Anyway, for my request, I would like Russia and Latvia sitting together, just chilling playing Playstation. Only thing is, Russia chose a plethora of terrifying survival horror games. I.e., Clock Tower, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, that kind of thing. Russia chides and scolds Latvia whenever he gets scared, and when one particular jumpy moment gets to be too much, Latvia switches off the system, Russia rewarding him with a kiss for 'bravery to prove my test, da'. :D
Anyway, for my request, I would like Russia and Latvia sitting together, just chilling playing Playstation. Only thing is, Russia chose a plethora of terrifying survival horror games. I.e., Clock Tower, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, that kind of thing. Russia chides and scolds Latvia whenever he gets scared, and when one particular jumpy moment gets to be too much, Latvia switches off the system, Russia rewarding him with a kiss for 'bravery to prove my test, da'. :D
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