Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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anonymous May 29 2009, 03:18:48 UTC
Sorry ahead of time for fail!request... I'm also sorry if this is too long...


During a week-or-so-long conference the nations are staying in hotels all over the city. America stays up late and scares himself silly with a movie or something and the only other nation in his hotel available to share a bed with is Russia. Russia is not aware of America's long-standing habit and America tries to convince Russia to share a bed with him without admitting that he's scared.

If someone fills this they can decide if Russia finds out and how he reacts, but OP would like it if they do end up sharing a bed.


anonymous May 30 2009, 07:33:20 UTC
No Sleep For the Wicked [1/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 08:11:12 UTC
this is anon's first time filling a request. she greatly hopes someone will not think it crap. the "spy plane" mentioned is indeed this one. in case. well just in case. idk. i hope OP will enjoy it even if it is not exactly as wanted. ;___;


Russia wakes to a knocking at his door.

Being 3am in the morning there was only one person who would have the audacity to come knocking in on his door. And while his bed was actually warm, the pillows soft, the mattress an all consuming hatch for slumber. One name screeches through his mind and inflicts terror.

BelarusIt takes all of thirty seconds for him to roll out, and with utter disregard to the lamp and glass bottle resting atop it- proceed to barricade his door. He literally single handedly pulls the desk from its place against the wall and slams it against the door ( ... )


No Sleep For the Wicked [2/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 08:18:47 UTC
The ghost has a very grating American accent (grating because the accent is American, not because the voice is so), “I-I-“

And while the ghost quivers and shakes, its form becomes loose, Russia is thinking it is about to depart to the afterlife where it may rest for all eternity (as he’d like to be doing at the hour) but unfortunately it is not so, and now he is only wishing that he could send the country that had been beneath the sheet to the afterlife.

Because here that country is, ripping the sheet off, with his blue striped pyajamas, an insidious flare as he catches the sheet around over Russia, both hands fisting with sheet as it’s pulled against Russia’s back and that country cries, a rooster in the dawn, (but it’s not yet) “Caught you!”

They regard each other.

“America what are you doing.”

“Ah ha!” America laughs, and Russia wishes that Estonia had stayed and slept in his usual room, which is across from his. For America is being loud enough to have woke him and Estonia is not a morning person and then Russia might have ( ... )


Re: No Sleep For the Wicked [2/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 08:29:32 UTC
...now I want to see some Estonia/America.

And I loved loved how Russia whought that it was Belarus.


No Sleep For the Wicked [3/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 08:45:18 UTC
“Quit moving.”

“I can’t! I’m a living being you know.”

“Yes. But there are many ways to arrange that otherwise.”

America makes some sort of displeased sound in his throat, and it grows silent once again. Their backs are pressed against the other’s and Russia won’t share his quilt. Which America loudly protests to for a few minutes before Russia proceeds to (with little feeling, though America would have to disagree) kick his shin, and kick it hard all the while threatening to kick him out ( ... )


OP anonymous May 30 2009, 13:17:05 UTC
Writer!Anon! This is so cute! Don't worry about it not being exactly as I requested, I can't really see where it's deviated any :)

America’s breath is choppily felt against the back of his neck, he thinks a forehead is being leaned against it, fingers that tighten and loosen and tighten-

This has gotta be my favorite part I love little things like this <3


Re: No Sleep For the Wicked [3/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 14:01:40 UTC


Re: No Sleep For the Wicked [3/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 15:14:12 UTC
ILU wrter!anon - please accept internets!



No Sleep For the Wicked [4/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 16:43:01 UTC
i’m sorry. it turns out anon went to sleep. BUT HERE IS SOME MORE.Russia does not think America has ever thought words as carefully as these, and while he grips Russia’s arm too tightly (does he even know what he’s doing?) he replies, “…what kind of story ( ... )


No Sleep For the Wicked [5/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 16:46:21 UTC
He moistens his lips.

“But on the eighth night when she heard the crying once more, she realised, ‘It must be my baby!’ she had not looked under the covered crib since her child’s passing. And when she uncovered it-”

“No!” America starts next to him violently, burying his face in the crook of Russia’s neck, he shudders- “After all this is a scary story! Not again!”

Russia clears his throat in the silent way one might do, America has caved back to trembling. ‘Again?’ Russia thinks, but instead of saying anything, his fingers curl at the base of America’s hair, reaching up, his arm pressing on the length of America’s shoulders as a mean to pull him closer and America does. Given that earlier he had moved closer to begin with and had been waiting for this moment, this moment when he’d need to pull their bodies closer- pull them so they were touching ( ... )


Re: No Sleep For the Wicked [5/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 17:05:58 UTC

You actually scared ME whit that story... xD Good thing it wasn't a ghost or a zombie... but a baby... I'm not actually an America!Fan but in this fic he's so cute :3


Re: No Sleep For the Wicked [5/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 17:53:36 UTC
lkdjsfladfasdk THIS IS SO FABULOUS GOD

/F5s foreverrrrrr


Re: No Sleep For the Wicked [5/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 18:49:40 UTC
I don't normally like America either, but this fic is so good I adore him as well!

F5F5F5F5F5F5 alongside everyone else!


Re: No Sleep For the Wicked [5/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 19:04:16 UTC
If that story takes one more turn into creepy, Russia's not gonna be able to pry America off XD


Re: No Sleep For the Wicked [6/?] anonymous May 30 2009, 19:09:01 UTC
“The baby grew into a child, he could go to school, and play with the other children now. The young woman was very proud of him, though he grew quickly and ate a lot. She worried each day if she had enough food. If she could afford even more food. For with each day that passed her child grew ever more alarmingly ( ... )


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