"I never said it did. And speak properly, will you?"
"Of course sir," America said in a poor attempt at a posh accent, "Now please allow me to wash your back."
Re: Only You [3/3]
May 24 2011, 20:55:47 UTC
England, you are just so tsun-tsun, honestly. This felt very soft and affectionate, I loved it. There were a lot of sweet little details, the little things, that just made me squee in delight at sheer adorable.
And omg Portal reference. I loved Portal 2 so much <33
Bonus: England makes all the token protests in the world, but he secretly loves it.
Anyway, this is the introduction. Your real scene will be completed shortly (probably tomorrow, but no promises). I’m too tired to finish tonight.
While we’re here, how do you feel about smut? Because my plan right now involves some, but I can cut it and work around it if you’d prefer this to stay clean.
To the rest of the world, England hated being touched. Period. Hugs resulted in punches. Gropes resulted in broken bones. Even handshakes were often met with a strained face and a bit lip. England liked his privacy, his personal space. He was even touchy about people being near him, often spending days at a time locked alone in one of his houses out in the countryside with nothing but tea and embroidery to keep him company.
God only knew how he wound up with America of all people. The younger nation, everyone knew, was a true extrovert. He loved people, and ( ... )
As life has it, the second I posted I got a second wind. I went with the light yaoi because I didn't want to make anyone mad and it felt like a nicer fit.
Sorry, this isn't quite as good as my usual. Good thing that that other anon's coming back, eh?
America sitting on one end of his long black leather couch playing some first-person-shooter on his X-box. England personally was sick of guns after two world wars and didn't find the simulated blood and gore nearly realistic enough for his tastes (although he had enjoyed that Portal game when America wasn't leaning over his shoulder and telling him all the answers), so he was laying across the couch, head in America's lap, reading a book. It was a fairly decent one, surprisingly: a fantasy about two nymphs trapped in the modern world and trying to find their way back to their own universe. However, America wasn't really interested in it, hence the video games.
England didn't mind this kind of contact. America's attention was mostly elsewhere, but he was still there: warm and smelling of ( ... )
"Hey, what gives? I was having fun."
"I could tell," England pressed a hand against America's crotch, causing the younger man to groan, "You're horny again."
America grinned, "I'm still a teenager, babe. I'm always ready for you."
England rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance, "I feel bad enough being with you without any help. Don't remind me that I'm basically robbing my own cradle."
The larger nation laughed, "Remember: it's only creepy if you think about it."
"You're not helping."
"Neither are you," America rubbed himself against the hand the older man forgot to remove.
"Greedy, aren't you? I had you four hours ago."
"Four and a half, actually. And I want my turn," America whined.
England rolled his eyes so that he didn't look too pathetic, "Oh, I suppose."
"Sweet!" The larger nation cried. He grabbed England again and in one fluid motion stood and threw the older man over his shoulder.
"No." England said, squirming, "We are not doing this; I refuse!"
"Oh fine," America slid him around so that he was carrying him bridal-style.
"This better ( ... )
America came first, because that was the price of youthful eagerness. He pulled out of England with a squelch, and began to pump the smaller man with both hands. England let out a contented sigh as he spilled between them, but he didn't have time to bask in the afterglow because America's strong arms wrapped around him and lifted him nearly effortlessly.
"Where the bloody hell are you taking me?" He demanded.
"Since when are you worried about being clean?"
America shrugged, "Maybe you're rubbing off on me, old man."
"It'd be about time," England grumbled.
The larger man laughed and opened the door with some careful maneuvering. Once they were inside, America stood England in the tub. He turned the tap on and warm water ran down their bodies.
"Don't seem like such a bad idea now, do it?" America asked.
"I never said it did. And speak properly, will you?"
"Of course sir," America said in a poor attempt at a posh accent, "Now please allow me to wash your back."
"Your accent is horrendous," England said.
"Hey man," America said, speaking ( ... )
oh England such a little kid sometimes
this was so sweet. you really hit all the right notes. thanks for filling
And omg Portal reference. I loved Portal 2 so much <33
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