USUK, Port/England Marriages and (no) divorce
August 31 2011, 10:13:49 UTC
America loves England, England loves America, so America prepares to seal the deal of their special relationship and asks England to marry him. And England accepts only to be told that-
Problem. England is still married to Portugal from back when they were young.
Problem. Portugal doesn’t want a divorce and refuses to sign the papers.
Battleships [prologue]
August 31 2011, 11:05:49 UTC
Hasty!anon here with a placeholder prologue whilst I unknot the inklings of a plot - and remind myself to work on the other Portugal + USUK fill I'm working on
( ... )
September 2 2011, 05:51:52 UTC
No, just hasty, though, the prologue is absolutely titchy, so I don't think there's anyway BUT fast to write it.
Gone for an extreme Port, partially to represent the fact Portugal is a country of quite some extremes (huge rich/poor divide, &c.) and also to convey her quick-thinking attitude that made her a brilliant explorer. Ask questions later, dive in first sort of nation is how I always pictured her.
And of course she's nutty as a block of rocky road.
Battleships [1a/10]
September 2 2011, 05:42:39 UTC
America yawned, stretching back against his oversized pillows, and batted at the dazed sunlight as it fell onto the sheets, staining the crumpled covers with a waxy, resin gold. England shifted, and flopped his arm across America's chest with a muffled, "Stop moving around, boy." Curling his fingers along America's sternum, England leaned forward, shifting and finding the perfect place to shamelessly snuggle against America's stomach. Instead, America laughed - the movement crawling across the long, smooth body, and England could hear the laugh as a hum in America's skin. Shuffling to fold his arms over America's stomach, England leaned his head in the fold of his arms, and sighed reluctantly at America. "You're more fidgety than a rabbit."
All he got was a series of effeminate giggles - something he naturally remarked upon.
"You giggle like a schoolgirl."
And the giggles blossomed, languidly turning into a smooth laugh.
"Who just talked to the quarter back, ooh," America stretches, muscles tightening and then loosening as he
( ... )
Battleships [1b/10]
September 2 2011, 05:48:31 UTC
"It's'kay, I'll be right back, I'm sorry." America garbled out, drawing back already. "I forgot something really important and awesome and you'll love it." With that America stopped, punched forward to quickly kiss England again, and then he's already heading for the door. From the bed England gave a tolerant, soft huff.
America glanced back.
"Do hurry back." England tossed his gaze to the side of his bed, and curled his toes. "I love you." There, England's pride glittered even as his face turns a rather delicate pink
( ... )
Re: Battleships [1b/10]
September 2 2011, 06:16:51 UTC
Oh god, how can America be that ridiculous yet still adorable? *facepalm* Huh, I think it's probably okay for England to be soft and in an unusually good mood; it just sounds like it's too early for him to be all snarky and tsundere. Besides, his good mood gives America a wonderful opportunity, right? ;D
September 2 2011, 09:42:20 UTC
He's such an adorkable fella' in his own inanity~
It does lend itself to wonderful opportunities, and you're right - England probably has to stand in front of the bathroom mirror and glare and grimace at it like Mr. Bean to get his "tsun" on each morning. Same way normal people brush their teeth~
Re: Battleships [1b/10]
September 2 2011, 08:08:28 UTC
Pftt, America giggling like a schoolgirl while groping England's ass? Priceless. <3
Nah, England's not too soft or UKe; it's just hard to be tsundere or whatever when you're well-fucked and about to get laid again. Especially when you're obviously smitten with each.
And god, your Port is such an amazing tomboy; I get the feeling she's given England a lot of friendly bruises over the years. If America isn't too clueless to notice her, I bet he's jealous. ... Even if he is too clueless, he's about to notice her big time, judging from that prompt. (Duh, self.)
Anyway. Did England give her the (nick)name Pip, I wonder?
September 2 2011, 09:54:35 UTC
We all know America giggles like a schoolgirl ;D
Thanks for the reassurances that England's not behaving like a weepy woman in her third trimester or something silly, and excellent point about the smitten and the well-fucked and aa, I feel a lot better about how his character came out in these first parts with the points you guys raised. It would probably have been better to write it aware of those points - but hey~
Short and feisty Portugal~ England's lucky she's largely been on his side over the years, but that doesn't stop friendly punches and throwing him overboard &c.
Pip is the nickname England uses for her, quite so. Though her full name is...
Filipa Portia Cavalho Costa Gaunt Avis, or just Filipa Avis. Though, I suppose Portia, and Costa are subject to change as I unknot her character in collaboration with my portuguese!friend xD
And no, just putting it on the Fill page, now that I've finally hit the plot and all...
Battleships [2a/10]
September 2 2011, 09:31:31 UTC
England traced little circles in his ankles, gazing wistfully after his socks, as he considered crouching precariously (and unbecomingly) over the side of the bed to try and get his shirt, and those lovely, dignified socks of his. Whilst he would have liked to have at least some of his body covered, the chances of America bursting back into the room at any moment, he hoped, were abnormally high. He just wanted something to do really, and maybe - he curled his toes - socks. His socks, however, were wedged between the wall and bed. With an overt grumble, England gave in, twisted round and shoved his arm down the side of the bed, butt invitingly facing the doorway. The doorway he sincerely hoped America would not come running through
( ... )
Problem. England is still married to Portugal from back when they were young.
Problem. Portugal doesn’t want a divorce and refuses to sign the papers.
Love this Port, she's nutty and brilliant, and your info... *flails*
Gone for an extreme Port, partially to represent the fact Portugal is a country of quite some extremes (huge rich/poor divide, &c.) and also to convey her quick-thinking attitude that made her a brilliant explorer. Ask questions later, dive in first sort of nation is how I always pictured her.
And of course she's nutty as a block of rocky road.
Glad you like her =]
Actually, maybe when I get to the end of part 2, since there isn't really any plot until then =//=;
Nothing like throwing England overboard <3
UD is up, and working to put another one up in about two hours or so~
All he got was a series of effeminate giggles - something he naturally remarked upon.
"You giggle like a schoolgirl."
And the giggles blossomed, languidly turning into a smooth laugh.
"Who just talked to the quarter back, ooh," America stretches, muscles tightening and then loosening as he ( ... )
America glanced back.
"Do hurry back." England tossed his gaze to the side of his bed, and curled his toes. "I love you." There, England's pride glittered even as his face turns a rather delicate pink ( ... )
It does lend itself to wonderful opportunities, and you're right - England probably has to stand in front of the bathroom mirror and glare and grimace at it like Mr. Bean to get his "tsun" on each morning. Same way normal people brush their teeth~
Thank you for the soft!uk reassurance <3
Nah, England's not too soft or UKe; it's just hard to be tsundere or whatever when you're well-fucked and about to get laid again. Especially when you're obviously smitten with each.
And god, your Port is such an amazing tomboy; I get the feeling she's given England a lot of friendly bruises over the years. If America isn't too clueless to notice her, I bet he's jealous. ... Even if he is too clueless, he's about to notice her big time, judging from that prompt. (Duh, self.)
Anyway. Did England give her the (nick)name Pip, I wonder?
Thanks for the reassurances that England's not behaving like a weepy woman in her third trimester or something silly, and excellent point about the smitten and the well-fucked and aa, I feel a lot better about how his character came out in these first parts with the points you guys raised. It would probably have been better to write it aware of those points - but hey~
Short and feisty Portugal~ England's lucky she's largely been on his side over the years, but that doesn't stop friendly punches and throwing him overboard &c.
Pip is the nickname England uses for her, quite so. Though her full name is...
Filipa Portia Cavalho Costa Gaunt Avis, or just Filipa Avis. Though, I suppose Portia, and Costa are subject to change as I unknot her character in collaboration with my portuguese!friend xD
And no, just putting it on the Fill page, now that I've finally hit the plot and all...
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