Hetalia kink meme part 23

Jun 03, 2012 14:54

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 23



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Greece/fem!Japan - AU, forbidden love between circus freak and normal human anonymous August 25 2012, 11:56:53 UTC
A traveling circus sometime during the Victorian era/early 20th century has a freakshow as one of its main attractions. However, instead of the usual tattooed men and dwarfs, this freakshow has a lot more exotic and interesting oddities from all over the world (think snakeman!Arthur and similar ones), one of them a Japanese woman with giant butterfly wings growing out of her back. Then one day she meets and befriends a young Grecian man who eventually joins and works for the circus. Eventually the two fall in love and start a relationship - much to the displeasure of others around them. Up to filler whether they stay together in the end or not (if the latter, not because they broke up but because fate can be a very cruel force).

You can place in other nations as other freaks, circus members or visitors, too.

Also, an intimate scene or two is alright, as long as it's not explicit and it's not non-con/dub-con.

Bonus 1: No one dies.
Bonus 2: Greece and fem!Japan meet by way of missing/found cat.


Πεταλουδα [1a/?] anonymous August 26 2012, 13:14:59 UTC
Title is transliterated as "petalouda", and is Greek for "butterfly." "Gáta" is Greek for "cat." "Konnichiwa" is Japanese for "hello", but I assume most people already know that.“I am poorly-educated, but eager to work ( ... )


Πεταλουδα [1b/?] anonymous August 26 2012, 13:17:35 UTC
Suddenly there is screaming and shouting above him as the audience cheers for its favourite. The eagle and bear rush for one another; the bear tries to grab the eagle, which darts and ducks and swoops upon him. Herakles realises the eagle can just tear the bear off it, which makes no sense given their sizes. Eventually,the eagle has the bear trapped beneath it, perched on his chest. It raises its fingers to the bear's necks, like sharp talons ready to slit a throat ( ... )


Πεταλουδα [1c/?] anonymous August 26 2012, 13:19:28 UTC
She, unlike the others, is not in a cage. She is sitting on a platform, cross-legged and completely still. Those black eyes are closed. He reaches forward and strokes along her forehead, as if she were a painting and he wishes to feel her texture. She is smooth, malleable. She doesn't react. Slowly he moves his finger downward, over her small nose until it rests against her lips. Slight moisture arrives on his fingertip, but yet still no reaction ( ... )


OP anonymous August 27 2012, 08:45:23 UTC
Hi there! Thanks for taking up my request~! I've just read your fill, and I'm getting excited as to what happens next. :D I like the sparsity of your writing style, and the air of mystery that surrounds the setting and fem!Japan's character especially. Your fill is making me ask so many questions! I hope they'll be answered soon by the end of the fic. I'm liking the characterizations too; I have a feeling Herakles is going to have a morality crisis later regarding his feelings for fem!Japan and his obligations to his fiancé, poor guy.

Though, um, please forgive me, but I do have a few nitpicks. First off, there are a few grammar errors in your story - in particular, "creatures subordinate to others" and "ring upon his finger" sound a bit off. When you write "It is Herakles job to set them up, to transport boxes . . .", there should be an apostrophe, making it "It is Herakles' job". (Note also, that because Herakles' name ends in s, it's just an apostrophe and not apostrophe s, i.e. Alfred's). Regarding Herakles, I also notice that ( ... )


A!A anonymous August 27 2012, 11:55:43 UTC
Nitpicks are fine! Constructive criticism helps us improve, after all. ^_^ Ah, I was kinda tired when I wrote this, and I am generally terrible at editing. About Arthur's speaking, though, I'm not sure there's such a difference between the "American" pattern and "English pattern", at least in this context? (I am neither English or American and have never seen any actual circuses, so y'know). But he's a performer, and is speaking in this casual context because well he wants to seem warm and energetic for his audience. He's a bit different in private. *shrug*

Yes, the eagle and the bear are meant to be America and Russia... The ticket-seller wasn't actually meant to be Italy, but hey I guess that works. ^_^


OP anonymous August 27 2012, 14:32:42 UTC
Oh, it's alright, :D I'm not very good at editing my stuff either, haha. ^^; And ah yes, okay, thanks for clarifying Arthur's speech patterns. :D

Yay, got two in one! XD But oh, haha, whoops looks like I got the ticket-seller wrong. ^^; Uh, is it New Zealand? Or who else has curly eyes in the cast? Haha please don't mind me. :P


A!A anonymous August 27 2012, 23:47:45 UTC
Well, I keep doing this thing where characters who don't actually exist in canon show up in my AU fics... I actually thought the dude was Wales, 'cause I was all like "huh, if Arthur's running this thing wouldn't the rest of the UK be here? Perhaps in management positions?" But there is no reason for you to listen to my strange justifications. Go with Italy, it makes more sense. xD


Re: Πεταλουδα [1c/?] anonymous September 1 2012, 07:14:30 UTC
This is very beautiful and imaginative, and done in a very lovely style, anon writer! I look forward to more of this ♥


Re: Πεταλουδα [1c/?] anonymous September 6 2012, 04:45:06 UTC


Re: Πεταλουδα [1a/?] anonymous September 7 2012, 08:37:17 UTC
Amazing work.


Πεταλουδα [2a/?] anonymous September 15 2012, 03:42:31 UTC
Hey guys, sorry about the long delay! Basically I was half-way through writing this chapter when my dad decided to upgrade the computer and that went hideously wrong as things usually do on my computer, so I couldn't access this for like a week or so. Of note, I'm not entirely sure of how good a place this is to end the chapter, but well I have to give people something, right?


Startled by her sudden waking, he says the only thing he can think of.

"Yia sas."

She smiles at him and bows her head. It's only then he notices the silver chains around her wrists. Oh.

They stand their silently for a few moments - before he realises she has no idea who he is, nor does she speak his language. "...Hello. I am Herakles." A pause. "What is your name?"

She sighs, looks down. "Gomen'nasai. Eigo ga wakamirasen."

He blinks. Well I didn't understand that. However... her voice, the words, the pattern it falls into. That's not English and he knows it. Now if only he had a clue what it was ( ... )


Πεταλουδα [2b/?] anonymous September 15 2012, 03:43:59 UTC
The weather has changed and it's raining. Not hard, mind you; a small drizzle that doesn't quite seep through the roof of Herakles' tent. He finds the rain quite calming, though the cold that accompanies it much less so.

Now, why did I do that?There are obvious reasons, of course. He met an attractive and mysterious woman; of all the ways to react to that, kissing her doesn't seem too outlandish. But that doesn't quite work. Maybe when he was a few years younger, and prone to fits of romantic whim like that - but he's trying to settle down now, now he must earn money and is going to be married ( ... )


Πεταλουδα [2c/?] anonymous September 15 2012, 03:45:32 UTC
They travel, although where to he's not sure. Eastward, he thinks. He and other workers are in a separate cart to the "attractions". He doesn't speak to his colleagues, partly because he doesn't speak the language and partly because he'd much rather sleep. So sleep he does, trying to block out the rather loud man ranting at his brother, who just sighs and accepts it (is that the ticket-seller from before?).

He wonders why Arthur wants to keep the groups anyway. Are the workers really a threat to the attractions? What will they do, starve on them? Herakles is here because he needs money, and he suspects he's not alone in this - it's a circus full of the lost and hopeless, he can tell.

Then he remembers the woman was chained. He shivers.

The woman. He must find a name for her. She probably has one, but if she told it to him he would never know. She is beautiful and elegant, and graceful, and mysterious. He could name her after any one of those properties, but it would not help him in restoring his own loyalty to his fiancé ( ... )


Re: Πεταλουδα [2a/?] anonymous September 15 2012, 04:58:07 UTC
Hey there! So glad to see this updated!
Just curious; is a!a a Japanese speaker?
Your Japanese for the most part is perfectly fine; there are only two things that caught my eye.
A better translation for "Eigo ga wakarimasen," would be "I do not understand English," as opposed to the more direct "Eigo ga hanashimasen," meaning "I do not speak English." Though in the end, they connote to the same thing.
Also, when I read the romanized "sawattekudasai," I immediately thought of "suwatte," or "sit," as opposed to "touch." I learned two terms for touch - fureru/furerimasu, to touch, and "(~ni) kandou (wo) suru/shimasu," "to be touched by~." If you have the kanji for sawatte, could I see it so I could ask my teacher about it? ouo;;

Okay enough with the Japanese - this fill is great! The language barrier between the two intrigues me as to how their romance will overcome such an obstacle, and your way of telling the story is quite compelling.

I look forward to much, much more!


Re: Πεταλουδα [2a/?] anonymous September 15 2012, 08:14:26 UTC
No, no I am not, so calling my Japanese "mostly perfectly fine" is actually quite a compliment. With "Eigo ga wakarimasen," I think I was struggling to remember exactly what I had looked up. With "sawattekudasai," that's what I got from looking the Japanese word for touch and it's conjugations (so I could find the command form); I'm not sure if it was correct. But no, I do not have the kanji. Sorry!

(I'm not a Greek speaker either, derp...)

But thank you!


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