Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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Envious (1/6) anonymous April 1 2009, 05:57:42 UTC
In reply to: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/632.html?thread=382584#t382584It’s the beginning of spring and Ivan revels in the cool wind, grateful it’s not as icy as the gales around his own house. The ground squelches wetly beneath his boots, as he strolls up the hill Estonia’s place sits upon ( ... )


Envious (2/6) anonymous April 1 2009, 08:05:54 UTC
However, despite all this, there hadn’t ever been the level of understanding between them that the Baltic Brothers possessed. He’d never felt the need to comfort his sisters as Lithuania does Latvia, and to a lesser extent, Estonia. Belarus isn’t dependent, despite her current disposition to hang off his neck at any opportunity, not like Latvia sometimes does. Whilst Estonia’s quiet calm - oddly enough, when he wasn’t in the same room - was like a breath of fresh air for his siblings in a way that Ukraine’s logic and know-how wasn’t.

Overall, their emotional closeness was completely different to what Ivan knew of. Nor was there the sense of dependence between them because of those strands. He and his siblings didn’t need each other to survive, didn’t need each other’s arms or ears ( ... )


Envious (3/6) anonymous April 1 2009, 08:07:06 UTC
Estonia and Latvia try to hide the cringe that wracks their bodies as Lithuania reveals the crimson scars on his back (he’s become quite adept at ignoring them now; the awkwardness he feels hardly shows), as he lies on his stomach, on the bed. Ever since they’d healed enough for the brunette to wear a shirt comfortably, Ivan’s watched as Latvia carefully lathes each one with a soft, shy kiss and eventually long licks, his thin legs on either side of his older brother’s waist. Just like he is now. His thin hands tickle up the brunette’s sides, making Lithuania cheeks flush (so prettily) and his entire, lithe body squirm deliciously. He’s laughing again when they stop to dig into his arm pits ( ... )


Envious (4/6) anonymous April 1 2009, 08:08:28 UTC
Ivan can hear the need in Lithuania’s voice when he rasps, “Turn around, Eduard. I’ll,” He gulps, “I’ll prepare you.”

Estonia nods, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he also pants and swallows thickly. He slides from the bed and bares himself completely - he hardly folds his pants before he’s back on the bed. Lithuania had wriggled and stretched, looking like a writhing snake as he’d relieved himself of his own pants. Latvia’s slower - if Ivan didn’t know better, he’d have thought the boy was doing it for show - snapping the buttons apart and pulling the zipper down with a long ziiiiiiiipIvan doesn’t know who to admire first. Each of them have their own charm and they’re all attractive - naked, aroused or not. They’re all thin, all somewhat pale. Lithuania’s body is covered with more scars than either of his brothers’. Estonia’s is broader. Latvia is all soft lines and curves. Their cocks - Ivan has to bite his lip to keep from groaning - are all different, all gorgeous - Ivan’s tasted them all ( ... )


Envious (5/6) anonymous April 1 2009, 08:09:46 UTC
It’s Latvia’s turn to gasp as Estonia leans forward, catches his bottom lip between his teeth and sucks. He whimpers loudly as one of the blonde’s capable hands have cupped one side of Latvia’s bum, as the other slips down the boy’s front to grope at his balls, rolling them in his large hands and squeezing. Latvia’s shuddering immediately.

Lithuania’s green eyes are half shut as he watches. Finally, with a flicker of pink tongue on his lips, he’s panting, “I’m going to - to - is it alright, Eduard?”

“YesIt takes a bit of shifting, but soon, Lithuania’s pressing the tip of his cock against Estonia and Estonia’s panting, rubbing at Latvia carelessly as Latvia watches his face with the curiosity of a child ( ... )


Envious (6/6) anonymous April 1 2009, 08:14:46 UTC
When he looks back they’ve changed position. Lithuania is above them, hips bucking non-too-gracefully into Estonia’s. He rears back every few thrusts; hair mussed from the experience, before he’s leant over Estonia again, his forehead against the blonde’s back, his arms locked straight and planted on either side of Latvia’s waist. Latvia is on the bed, under Estonia, his back arching and his legs curled around Estonia’s waist. He cries out with every one of Lithuania’s thrusts, as they drive Estonia onto him. Their cocks are squeezed together between them, along with Latvia’s hand. Estonia’s are clenching the midnight duvet next to the boy’s shoulders.

“I’m - I’m going to,” Latvia stammers, his free arm wrapping around Estonia.

“Yes, same, oh,” Estonia answers, “Toris, h-harder. Please, just a bit more.”

“Faster, Raivis,” Lithuania clasps Estonia’s hips, I’m not going to l-aaaahIvan chokes back his own cry, his hand moving madly over himself. The boys are cumming. They’re beautiful, gorgeous, hot, lovely, all three of them, ( ... )


Not OP But... anonymous April 1 2009, 20:45:21 UTC
I was wondering when someone was going to fill this! Good job!


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 02:26:10 UTC
Oh my gosh. This is wonderful!


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 04:03:46 UTC
Anon this is amazing


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 04:21:37 UTC
I'm not OP nor did I ever see the original request for this before, but WOW. Anon, that was amazing. I'm awed at how perfectly you captured the relationship between the brothers themselves, as well as Ivan's feelings about that relationship -- and kept Ivan both a pitiable character and really creepy. Just... you have such a good handle on that entire situation, wow, I'm trying not to cry. ♥ Poor Baltics, yes, but poor Russia too...


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 10:20:04 UTC
I love everything about this, but most of all how Ivan was. I don't know how else to say it, I just think you've done it just right.


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 20:19:08 UTC
Not OP. Oh-oh God, this was beautiful and sexy, and most of all, painful at Russia's cost. ;_;

Loved it. ♥


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 23:07:44 UTC
This did not need a plot to do a brilliant job to convey the love and intimacy between the Baltics, and Russia's... well. I thought it was beautiful - and also, hot :)


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 3 2009, 03:07:30 UTC
That was amazing! I feel bad for everyone in this story, somehow! I mean... the boys, obviously, because of their physical and mental abuse at the hands of Ivan, but also for Ivan himself, with his delusions that the boys somehow love him, even as they betray him.

Makes me want to read some Russia fluff, you know? Just to let him have some real love too... but it never'll happen, 'cause that's REALLY OOC. XD


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 4 2009, 16:40:10 UTC
Oh, anon. Lovely, lovely job. My heart aches for everyone, and that... that really takes some work. This fic is beautiful and touching, and, I think, much more powerful because Russia doesn't stop them- maybe because he knows that if he did, they wouldn't have that safety that makes it possible any more.

Love for this, and for you.


Writer!Anon's feeling overwhelmed... anonymous April 6 2009, 12:33:05 UTC
It sounds pathetic, but it took me several tries to post this. Mostly because I was stuck between: "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! *glomp*" and "Holy Hell... They all sound so serious and, and honest... *tear*"

But, really, you guys are just so freakin' awesome. Thank you all so much. <3 Now I'm off to contribute more. Because this meme's addicting like that.


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