Sidecar [1a/3]
October 31 2011, 14:36:23 UTC
Alfred hadn't particularly felt like having anyone visit him lately to begin with. Ever since the Great War, he'd been cautious about his relationships with any of the European nations, but Arthur had been insistent upon visiting him for some reason. He had a suspicion that it had to do with the proposition that had been raised by his government recently to stop building warships for the next decade-after all, Britain was nothing if not a naval power, since as far back as Alfred could remember. But even as he may not have felt like hosting Arthur at the time, when the Brit had told him he would be coming to see him, Alfred hadn't been able to tell the man no
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Sidecar [1b/3]
October 31 2011, 14:37:08 UTC
One thick eyebrow had risen when Alfred's tone turned firm, and the Brit’s hand left the bottle so that he could cross his arms, setting his feet apart; it was a stance he usually got when he was about to lay into the younger nation. Seeing Arthur's arms cross in a stance to match his own, Alfred forced himself to meet those green eyes with his own determined glare. He wasn't going to back down this time, he had resolved himself; that is, until the older man started speaking in that voice that always made him want to physically shrink
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Sidecar [1c/3]
October 31 2011, 14:38:47 UTC
Arthur gave a long sigh, as if the charge weren’t even worth addressing right now. Uncrossing his arms, he reached for the glasses left by the hotel room. He had no ice yet, but that was alright. He only wanted to rile his former colony a little more. Lifting the bottle of gin, he opened it up to pour a little out. It was only about a quarter of the glass, but it was enough to make a point. Setting it down he picked up the glass to drink it down quickly
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Sidecar [1d/3]
October 31 2011, 14:40:47 UTC
When he heard that remark behind his back, Alfred's shoulders twitched visibly. Even so, he could come up with no better comeback than a frustrated "Shut UP!" as he slammed the door behind him, and even that left him shaking slightly as he walked down the hall to the stairs, glad that he wasn't still in the room with Arthur after that. When he was younger, he certainly wouldn't have gotten away with it, and he'd never quite grown out of that emotional power the other knew how to wield over him, even now that he could physically resist most anything. Alfred kicked a stone into the street in frustration with himself. Damn it all
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October 31 2011, 14:52:14 UTC
This is my favourite kink that I adored from the moment I saw it as a prompt on kink meme, my favourite time period for America, together with a good writer who knows what he/she is doing and is doing it rather well.
More than promising, I'm quite sure this will be a fantastic fill.
Re: Sidecar [1d/3]
October 31 2011, 23:59:37 UTC
puhahahaha This looks like it'll be a fun ride. I love the dialogue already--and it looks like you're comfortable with the legislation of the era and historical backstory, anon! Kudos, kudos.
Sidecar [2a/3]
November 2 2011, 00:25:50 UTC
Arthur had waited for some time after his mouthy little golden child had left his hotel room. He hesitated to go after him at all, but in the end he wanted to try and get things settled tonight so that he didn't have to go home right away tomorrow. He'd simply thought it would be too awkward to stay at Alfred's house with Toris there; that was the whole reason he'd opted to stay in a hotel anyway! And from the looks of how their brief meeting in the hotel room had gone, Arthur had been right about that. He would have been embarrassed to have Toris see what a child his former colony could be-even if he was quite sure the Lithuanian nation knew that by now. Grabbing his coat, he hailed a taxi and made his way to Alfred's house. About half an hour later he arrived, paying the man and stepping out. Was it always so warm and humid here? He dabbed at his forehead with the sleeve of his coat as he came up to the door, knocking firmly
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Sidecar [2b/3]
November 2 2011, 00:27:07 UTC
Alfred’s eyes widened almost helplessly when the other grabbed his chin and leaned in to sniff his breath, which was coming a bit heavily after his rush to put the bottle away. He was startled, though not surprised, that not only could the older nation smell the alcohol on his breath, he could identify exactly what it was from scent alone, even though Alfred hadn't been drinking it straight. For a split second, he considered denying the accusation, but even in his inebriated state Alfred knew that was completely useless, if not counterproductive. The best he could do was to try to defend his actions. "I-Look, 's only illegal to make it or bring it here. Or sell it. Volstead Act doesn't actually say it's against the law to DRINK it.” He wasn't doing anything wrong; he simply hadn’t wanted to think about the mess with Arthur anymore. How productive that solution had been. He closed his own eyes tightly so as not to have to meet Arthur’s-his former guardian was giving him that look that always meant Alfred was about to hear it
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Sidecar [2c/3]
November 2 2011, 00:28:19 UTC
Push Alfred aside he did, but not hard enough to outright topple the tipsy American, who at the moment had his eyes quite fixated on the floorboards rather than meet Arthur’s own eyes. With the door now freed, Arthur opened the cabinet, eyes widening a little when he saw more than he had expected. One, two bottles maybe, certainly not something between ten and fifteen, with varying amounts of alcohol having already been drunk from each. Torn between anger and disappointment, he now turned to Alfred. "You are aware that your policemen are breaking and dumping any liquor that they find? None of it is acceptable as far as they're concerned, obtained before the ban or not
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Sidecar [2d/3]
November 2 2011, 00:29:35 UTC
"What're you doing?" Alfred asked apprehensively while Arthur was moving to look through his kitchen drawers, though it didn't dawn on him exactly what the other nation was up to until he saw the wooden spoon in those hands. He knew instantly what it was for, what it had always been for-he couldn't actually remember Arthur ever using one for cooking. "I... I'm not a kid anymore!" he protested weakly
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Re: Sidecar [2d/3]
November 2 2011, 05:48:21 UTC
Anon1 and of course yours truly Bunk!anon, I really have no excuse why I didn't recognize your writing style earlier when I clearly remember you wrote about taking a prompt for this pairing.
I already wrote I love the setting so forgive me if I go directly to the kink part but wooden spoon!! Such an underappreciated tool in fanfics when it's fairly common in rl (at least in my country). As always, it's incredible how much thought and time you invest into the story itself so that it never ends up as a mindless PWP and the situation is once again very believable.
I think you know by now how much I can't wait for the next update, so just keep being awesome, author!not-really-anon.
(also bravo to me, I am obvious even in my comments. Should I even bother with the anonymity)
Re: Sidecar [2d/3]
November 2 2011, 19:05:14 UTC
NewAnon here who likes spanking fics too. I think I might have read that other fill you mentioned, but I don't want to say, because I'm not certain.
Oh! Oh this! This is too good. I'm loving it. Of course, Arthur would be able to recognize a liquor by its smell--that was great. I loved reading Alfred's thoughts about Arthur's ultimatums. I like the way you've built things up so far, and look forward to reading the actual prompt portion of the fill.
More than promising, I'm quite sure this will be a fantastic fill.
This looks like it'll be a fun ride.
I love the dialogue already--and it looks like you're comfortable with the legislation of the era and historical backstory, anon! Kudos, kudos.
Can't wait to see where this goes ;P
I already wrote I love the setting so forgive me if I go directly to the kink part but wooden spoon!! Such an underappreciated tool in fanfics when it's fairly common in rl (at least in my country). As always, it's incredible how much thought and time you invest into the story itself so that it never ends up as a mindless PWP and the situation is once again very believable.
I think you know by now how much I can't wait for the next update, so just keep being awesome, author!not-really-anon.
(also bravo to me, I am obvious even in my comments. Should I even bother with the anonymity)
Oh! Oh this! This is too good. I'm loving it. Of course, Arthur would be able to recognize a liquor by its smell--that was great. I loved reading Alfred's thoughts about Arthur's ultimatums. I like the way you've built things up so far, and look forward to reading the actual prompt portion of the fill.
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