More like it isn't in the USA's interests to let us go. (They get our strategic location as the "Key to the Antilles" and bodies to go to war and it would be too controversial to actually makes us a state.) Plus, We actually give more to the states than it gives to us since we're not a state, it's not like we're first on their welfare list. This anon however prefers more autonomy for the island if not full independence.
Anyway, it would be interesting to see a fic about this and especially if Spain is included.
United States/Puerto Rico
Female PR would be love, and making her tsundere would be epic, seeing as how PR loves to hate US but clings to it like a leech.
No. Anon is not saddened by the fact that we have Cuba but not PR. What are you talking about? |D;;;
Anyway, it would be interesting to see a fic about this and especially if Spain is included.
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