Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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anonymous July 12 2009, 06:14:18 UTC
Switzerland/Austria; frottage, a bit of Vash's angry tsundere mode & Austria's sense of self importance. Would prefer real names, but it doesn't make too much of a difference.

The two get into an argument somehow & emotions escalate. After a bit of shouting, Vash pins Roderich to a convenient wall and then realises that there's probably a much faster way he could be getting his point across. idek.

Bonus points for swearing in their respective languages.
reCAPTCHA; shout aug, hahaha.


Congress of Vienna (1/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 11:48:49 UTC
Anon would like to say that this is their first time filling a request & is writing it when sick, so apologizes for any inherent fail. :| /nervous


No matter how hard they tried, they were really getting nowhere alarmingly fast.

Needless to say, the Congress of Vienna wasn’t going all that well. There had been so much bickering, arguing and pointless observations that Vash was beginning to wonder whether it had been prudent of him to attend at all, judging by the pain of the cluster headache he was getting. Not only that, but the entire damn thing was being held in Roderich’s disgustingly extravagant place, and the very thought of having to stay with him and the rest of the rabble during these endless negotiations was not something that sat well with the Swiss man. Of course, they’d called recess after recess to try and let tempers cool and in the hope that people would come back to the meeting with their heads screwed on the right way, but Vash had yet to see any results from these half-measures ( ... )


Congress of Vienna (2/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 13:04:27 UTC
The Austrian paused at Vash’s icy tone, but shrugged it off in a matter of seconds, that unerring smile remaining on his face. “There isn’t. I was merely curious as to why, considering there’s an early start tomorrow. Don’t you think you should be getting some sleep?”

Vash crossed his arms as the other crossed over the room to stand unwelcomingly next to him, his glare as venomous as it had been when he’d come in. “You’re the last person that I’ll follow the advice of, thanks.” A pause as he resumed looking out of the massive paned window; at least it was better than staring at that smug face. All that made him want to do was wipe the smile off of it, preferably with something hard. “And, I don’t appreciate you coming in here uninvited and then acting as if nothing is amiss between us. It’s incredibly infuriating.”

This statement caused a chuckle to slip past Roderich’s lips. “I wasn’t aware that I had to invite myself into rooms in my own house, nor did I realize that anything was ‘amiss’, as you put it-“

Snap.“Cut the goddamn act ( ... )


Re: Congress of Vienna (2/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 14:46:32 UTC
I just want to tell author!anon that they're probably my most favorite person of the day for this. <3 <3 <3


Re: Congress of Vienna (2/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 20:13:19 UTC
Nervous author!anon is very pleased that someone is enjoying this!


Re: Congress of Vienna (2/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 18:40:26 UTC
ohhhh, Author!anon, this is amazing! I love it so much! I love the way you write them; they're so perfectly IC and dgksdhgkjdhgjkdshgkjshgdsg. Can't wait for more! <3


Re: Congress of Vienna (2/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 23:15:37 UTC
Author!anon is relieved that people think they're in character! ;; Will do my best to deliver more soon.


Congress of Vienna (3/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 20:50:27 UTC
“D-Des is jo zerebrale Onanie! What in the name of hell has gotten into you, you childish idiot?”

“I’m sick of you!” Vash hissed, unrelenting in his attack as he held the other against the window, dangerously close now that he had him trapped. “I’m sick of your narcissism, I’m sick of your attitude and I’m sick of the way that you think that I can’t do anything for myself!”

Roderich growled in annoyance, his own hands reaching up to grab the Swiss man’s forearms in some hope of dislodging him. “With this sort of temper, I’m not seeing anything wrong with my judgement.”

“You forget,” The blond began, his voice low as he shoved the other against the window once more. “That once I was the one that decided what happened to you ( ... )


Re: Congress of Vienna (3/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 22:39:28 UTC
Yes!!! Something historical between them!!! \o/ First time? This is brilliant! They're totally IC and I'm enjoying their interaction in this! ^^

I would have thought that Vash's eyes are green. Yea, green instead of blue. Kinda like blue-green. ^^

Keep it coming!!!


Re: Congress of Vienna (3/?) anonymous July 13 2009, 23:02:24 UTC
Oh. Ohhhh. ; Whoops! I'll keep that in mind for the next part. orz;;

Author!anon is pleased you like it.


Re: Congress of Vienna (3/?) anonymous July 14 2009, 13:42:11 UTC
Anon thinks it's great! <3
Awww, I love how it's written and everything. <3
Can't wait for the next part, Writer!Anon - you're doing great work! *_*
ILU, wanna have my children?


Re: Congress of Vienna (3/?) anonymous July 15 2009, 05:43:28 UTC
I-I'm really happy you like it! :D;

Children? ... free slave labour? Sure. |D


Re: Congress of Vienna (3/?) anonymous July 14 2009, 17:48:19 UTC


This is amazing, you are amazing, and you can have my internets. :) Austria/Switzerland is my otp, and they totally don't get enough love on this meme. I lovelovelove that this is being written, and it's so...perfect. The characterizations. <3


Re: Congress of Vienna (3/?) anonymous July 15 2009, 06:39:23 UTC
My first internets! 8D /treasures them forever

Haha, I'm so glad people think they're in character. I've been fretting about it heaps while writing because I've never written them before, but... they're kind of fun, and totally my OTP as well. So I'm hoping to do a lot more Austria/Switzerland for the meme in the near future? C':


Congress of Vienna (4/?) anonymous July 15 2009, 05:40:13 UTC
It was a little odd to see the other without his glasses on and Vash was surprised that he could even see what he was doing without them, considering how blind he must be to wear them all the goddamn time; though, as he felt lithe fingers grabbing at his wrists to pin him to the table he was lying prone on, something told him he should be paying attention elsewhere. Automatically, Vash’s brain kicked into defensive mode and he snarled as he began to struggle, one arm escaping capture to knock another pile of manuscripts clear off the table as he fought to regain control of the situation ( ... )


Congress of Vienna (5/?) anonymous July 15 2009, 06:15:10 UTC
They connected suddenly, the blond letting out a surprised yell as he hit the ground- after all, Roderich was by no means a small man, and being crushed with such force wasn’t something he’d particularly been expecting a few moments ago. Pale face contorting with rage, he realised that he still had the other’s cravat in his hand and yanked on it, the fancy knot coming undone from all the abuse it had stood during their fight so far. With the Austrian’s hands at his chest and at the kind of proximity that he wasn’t used to, Vash didn’t even care what he was doing anymore. He wanted something, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on, but his mind was so blurred with fury and betrayal that his hands seemed to be working on their own accord, the cravat slipping through his fingers to land unceremoniously on the floor as he moved on to Roderich’s pretentious coat, instead ( ... )


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