You know how there are always those polls rating how people of a certain country or around the world view other nations? Yeah, those.
This poll of Americans' views of 15 countries has England and Canada topping the list. But, interestingly enough, France has made the biggest gain in Americans' hearts. But Cuba is also getting a better rating. China is about the same. Russia, however, has experienced a downturn.
(I know, it's a small poll. And it's too bad there's no India, Israel, or Mexico in APH either.)
I'd like the other Nations finding out about this poll and their reactions to it. But I'd really love to see them go about either "cementing" or "improving" (^_^ hint hint) their relations with America.
Re: The Distance Between 52 and 100 [Russia/US] [2 pages of 11]
June 28 2009, 11:06:13 UTC
And if someone can please teach this artist!anon how to post images, I will REALLY appreciate it *facepalm* I have read the book of rules... but it's either not written there, or I must be blind... HELP.
Re: The Distance Between 52 and 100 [Russia/US] [2 pages of 11]
June 28 2009, 11:41:29 UTC
Well, if you're anonymous, you need the DIV code. Which is:
Just put the URL where "IMAGE" is, the number of pixels of the width where the first "#" is and the number of pixels for the height where the second "#" is.
The spirit of the OP is communicating
June 28 2009, 19:37:00 UTC
Why only my spirit? Because dear Artist-anon, you have killed me with cute. And my spirit, unable to pass on to the Great Beyond because of anticipation of future installments, squees.
Lol, Ivan! You would show up at America's door at 3AM! That poor door had no chance against American annoyance and Russian...friendliness. The expressions are wonderful!
Previously Known as "The Distance Between 52 and 100" [Russia/US] [3-5/11]
July 6 2009, 04:39:01 UTC
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- Alfred was rude because Ivan just broke into his apartment at 3 in the morning, so please forgive his potty mouth. - I am not an expert in politics, but it seems that I tend to hear more news about Putin (Russia's former president) than Medvedev (Russia's current president). Not to stir up a debate or anything, and again, Alfred was being extra snappy due to the lack of sleep. - This was supposed to be crack!sex, but Ivan had decided to start angsting. And Alfred went with that... - What was I thinking... for some reason I thought Russia's score was 52! So ya... the title has been changed from "The Distance Between 52 and 100" to just "42" now *facepalm* This is so embarrassing. - Update will be slow. My vacation is over and I am now trying to catch up with work, but I will try my best.
You know how there are always those polls rating how people of a certain country or around the world view other nations? Yeah, those.
This poll of Americans' views of 15 countries has England and Canada topping the list. But, interestingly enough, France has made the biggest gain in Americans' hearts. But Cuba is also getting a better rating. China is about the same. Russia, however, has experienced a downturn.
(I know, it's a small poll. And it's too bad there's no India, Israel, or Mexico in APH either.)
I'd like the other Nations finding out about this poll and their reactions to it. But I'd really love to see them go about either "cementing" or "improving" (^_^ hint hint) their relations with America.
Since I can not write anything to save my own life, have some fanart... hopefully someone will enjoy them:
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Planned to be 11 page, but who knows. *walked away nervously*
I have read the book of rules... but it's either not written there, or I must be blind... HELP.
Just put the URL where "IMAGE" is, the number of pixels of the width where the first "#" is and the number of pixels for the height where the second "#" is.
Testing testing -
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It looks good. I await more. ^_^
Lol, Ivan! You would show up at America's door at 3AM! That poor door had no chance against American annoyance and Russian...friendliness. The expressions are wonderful!
Thanks for filling this. I can't wait for more.
This is so cute. I'm gonna save the whole thing once it's done (it would kill my internet right now, XD)
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- Alfred was rude because Ivan just broke into his apartment at 3 in the morning, so please forgive his potty mouth.
- I am not an expert in politics, but it seems that I tend to hear more news about Putin (Russia's former president) than Medvedev (Russia's current president). Not to stir up a debate or anything, and again, Alfred was being extra snappy due to the lack of sleep.
- This was supposed to be crack!sex, but Ivan had decided to start angsting. And Alfred went with that...
- What was I thinking... for some reason I thought Russia's score was 52! So ya... the title has been changed from "The Distance Between 52 and 100" to just "42" now *facepalm* This is so embarrassing.
- Update will be slow. My vacation is over and I am now trying to catch up with work, but I will try my best.
y-you are wonderful <3
and take your time with updating
anon knows that life takes time^^
This is what I do when I read the international news section in the paper. -_-;
Great job. Don't worry too much about the fill time. Just work at your own pace. I'm sure the op is grateful for you just doing the fill.
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