An Actual Fill: Of sorts...
June 21 2009, 08:30:15 UTC
yeah, okay...I thought I might try this...But it's totally a stab in the dark...and I'm sorry if you don't like the way your states are being potrayed...because fail!anon so did not do her homnework
"It seems as if we are all present. Shall we begin the World Summit?" A polite Japan offered.
"Wait. Someone isn't here quite yet." England interrupted, massaging his throbbing temples.
"If you're looking for Canada, he's right here y'know?" France replied, motioning to the shyly waving nation.
"I thought that was America!" Cuba yelled.
"No, I'm Canada! CA-NA-DA!"
"See, gitface! I was talking about America, he's late!" England snapped, crossing his arms. "Where the bloody hell is that wanker? I told him the meeting started at eight, sharp!"
"He could be having breakfast, aru. That would be understandable. Food is very important, aru." China piped in
( ... )
Re: An Actual Fill: Of sorts...
June 21 2009, 14:55:29 UTC
No need, anon. I'm digging a grave for myself so for when I die because of the lack of oxygen. Holy shit, I think I'm crying. ILU bb. I also don't sound coherent. /brb, dying
Re: An Actualy Fill: Of sorts... Pt. 2
June 22 2009, 10:27:56 UTC
Left out from the noisy mess, were a few states that made no indication of moving. The other nations, those who have been gratefully excluded from said mess. (And was that Hungary taking pictures?) Took notice of the states' idleness, and after a brief, silent debate, a "volunteer" was told to ask why
( ... )
"It seems as if we are all present. Shall we begin the World Summit?" A polite Japan offered.
"Wait. Someone isn't here quite yet." England interrupted, massaging his throbbing temples.
"If you're looking for Canada, he's right here y'know?" France replied, motioning to the shyly waving nation.
"I thought that was America!" Cuba yelled.
"No, I'm Canada! CA-NA-DA!"
"See, gitface! I was talking about America, he's late!" England snapped, crossing his arms. "Where the bloody hell is that wanker? I told him the meeting started at eight, sharp!"
"He could be having breakfast, aru. That would be understandable. Food is very important, aru." China piped in ( ... )
Oh my God. I feel so sorry for England because he sort of has the MOST kids.
Please tell me there's more! I'd love to see the continuation of this (and the 'fathers'' reactions).
"Now see here, America! I-!" England began but was rudely cut off as two voices squealed.
"Uncle Dad!" Two states broke away from the pack before jumping unto an unexpecting Canada.
"Hello Michigan, Minnesota." Canada managed to choke out as the duo wrapped their arms around their father.
"How'zit goin'Uncle Dad?" Michigan chirped, pulling away a little.
"You haven't bin visitin' lately." Minnesota pouted burying his head unto the nation's chest.
"They call you Uncle Dad, mon cheri?" France inquired.
"Well, of course they do! Canada is my brother after all. And at the same time he's their dad! So, I mean-yeah!" America vaguely explained.
"And you didn't object to it?" England spouted, incredulous.
"Well...that is it kinda just got stuck." Canada mumbled ( ... )
"Yeah, totally! I mean your kids have like, grandparents and uncles for their dads! That's like, so weird!" Poland commented.
"Seems normal to me!" Some of the southern states chorused, overhearing the conversation.
I almost shot milk out my nose. Awesome!
You need to link it in the Fill List though, so other people can read it too! XD (And aw, only one million per state? That's super cheap!)
Now its time to get that buried treasure of yours, you pirate!
Oh God. Hawaii. And the answer of the Southern states.
*slow claps*
"But some of them don't even look like me!" Spain protested.
"I blame immigration." America waved it off.
I laughed so hard! Genius!
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