Part 15 - The Art of Persistence
November 20 2011, 00:19:50 UTC
The Art of Persistence
The art of love... is largely the art of persistence. ~Albert Ellis
Australia and America are competing for England's affection. Australia is sick of America being the favourite brother, America is sick of being a brother and would rather be a lover. Too bad they aren't communicating. Prompt here:
England 1.
November 20 2011, 00:21:38 UTC
EnglandIt was April, 1770, a beautiful, sunny day on the other side of the world. No nation arrived to greet England, either with a spear or a smile, the first time he set foot on the Terra Australis Incognita of old Roman texts Netherlands had finally proved existed after all. It was a good thing, he thought, keeping a future settlement in mind. It was hard to say why some corners of the world gave birth to their kind and others didn’t, but at least this place wouldn’t offer much in the way of resistance
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Re: England 1.
November 20 2011, 00:22:51 UTC
“Don't 'assle askin' me, oi'm not blatherin' ter yer the-day,” Ireland snapped. But he didn’t seem all that mad, thankfully; no weapons in the tea table was always a good thing
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Australia 1.
November 20 2011, 00:24:39 UTC
AustraliaThe first thing New South Wales remembered was lying in grass, looking at the bright blue sky. This was before he knew his name was New South Wales, of course. There was a cute, fluffy, gray animal sleeping beside him and he named her Koala, but it didn’t occur to him to give himself a name. He lied down in the grass and watched clouds for a long time, but then he got hungry. He cried a little, but he was still hungry and no one came, so he wiped his tears with the back of his hand, took his Koala in his arms and went to look for someone who would feed him
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Re: Australia 1.
November 20 2011, 00:26:56 UTC
America, England’s precious favourite brother. Duffer, not-know-his-own-best America who had betrayed England and now England didn’t want anything to do with Australia either because of him. Australia hated America long before he saw the nation, learned to find him from a map, learned what his flag looked like. Fucking precious, rich America whose loss had hit England so hard. What could Australia offer that was better? He named his new colony Victoria after Queen Victoria, but it didn’t make him feel much better
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Re: Australia 1.
November 20 2011, 00:27:47 UTC
“Well, you certainly have my attention now,” England said. Australia had a feeling his big brother meant something by it, but he didn’t know what. But England hadn’t told him to go back and he wasn’t the type to be shy about this stuff so Australia smiled. He laughed and climbed England’s desk and hugged England. England scolded him for ruining his papers, but those were about Australia anyway so he didn’t feel guilty. He could just tell England whatever he needed to know
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America 1.
November 20 2011, 00:29:03 UTC
America never hated England. He was mightily angry at England for a good long while, but that isn’t the same thing. England was the one who took him in when he was just a little babe, fed him and let him crawl beside him when America got scared of the ghost-voices in the wind, the one who took time off minding his very busy Empire to play with him and mend his clothes by the fireplace when it snowed outside, the one who taught him to make snowmen and taught him to shoot a riffle. That last one… it kind of hurt, later. But he had to go through with the war, however much it hurt. He was his own person, his own nation, why couldn’t England understand that
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Re: America 1.
November 20 2011, 00:30:43 UTC
He didn’t know England had felt very guilty after Gallipoli, that even a small scratch on this nation was a big deal now. He didn’t even know himself, not really
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Re: A!A can take concrit
December 1 2011, 16:15:48 UTC
What I wanted to say is that phonetic accents are hard to read and understand. Maybe you could point that Wales or Scotland have an recent without writing them?
Re: A!A can take concrit
December 7 2011, 00:35:13 UTC
I concede they make reading this a bit harder, but I have always personally found it silly when a character is mentioned to have a thick accent and then their line are written Oxford perfect. Luckily, though, both Wales and Scotland's speaking parts should be over now, if I'm not making any changes to the planned storyline, so there will only be Australia's much lighter accent.
Re: America 1.
November 20 2011, 05:09:03 UTC
Not OP, but I ~adore~ this new fill so much! The way you handle different POVs makes it really obvious how much miscommunication is going on. (Eeeee! Why do I love seeing that so much?) And Australia! I'm now a raving fan of determined-greedy-best-brother-ever!Australia
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Re: America 1.
November 20 2011, 08:25:47 UTC
oh boy, I love it already.Especially the facts that America's and Australia's goals are different. Both points of view are just hilarious. Can't wait for more.
this description is priceless "America was never one to give in first, even when he had no earthly clue what the challenge was about."
Re: America 1.
November 20 2011, 17:59:08 UTC
Everything about this pleases me. The prompt itself made me giggle, the appearance of Scotland and Wales, the Australian history, the reminder that America was also a convict dumping ground (yeah, I'm sure those things didn't influence Oz and Al for the worse, England), and sibling rivalry..!
Re: Australia 2.
November 23 2011, 00:17:03 UTC
Everybody needs a confidant and Australia had always been fond of Wales. Not as fond as he was of England, of course, but Wales had always been protective of him and Australia could talk with him about things he couldn’t with England - namely, he could talk of England. And while Australia saw New Zealand more often, thanks to their geography, he was just so… straight-laced. And sensible. New Zealand always gave good advice, but not the kind of good advice Australia wanted
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The Art of Persistence
The art of love... is largely the art of persistence. ~Albert Ellis
Australia and America are competing for England's affection. Australia is sick of America being the favourite brother, America is sick of being a brother and would rather be a lover. Too bad they aren't communicating.
Prompt here:
America never hated England. He was mightily angry at England for a good long while, but that isn’t the same thing. England was the one who took him in when he was just a little babe, fed him and let him crawl beside him when America got scared of the ghost-voices in the wind, the one who took time off minding his very busy Empire to play with him and mend his clothes by the fireplace when it snowed outside, the one who taught him to make snowmen and taught him to shoot a riffle. That last one… it kind of hurt, later. But he had to go through with the war, however much it hurt. He was his own person, his own nation, why couldn’t England understand that ( ... )
What I wanted to say is that phonetic accents are hard to read and understand. Maybe you could point that Wales or Scotland have an recent without writing them?
this description is priceless "America was never one to give in first, even when he had no earthly clue what the challenge was about."
And England's obliviousness. >_
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