humble request filler is shocked that no one has requested something like this before.
Setting: Alternate history in which the Axis won WWII, Germany controls the east coast of the US and Japan controls the west coast. (anyone ever read Man in the High Castle?)
Japan&Germany/prisoner of war!US.
You will earn humble request filler's eternal gratitude and love if you include Japan/Germany tension (after all, they both plan on attaining eventual world domination over each other...)Humble request filler would also greatly appreciate knowing what happened to other nation-tans after the axis victory (England? Russia? France? China? etc.) even if only mentioned in passing.
Re: o'er the land of the free [2/2]
April 26 2010, 23:36:52 UTC
this was absolutely GORGEOUS. figures that it takes a beautifully written hetalia fanfic to drum up an overflowing sense of pride for her country in this ameri!anon
Re: o'er the land of the free [2/2]
October 2 2011, 12:41:15 UTC
Immensely late anon would like to say that Alfred wasn't really one of my favourite characters before I read this, but, damn, you sure as hell made him one. Beautifully written and achingly sad, bookmarking for sure... several years late.
Setting: Alternate history in which the Axis won WWII, Germany controls the east coast of the US and Japan controls the west coast. (anyone ever read Man in the High Castle?)
Japan&Germany/prisoner of war!US.
You will earn humble request filler's eternal gratitude and love if you include Japan/Germany tension (after all, they both plan on attaining eventual world domination over each other...)Humble request filler would also greatly appreciate knowing what happened to other nation-tans after the axis victory (England? Russia? France? China? etc.) even if only mentioned in passing.
Human names prefered, but not imperative.
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