Yours If You'll Have Me 1/?
July 4 2009, 06:41:55 UTC
Random misleading title is random and misleading. D > Hopefully not too much of a longshot, though. btw, this is Anon trying to be coherent when she should be asleep. Perhaps I should write these during waking hours. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweden loved Finland. The soft fierceness contained in his small body had surprised and fascinated him since before they knew one another as anything more than shadows on the horizon. He felt compelled to protect the smaller nation from anything and everything that might disrupt the bubbly male's wellbeing.
So, it was only natural that, when Sweden became aware that Finland feared him, the larger nation distanced himself. He settled for watching Finland work, play with Hana Tamago, and interact with other nations from the porch. They ate and slept as they always had, although Sweden took to lying far from Finland in bed at night.
Yours If You'll Have Me 2/?
July 4 2009, 06:50:32 UTC
'Have I done something wrong?' Finland asked himself, over and over. Sweden was usually so affectionate (in his own cool, indirect way.) Why had he suddenly stopped clinging to Finland, and glaring at anyone who got too close?
He thought perhaps that Sweden just needed a little space, some time to himself. Being an intelligent, considerate nation, Finland tried for as long as he could to let his companion be.
"As long as he could" didn't last very long, however.
Finland was a man, after all, and men had certain needs. Perhaps Sweden, being an inexplicably different case, wasn't aware of such a fact. Finland would have to educate him.
Re: Yours If You'll Have Me 4/4
July 4 2009, 07:53:57 UTC
Somehow reading writer!anon's little small comments along with the ficlet had me lol'ing. Yup, I meant part 3.
Swedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!! Oh gosh you poor SLOW guy! I very very nearly want whack his head when he said "Fever?" and "Cold?" and oh man, Finland trying so hard to seduce him.
Not OP here but his anon just melted into a puddle of goo from too much silly sweetness. ^^
Re: Yours If You'll Have Me 4/4
July 5 2009, 08:00:41 UTC
Baw, but Sweden would just be more confused, think he'd done something terribly wrong, and end up being even more distant, which is definitely not what Finland wants.
btw, this is Anon trying to be coherent when she should be asleep. Perhaps I should write these during waking hours.
Sweden loved Finland. The soft fierceness contained in his small body had surprised and fascinated him since before they knew one another as anything more than shadows on the horizon. He felt compelled to protect the smaller nation from anything and everything that might disrupt the bubbly male's wellbeing.
So, it was only natural that, when Sweden became aware that Finland feared him, the larger nation distanced himself. He settled for watching Finland work, play with Hana Tamago, and interact with other nations from the porch. They ate and slept as they always had, although Sweden took to lying far from Finland in bed at night.
He offered no explanation.
Finland didn't ask for one.
Not aloud, at least.
He thought perhaps that Sweden just needed a little space, some time to himself. Being an intelligent, considerate nation, Finland tried for as long as he could to let his companion be.
"As long as he could" didn't last very long, however.
Finland was a man, after all, and men had certain needs. Perhaps Sweden, being an inexplicably different case, wasn't aware of such a fact. Finland would have to educate him.
But first, he needed a plan...
Swedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!! Oh gosh you poor SLOW guy! I very very nearly want whack his head when he said "Fever?" and "Cold?" and oh man, Finland trying so hard to seduce him.
Not OP here but his anon just melted into a puddle of goo from too much silly sweetness. ^^
x3 I thoroughly enjoyed writing Sweden's slowness.
....Good thing I'm not him
Oh man. Golden opportunity, much? Sweden, you moron.
"All the things he could do with such size and strength. All the things he could do that he didn't because he was kind."
I melted inside. Beautiful, anon. (´ω`)
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